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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. You can also search story summaries using those tags as the search criteria.
  2. Okay, Sam and Trey aren't cooperating... Author: BronxWench Summary: The veil is thin at Samhain, and dark things are stirring at the turn of the year. Will Teagan survive his first Ritual? Title: Feed the Land
  3. BronxWench

    Story recs

    It's here on AFF, too, so you don't need to wander off to strange sites... Unintentionally Yours by Dinkel
  4. BronxWench

    Castle TV/Bleach

    Merely changing the players is not actually sufficient to make a story unique. In order for the story to be merely similar, it would need to have substantive differences in setting as well as in the actual sequence of events in the story. It's one thing to be inspired by a story and write something influenced by it, but my caution to anyone taking this challenge is that merely copying that Castle story and substituting Bracken will not be permitted here. If anyone taking this challenge needs or wants clarification, I'm happy to assist. However, the site's Terms of Service is pretty clear.
  5. BronxWench

    Castle TV/Bleach

    I'm going to hope, very emphatically, that you are not asking someone to copy and paste an existing story and simply change characters and a few minor details. We consider that plagiarism here, and we frown on that sort of thing.
  6. I think my frustration here is a result of your asking for factual backup of what's largely a fictional concept. The Orc shamans from WarCraft 3 and WoW don't have any resemblance whatsoever to a real-life shaman, nor do the goblinoid witch doctors have any grounding in reality. Hence my frequent advise to you to make it up and stop looking for factual references for something when factual isn't what you want anyway. Just read the WoW Wiki instead and go from there to avoid getting sued.
  7. 33446 (At this stage, I'd see it as a vacation, really.)
  8. If you need to contact a member and don't have a forum account, you can email the staff and we can forward a message to that member. We don't give out contact information that isn't made public by the member, but we have forwarded messages in the past. That way, the member can contact you and set up a way of communicating directly. Our staff email is tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org
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