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Everything posted by Shunskitten

  1. 27343 EDIT: How did I put the wrong number
  2. Not guilty. I'm a rather picky eater and I dislike both those foods! Ever watched an entire anime in one night? I'VE DONE THAT.
  3. True to Your Heart in my pants. So my heart is in my pants?
  4. Tearin' Up My Heart in my pants. o_o does that sound painful to anyone else?
  5. Guilty...and sadly it was on the day that I was fighting with my mother. Oh what a day that was. Ever looked for something, became frantic because you can't find it, only to realize that you are either holding it or wearing it? I do it at least once a week and it's normally my glasses or my iPod.
  6. Shunskitten

    I Am...

    I am going Hakuouki happy on my best friend XD.
  7. Hope everyone has a good Christmas! ^^

  8. And things got a tad bit stressful T_T ugh this year sucked...

  9. May finally be moving! QuQ

  10. I swear that when I write, it's not me, it's the characters.

  11. Guilty...My mother does it and I think she does it just to ruin that part of the sex life for me. Even now that she's found stuff of mine lovely. Ever sang in the shower thinking you were the only one in the entire home? Definitely done that XD.
  12. Shunskitten

    I Am...

    I am currently trying to figure out which room to clean next @.@
  13. Not guilty T_T no one ever reads the books I recommend. Ever played porn over the phone just to get rid of a telemarketer? I have indeed done that and I'm about to do it again.
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