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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. In all honesty, I think writing, and the inherent escapism of living for a time in another world of one's own creation, is probably one of the healthiest and sanest responses to stress that there is. It's often easier to face hard issues in the settings we create and control, and I'm frequently surprised when I see a solution to a real life problem after I've been writing about something quite different. The skills I use as a writer to resolve conflict in my stories and among my characters seem to trigger a sort of thinking outside the box effect in my real life, if that makes any sense.
  2. You can promote the story here, and link to the AFF location, but we ask that you not mention the other places where it might be posted in this thread. We do have the Great Wall of... thread where offsite links can be posted, however.
  3. If they don't actually stay dead, the MCD is probably overkill. Just saying. Unless they come back as something incorporeal, in which case MCD is probably needed.
  4. Well, of course, because it's an awesome book!
  5. Congratulations! I just hit up Amazon for a copy for my Kindle.
  6. Link for above: Strong Heart by Camaro
  7. This is a pretty vague sort of challenge... I doubt you'll generate a whole lot of interest without some parameters.
  8. I will state, as one of the archive moderators, I rarely warn an author if the only tag missing is NoSex, just like I don't warn for a missing M/F tag if the story is in the Het subcategory. It honestly shouldn't matter, and I say that as an author as well as a moderator. Adult fiction means a great deal more than erotica. It can mean dealing with darker themes: loss, anxiety, depression, and the like. There's no requirement that stories here have sex, and there's not even a requirement that stories contain "adult" content. Many authors come here simply because we are an actively moderated archive, and we respond to our members promptly when there is a question or an issue, such as suspected plagiarism. It makes the authors feel safe, because we care about their stories as much as they do. There are sites that only permit erotic content. We are not one of them, and I for one am quite proud of that.
  9. Or you could read it here on AFF: Night Patrol by sheltie87
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