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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. And you need to pick one of those categories to get past that main index. Once you choose, you'll see only Teen Titans in that category, like all Teen Titans FemmeSlash. But you need to actually CLICK that category link on the left. Give it a try. It doesn't matter if you're accessing the site on a desktop, laptop, tablet, phablet, or smartphone. The sequence remains the same. Select Subdomain, select subcategory, and then if applicable, select the category level required. In Anime, it would be Anime > +M to R > Rosario Vampire. Until you click the link for Rosario Vampire, you'll see the main subdomain index of latest stories, instead of the formerly blank screen.
  2. Maybe visuals will help. Go to Comics: You see Teen Titans. Choose that: As DG noted, you are still seeing the full Latest Stories page, and will until you pick your category: Now you will see only Teen Titans - General stories. Does this help?
  3. It's been mentioned before that the chapter numbers being visible would be helpful, and from my own perspective as a moderator, I really found that useful myself. Right now, the focus has been on getting the big stuff up and running smoothly, and DG's doing some clean-up to help eliminate the page draw errors that are cropping up, where stuff runs off the page into the right side of the screen. I don't know for sure if the chapter numbers will return, but I'll be hoping for it right along with you!
  4. First of all, this more correctly belongs in the ARCHIVE tech support forum, since it's the archive you're complaining about. The forum's just ducky, thank you so much. Secondly, in case you've missed what's been going on, an upgrade to the site caused the archive to experience issues bad enough to call for an emergency rewrite of the code. I want you to note the word "emergency" very carefully. This was not planned, and certainly DG and our coder manta did not plan on spending a collective 30 hours writing code frantically to get the site up and running, albeit with some necessary disabling of certain features. Those features will be brought back on line once DG has finished the current clean-up of all the character sets left behind by the idiots who were allowed free reign in the database years ago. The stories are in their subdomains. I went to Anime > +M to R > Rosario Vampire. I found, gee, Rosario Vampire stories. But in case that was a fluke, I went to Comics > DC 'Verse Cartoons - Teen titans, and I got the categories. I didn't want to assume which category you wanted, but they're all there. Try clearing your browsers' caches and histories, and then closing and restarting them. Make sure your Java is up to date, and that Chrome has had a chance to update. Please take Explorer out back and shoot it. Even Microsoft has pulled the plug on it. Then I would like you to read this thread, and this thread. For a godsbedamned fiction archive, nobody ever reads the godsbedamned announcements. It's really astonishing.
  5. For Surrender: Thank you so much! Yes, the stories from this world do tend to walk on that edge, where pain blurs into pleasure. I'm very pleased that the characters do come off as feral and elemental, because that's exactly how they feel to me as I write their stories. I like this odd little world, and I need to come back to it more often. But you always make me so happy when you review, and thank you so much for your very lovely words!
  6. Chapter 48 is up, in which the young genasi discovers that you can never truly go home again.
  7. As DG updates and converts each subdomain, that error should disappear. Naruto has not yet been done, so bear with us. Please also keep in mind that support for mobile versions will follow getting the main archive completed.
  8. Ah, I see what you mean! We're planning on moving the story codes to a separate, searchable field at some point in the rewrite process, That will allow for a more targeted search, I think. I'm pretty sure that the 100-item limit on a search is a general limitation. I've had that on dozens of sites, like doctor/provider searches for my insurance.
  9. Link for above: The Verlon by Payton_Leeroy
  10. Our archive is already sorted into subdomains, and within the subdomains, it's broken into categories. Those categories, where warranted, have an additional level of subcategories, so I imagine you could view all stories within a subcategory as a more comprehensive sort of thing. For example, under Harry Potter, we have have four categories: General, AU/AR; Crossovers, and Canon paired with OC. Taking the main category, it is broken down by General, Round Robins, FemmeSlash, Het, Slash, and Threesomes/Moresomes. Under the FemmeSlash, Het, and Slash subcategories, the archive divides by pairings. That's a faster way to narrow down a search while still being able to see all stories allocated under that level of the archive. Of course, in the smaller fandoms, those without an extensive number of stories, you won't have those levels of subcategories, but you can find all the stories for a given fandom in the same manner. I'm not sure if that's what you were looking for, but if you can give me an example as well, I'll see if I can help a little more.
  11. The author, someonenotme, has removed the story, The explanation is on the author profile.
  12. My next silly question: Did you try to use the same password when you tried the reset? Edited: Whoops, never mind. And sometimes it just goes like that. We won't be read-only again until Sunday, so let's hope whatever was causing the error is gone.
  13. You wouldn't be locked out, and I show you last logged in back in May 2015. So, here come the obvious questions. Did you use the email address associated with the account to log in? Did you remember to use capital letters in the password, if it was created with capital letters anywhere? Are you using the upper right hand fields and not the center fields?
  14. Oh, no, I'm the eedjit! Yes, it's there on the left, above the subcategories... ::hurries off to make appointment with ophthalmologist::
  15. Hi, Mary, The Search function is one of those things that was disabled when DG and manta were rewriting busily, and it's not back yet. I haven't seen an update on when that will return, but I'm sure it will be back!
  16. Nexcess talks about this in their blog: https://blog.nexcess.net/2016/02/11/many-wordpress-sites-hacked-to-redirect-users-to-malware-sites/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ncDailySocial
  17. I really, really need my "Like" button back!
  18. Characters are treated separately from the person portraying them. A character is a fandom device, and the canon of that fandom applies. If a 21 year old is portraying a 16 year old, the fandom character is a minor, and the story gets a Minor2 tag. If the story is about the celebrity and only mentions the character as part of the story (ie, what the celebrity is doing workwise), then the celebrity age governs But Des makes a very important point. We don't allow any stories involving real people under the age of 18, so any celebrity has to be 18 years of age or older, or we will remove the story.
  19. The cat pokes are the old hit counts. We haven't replaced the ratings system yet, and when we do, it'll no longer allow anonymous votes, to cut down on its being used for abuse. But cat pokes are good! We want lots and lots of cat pokes!
  20. For anyone wondering why they can't log in, we are ALL logged out until the archive is taken off read-only status.
  21. The archive is read-only tonight, to allow for some necessary upgrades. We're all logged out until around 10pm EST (GMT-5) tonight.
  22. My display settings are a good bit higher, so yes, that would account for it. I'm not sure what to tell you, really. Do the stories do the same thing, or only the listing pages?
  23. I was only able to duplicate this in Chrome by zooming to 150% in a window of approximately the same width (roughly 13.5 inches across). In a 100% zoom, I needed to decrease the window width to under 9 inches, but the tabs were too compressed to match the image provided. So, you might want to reduce your zoom in Chrome to prevent the overflow.
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