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Everything posted by Shunskitten

  1. Guilty. Went longer when I was 16, not a smart idea. Ever order out just for snacks? Not a meal, but snacks.
  2. Ha guilty Especially if the cover is a interesting looking cover, but I normally get caught though. Ever dreamt something so weird that you wake up going: What the hell?
  3. I'll Make A Man Out Of You (Cantonese version) - Jackie Chan
  4. That moment when you want something to eat yet...you don't have that much to eat O_O. I should go grocery shopping today.

  5. Shunskitten

    I Am...

    I am wanting my french fries :T
  6. Not guilty, I don't wanna know how you did that. Ever reversed your meals for a day just to change it up? Like Supper for breakfast, Breakfast for Lunch, Lunch for Supper.
  7. B| That moment when you know you have to kick it up a notch.

  8. I think I got my life back on schedule here @_@. *goes off to write*

  9. Massively guilty X'D I do it nearly daily! My poor muse/beta now expects me to send her my stories daily, along with any ideas and half the time she's like: Cheryl, it's been a hour, any ideas? Cheryl: *spews them off* Muse: O_O CALM DOWN. Cheryl: SORRY X'D. Ever gone to sleep, woke up and wonder where you were despite being where you are for over a year?
  10. Because the writers here are just that epic. Why?
  11. Shunskitten

    I Am...

    I am trying to wait another hour to clean so that I know I can't disturb the neighbors in any way shape or form.
  12. Witch Doctor in my pants. CAN I GET ONE THAT MAKES SENSE?!
  13. Ugh, it's been on of those months so far. 2014 started off with disappointed, stress, and anger. February you better be a better month...

  14. Shunskitten

    I Am...

    I am excited to have finished another oneshot this year!
  15. Because this site is addicting. Why?
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