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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Reviews, sadly, are scarce, and good concrit scarcer. I love good concrit.
  2. Actually, I've seen authors targeted and bombarded with low ratings because they've written an "unpopular" pairing in a fandom. While you cannot rate a story more than once at a time, I believe you can rate a story again once someone else has rated it. It's also entirely anonymous, which tends to bring out the very worst in people. Ratings may not be a criteria for bumping a story up in the listings, or a search criteria, but it can and has been used punitively. (This is strictly from my position as a moderator, mind you. As an author, I would like ratings, please. )
  3. In all honesty, I don't put a great deal of faith in the ratings counter as it currently stands. It's far too easy to abuse, and I've seen perfectly dreadful stories get a huge amount of high ratings despite horrific grammar, rampant misspellings, and a complete disregard for punctuation and formatting. The only true test of a story is to begin reading. If it appeals, continue, and hopefully thank the author with a review. If it fails to hold your interest, either click that back button, or leave the author a review with a little constructive criticism.
  4. Hi, and welcome to AFF! We're very glad to have all members, old and new, chime in and let us know what they think about the site, and about specific features. Having said that, I do know that the hit counters are not IP or session-ID sensitive, unlike the ratings feature. I cringe whenever I post a story, and have to go back to edit the centering, which never takes for some reason, because I know I'm bumping myself by a hit. It's one of the areas that has not yet been updated as we roll out some upgrades to the archive code. The ratings feature is slated to be amended, and while I'm not sure if the hit feature is also on the list, we can certainly put this one out for the admins and coders to think about. Thank you for bringing this up, and welcome again!
  5. Link for suggested story: What a Witch Needs by Petalsoft
  6. We can merge the duplicate accounts for you. What we'd need is the pen names on the accounts, the pen name you want to keep, and I can get the rest of the information I need with that. Then I can submit your accounts for merging. You might need to reset your password once the merge is complete, but our admin will let you know about that.
  7. As long as the email address is the same for both accounts, I do believe our admin, DemonGoddess061, can locate both accounts for you.
  8. Personally, I use the Rich Text Editor, since the Upload option will be going away soon: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/3552-how-to-add-a-story-using-rte/
  9. Without knowing the account, I can't check. I'm only showing one account for user Star_Song, and the email associated with that account is not associated with any other accounts. One thing to try is to clear your browser cache and history, log out of AFF (even if you think you are logged out) and then close the browser completely to allow the cache and history to be cleared. Restart your browser and try logging in to AFF using the upper right-hand fields. Hopefully, this will let you access the account properly.
  10. Is this regarding your archive account? If so, can you give me the url, user ID, or pen name for that account? Thanks!
  11. Link for above: The Tale of Jack by DancingGrimm
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