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Everything posted by Shunskitten

  1. Not guilty. I finish every story I start, even if I hadn't worked on it for nearly 2 years...*gulps* I didn't drop it I swear, other ideas cropped up. Ever felt so overwhelmed by simple housechores? (I'm u ncreative currently ._.)
  2. I usually update when my story or chapter is done, but sometimes when I'm busy (like now, shouldn't even be online, I'm definitely procrastinating) I'll wait until the next Sunday to update or add whatever.
  3. It really depends where I am. If I'm on the computer and the idea strikes, I bring up sticky notes and go crazy typing up my notes. I just have to remember to right click on the icon and close out that way so that my notes are saved. More important ones are put into Notepad/Wordpad. Then I have a notebook in each room of the apartment, one in the truck, and one in my vest pocket along with a pen accompanying said notebook. They're tiny enough to not take up much room, and if I get a idea I'll stop what I'm doing and write it down. Though sometimes, I have to hunt down the notebook for a certain idea just so I can type it up! Doesn't help I lose them either.
  4. I'm still so busy @o@

  5. Not guilty X'D I think the most was probably a month for me. Ever play a single game all day long and still not accomplish what you meant to accomplish in said game?
  6. Angel in my pants. ._. Now my pants are holy.
  7. Because you couldn't just stay away. Why?
  8. Shunskitten

    I Am...

    I am a bit upset and depressed over not being able to move into the trailer that we wanted to move into because it has mold.
  9. Ouch T^T not moving after all.

  10. Been moving ;w; I can't wait for this all to be over with and done so I can enjoy writing again!

  11. Because she put vodka in her coffee instead of milk. Why?
  12. YUSH! WE ARE MOVING! Tomorrow I'm packing up what I can and then we move that batch to the trailer! I'm so excited!


  14. My oh My in my pants. O_O.....
  15. Not guilty. I don't even review X'D I just read anyways. Ever mistaken a day for another? I've done this multiple times, especially if my husband has a day off in the MIDDLE OF THE WEEK! I think that day is Sunday ;
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