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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. 33357
  2. 33355
  3. 33353
  4. 33351
  5. 33349
  6. 33347
  7. 33345 ::pets::
  8. 33343
  9. 33341
  10. 33334
  11. 33332
  12. 33330
  13. 33328
  14. 33326
  15. It is found here at: Trust by Merciless
  16. Links for above story: Snow Bunny by RabidCreature
  17. 33323
  18. 33320
  19. 33318
  20. 33316
  21. 33314
  22. Rats, that's right... I obviously am seriously undercaffeinated today...
  23. The story you're looking for is Adaptation by Ayato. It's been taken down for publication, which it richly deserves, because it's an amazing story.
  24. 33311
  25. The profile hyperlinks are within certain fields only. As I understand it, the archive stories do not have that capability, and I'm fairly sure that's not on the list of things to be added. On the other hand, stock in the makers of most OTC analgesics will soar if it is. Our archive is usually enough of a challenge for many of our members.
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