It's the same with most fad diets. There is no reason, other than a health issue, to eliminate carbs, or naturally occurring fats, or even refined sugar from your diet. The key, as with everything else, is moderation. There is no one at all holding sharp or projectile-ejecting objects to your person and demanding that you super-size that meal.
My daughter is a type 1 diabetic who's been diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, currently not requiring medication, thank all the gods. Trust me, diets are something I deal with daily. She eats as normally as possible, within reason, and primarily fresh foods and homemade foods. Junk food has never been a staple for us, even before her diagnosis.
My son is a fairly high-functioning autistic. My daft bugger proposed a gluten-free, dairy-free diet for him after reading an interview with Jenny McCarthy. I told him in no uncertain terms that I don't get my information from the pages of People magazine, and when JAMA and the Lancet told me to starve my son, I'd still want to see a few more opinions from reputable doctors not affiliated with any crackpot organizations. It was worth the price of a new skillet, trust me.