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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. It's been my experience that a character like this usually has something I haven't found out yet that will explain his crazy. By a certain point, the characters are pretty much dictating the story to me anyway.
  2. Lots of authors do updates via Twitter and Facebook as well, or post update information on other blog sites like Tumblr. Your best bet is to check the author profile, and see if they list any sites where they post updates. If the author posts updates in our Promote a Story thread, you can follow that author's topic, and get email notifications that way. Aside from all that, all you can do is do what CL recommends, and ask the author.
  3. 33656
  4. 33652
  5. 33648
  6. 33646
  7. Sometimes the best thing to do is break all the rules. Not only is it fun, but it can work so well!
  8. It occurs to me people won't get my reviews, so... Right Like Rain Holy... what an ending! I was not expecting that at all, but that was entirely appropriate for a Halloween story. But ouch, the kids... Awesome story, KoKoa! ::applauds:: and Tricky Treats Oh, dear sweet hairy trolls on pogo sticks, that was AMAZING! I was laughing throughout the entire story, and I'm in love with the banter. The fourth wall is rubble, the characters are out of control, and that was just brilliant parody. Honestly, I am SO glad you're writing, DA! This is awesome stuff right here! Love you!
  9. 33643
  10. I loved being one of the card players! Honestly, I'd have had one of those pretty things over my lap in a New York minute. Maybe two. It was a great chapter, and I still think I'm going to love hating Yorwrath. He's such a glorious shit, but I have a feeling Valentina will prove the stronger of the two. And Aneurin is just... damn, that elf is a tempting baggage. I'm not going to piss Valentina off, though.
  11. 33640
  12. 33636
  13. So, there are more than a couple of us embarking on the insanity known as National Novel Writers Month, or NaNo to those of us who have been assimilated. One such dedicated novelist (aka our own CL Mustafic) mentioned that it might be fun to have a thread to share our progress, and possibly find kindred souls, and I think that's an awesome idea! So, here's what we propose: Leave a post on this thread with your NaNo pen name, your novel's title, and current word count, and from time to time, stop back, edit the post to update your count, and maybe leave a comment. How does that sound? And if we really want to get chatty, we can start a side thread for NaNo rants and therapy. I'll go first... NaNo Pen Name: MorwenNavarre (And I love buddies, so feel free to buddy me and I'll buddy you back!) Novel Title: Sins of the Father (for now) Word count: 50,378/50,000 on Day 25 Validaed, even though I'm still writing....
  14. 33632
  15. 33630
  16. 33626
  17. 33623
  18. The blessings of Samhain to all. May the coming year be a good one for us all.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      Thank you and same to you, love :D

    3. pittwitch


      Blessed be, my Wench.

    4. Kurahieiritr


      Hope you had a wonderful celebration and tons of fun in your area, Bronx.

  19. 33621
  20. 33619
  21. 33616
  22. 33614
  23. 33612
  24. 33610
  25. So, I apparently have a lake place now. Is it spring yet? :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BronxWench


      Thank you, everyone! And I'm willing to share the teen-aged victims. :D

    3. CL Mustafic

      CL Mustafic

      Congrats! I'm glad it worked out for you. Summer's just around the corner. :P

    4. BronxWench


      Thank you! I'll just ignore that cold white stuff that will arrive sooner than I want, and stay longer than I care for. :D

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