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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Trust me, if someone does a rewrite, we'll hear about it, and we'll remove the rewrite, and possibly the author, for plagiarism. We take a very dim view of plagiarism, and just because someone hasn't updated in a while doesn't mean their hard work is up for grabs. And just because no one seems to actually read the Terms of Service, I'll quote it for you: You understand that when posting User Submissions, you are stating that any work submitted under your User Account is your own personal work and has not been in any part copied or plagiarized from any source. Furthermore, you understand that you are not to post anyone else's work without the express permission of the original copyright holder unless said work is part of Public Domain. You agree that when posting User Submissions that you will adhere to all content guidelines as outlined here:http://www.adult-fanfiction.org/guidelines.php and that any violation of these guidelines can result in submissions being hidden or deleted.
  2. Melrick's leading you on. It's more like 75/25 in favor of the wildlife killing you.
  3. Link to HappyHarvests' profile: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296939704
  4. Top ten by what parameter? I actually can't think of a way to search the archive for a top ten list, by hits or ratings. This may have been a feature before I joined, however, so perhaps staff with more longevity will recall that.
  5. And there's a whole world of nope, right there. Can I tell you how fast I'd be selling that house?
  6. Posting this for when we get there: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544206163 http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600000109
  7. Here's the link to Wynja's profile: Wynja
  8. BronxWench

    DM/HG story

    We actually do not permit anyone to post work that isn't theirs, and we delete any cases we find in the archive. Lady Lynn's profile is here. The story "Sometimes It's Good to be Bad" is here.
  9. This fic is no longer in the archive, and I can only presume it's been deleted. I'd need an approximate date of when it was hidden, since the timeframe for the first inquiry turned up nothing. To address the second part of the question, moderators do not edit story information. Stories are the property of the posting author, and as such, we are not able to edit the stories. Even if we could, it is not our job to make stories compliant. Our authors are expected to have read the Terms of Service, and to adhere to those terms. We'll let them know about an issue, advise how to correct it, and even assist them in understanding how to make the corrections, but ultimately, the responsibility to correct a story lies with its author.
  10. Ah, evil lurks! Well, our particular brand of evil, I suspect... lovely! You're so good to us, you and TAFKAB!
  11. Link for above: Bonds of Affection by emilywaters
  12. Happy Birthday to the lovely and very special KoKoa_B! ::hugs::

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. pippychick


      Have a great day, KoKoa! :)

    3. WillowDarkling


      Happy birthday, Kokoa.

    4. KoKoa_B


      Thanks, guys! I had a wonderful day! :D

  13. Okay, this should be you: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296891504 You haven't yet updated to the new archive code. You need to read this FAQ and follow the steps EXACTLY as shown: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/29595-existing-users-logging-in-for-the-1st-time-in-the-new-system/
  14. If you have an archive profile, you can add stories to your "Currently Reading" section of the archive profile. You would not need to expose your email. If the author maintains a posting on the "Promote a Story" thread here, you can follow that posting, and elect to receive email notices when the posting is updated. That would require forum registration, but your email would remain private. If the author posts notifications on Twitter or Live Journal or some other venue, they often make note of that in their profile, or in a forum posting. You can elect to follow the author on that venue to receive updates. At this point, we don't have a function that would allow for notification from AFF when a story is updated, and not being the coder, I can't tell you if that's even possible. However, if it is in the works, we'll post announcements as we always do--in the Site Announcements and News posts on the forum and in the archive.
  15. The Search Function is now in each subdomain, on the left, at the very top of the column:
  16. Inuyasha has its own subdomain: http://inu.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php Where did you post it?
  17. Oh, I am looking forward to seeing Legolas explore his dominant side as well. I have a feeling he'll be just as spectacular, and of course, we all know how delicious Thranduil is when he submits.
  18. The Search Function is back, on the top of the left side menu in each subdomain. There are a few kinks, one being that tags with certain characters ( /, -, & ) aren't searchable, but you can search by more than one parameter now, which is incredibly cool!
  19. BronxWench


    Is this a search for a specific existing story, or a request/challenge for a story to be written?
  20. madcow removed their work from the Internet altogether. Sorry about that!
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