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Everything posted by Shunskitten

  1. *catches hairpins for later* I chuck mugs
  2. Another One Bites The Dust in my pants. Oh dear.
  3. Shunskitten

    I Am...

    I am listening to music.
  4. Not guilty. Didn't exactly have the funds in the past, and definitely won't have the funds in the future. Ever tried to change something about yourself in one day and actually did it?
  5. Because it's just odd that way (that was so much to read I didn't really bother reading much but skimmed) Why?
  6. Mom bought me 6 items of clothing, all loose and comfortable for my pregnancy. I can't help but feel special and doted on, but I now know my sister is a bit...depressed. She feels massively left out. Time to figure out things to do together. Didn't mean to make her feel like that >_<

  7. Not guilty. I refuse to ever step foot in a plane. Ever watch an entire TV marathon from the very beginning to the very end no matter how long it was?
  8. Shunskitten

    I Am...

    I am getting a head start on knitting dishcloths for this Christmas.
  9. Alrighty. They did an official ultrasound with a more accurate due date and how far I am. As of now, and forever, I am 10 weeks and 2 days along, and my due date is March 2nd! Which just happens to be my mother in laws birthday!

    1. GeorgeGlass


      Kittens having kittens. There's a public service announcement in this somewhere.

  10. Had an ultrasound today. Found out that I'm actually 8 weeks and 5 days pregnant. O_O I really thought I was just 7. Oh and I got to hear my baby's heartbeat! I cried like a fool upon hearing it, and the doctor didn't even bat an eyelash. Me thinks he's used to it XD.

    1. BronxWench


      ::hugs:: It's an amazing moment, and you never really forget it. :D

    2. Shunskitten


      *Hugs back* I'm so excited! When he asked if I wanted to hear it, I didn't think I hear much, but the minute that sound filled the room I started to cry. I'm so happy to know my baby is healthy and that there is a heartbeat! :D

    3. pippychick


      Wow - congratulations Shunskitten!! I'm really happy for you - good news is awesome :)

  11. That moment when your brother tells you he's evicted, and yet, you know he's not the one who handles that. Where did that money go? >_> hmmmm *suspecting*

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