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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Links for above: Love Bites by Ms_Figg
  2. 33515
  3. 33512
  4. SGS, you've been around long enough to know that I'm pagan, and have been all my life. So yes, treating my beliefs cavalierly will put my back up. Consider it as having poked me. And warlocks are not magical, nor are witches, druids, shamans or witch doctors. I'll disregard the flippancy of the tooth fairy, in the spirit of being helpful. Witches practice magic. Witch doctors practice magic to some extent. Druids and shamans do not practice magic. They are more akin to priests and/or oracles. Warlocks are not a magical class in the real world, WoW notwithstanding. But none of them are magical creatures, unlike the fey, who are magical creatures. You can choose to disregard the real-world definitions of these roles, but in that case, you should not come here and ask for assistance with researching these things. All you do is frustrate those of us for whom these things have significance. Instead, consult the WoW Wiki.
  5. 33510
  6. 33508
  7. 33506
  8. 33504
  9. 33502
  10. 33500
  11. 33498
  12. 33495
  13. Could it be Veela Heart by Slayer-of-Destiny?
  14. You can put them in the main story summary, which avoids the chapter-spoilers. That's perfectly fine. You could even put them all at the top of the first chapter, if they don't fit in the summary field, which is only 240 characters. As long as they are somewhere a reader will see them, and know what to expect in the course of the story, we're good. The reasoning is that certain things are triggers, and we don't want readers getting blindsided by running into content they'd not willingly have read. And in the forum thread, if you wanted to include them in the index, next to each chapter, that's absolutely fine as well. Since readers would find the index url after reading a chapter, it certainly wouldn't be a spoiler for them.
  15. We actually only allow an index in the case of a drabble or oneshot collection. A summary is permitted as a chapter on its own only in the case of a round robin, where the author initiating it sets forth the rules and procedures. As far as tags, we would require those to be in the actual chapter, or in the story summary on the archive page. Having said all that, what you CAN do is create this index and summary, with links to the chapters, right here in the forum. You can then add the url for the index thread in the story, at the top or bottom of each chapter if you'd like. I'd recommend using one of the Fan Fiction threads, as most of us do for review replies, because those threads are open to forum guests to read and reply.
  16. The author hasn't been around for a couple of years, so it doesn't look too hopeful, but I've seen stories get picked back up after an even longer hiatus.
  17. I believe the story you are looking for was written by Fallen, and was called Inversion. Sadly, the story was taken down, presumably by the author since I'm not seeing any staff action with regard to the story. I remember this story myself, and it was excellent, so I'm sorry it's gone.
  18. Links for above: Abandoned Child by Dreamer27
  19. 33493
  20. 33491
  21. 33489
  22. 33487
  23. 33485
  24. someonenotme removed all stories from the Internet and will not be putting them back up anywhere. For anyone who may have retained a personal copy, please observe the author's wishes and do not distribute that story to anyone.
  25. 33483
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