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Everything posted by Shunskitten

  1. Welp Little J is doing great! She's off ALL oxygen, spitting up a bit here and there though, she's taking in 8.5 ML of milk, 29 calories through a feeding tube, she's 2 pounds 13 ounces and 15 1/2 inches long!

  2. Little J is breathing on her own and she no longer has any IV's! :D In story news: 16 STORIES TO FINISH BEFORE SPRING!? What did I get myself into?

    1. BronxWench


      That's wonderful news about Little J, and the perfect holiday present!

      Now the rest, I can only say YIKES. :D

  3. 7 more days and my daughter is a month. WHERE DID THE TIME GO!?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shunskitten


      Yup. I blinked and suddenly she's 3 weeks old. Holy moly. I feel like my pregnancy with her is years behind me but obviously it wasn't.

    3. BronxWench


      It does go so fast. Before you know it, they're in college and making you crazy... :D

    4. Shunskitten


      She's already driving us crazy! XD

  4. Not guilty because I don't know where my recipe books are X'D And no one asks me anyways. Ever forget to do something because you're so mad then remember the next day and by the time you remember there is no one to help you with it? (guilty today actually...after I found out about pictures of my daughter disappearing from a camera, pictures I never got, got me so upset I never had my dressing c hanged, and my husband and I were so tired today from being upset that before he left for work he didn't change it! Now I'm waiting for the nurse)
  5. It's been two weeks since Little J was born O_O WHAT HAPPENED?! I'm glad time is flying by closer to when I heal up and when she comes up but that's just nuts!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JayDee


      Before you blink a second time, Great Grandmother shouting at the damn kids to get off your lawn. Basically, don't blink.

    3. BronxWench


      It's so true! ::blinks at Spawn in college::

    4. Shunskitten


      LOL Considering my mother is a grandmother at 43 XD and still a mother to two teenagers and two adults! Now I understand everything she said about how us kids grew up too fast!

  6. Just wanna wish my daughter a happy week old! ;A; I can't believe my baby is already 1 week old! I only just had her! I still miss those little kicks inside of me. I even miss the aches and pains that came with pregnancy that I don't have now.

  7. That moment when you find out you have an hematoma, you get it taken care of, told to come back and your mom said she'll take you, only for her to never show up...THANKS A LOT MOM...I NEED THAT GAUZE CHANGED DAILY DAMMIT.

  8. Welp, this past week was very...different. I ended up going into premature labor with Little J and had her 9:15 PM November 25th at 26 weeks of pregnancy. Her placenta ruptured and it left the doctors no choice but to do an emergency C-section. Now 3 days later, both her and I are doing well! She's breathing with a CPAP, and all her blood cultures came back negative so she's no longer on antibiotics! I'm so grateful for my healthy little girl! But man am I sore...OUCH.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      Congratulations! Glad everything turned out all right, thanks to your and your doctor's quick action.

    3. DemonGoddess


      Congratulations! Glad you're both doing well.

    4. Shunskitten


      Thank you! I got to see her today, I'll update on that in another status!

  9. Guilty. Nearly every time. Ever start doing chores, get sidetracked by another chore, then end up looking like you didn't do a thing although you did quite a bit?
  10. Thankfully not guilty. Now a days I kick my husband out of the bathroom if the issue is urgent. Ever guilty of putting off something you're supposed to do? (I'm pretty sure we're all guilty)
  11. Had a dream last night. Dreamt of a baby girl with a button nose and bright blue eyes, just laughing and smiling at the newborn stage. She looked like a mix of my husband and I to the point I can't help but wonder if I dreamt about my daughter in the future! The only weird thing was we lived in a cabin meant for summer o_O

  12. 30364 Ya know, it used to tell me if someone else posted before I did o_o
  13. (I actually managed to get away with gaining 3 more pounds in my pregnancy. He understood I couldn't get out much. THANK YOU WEATHER.) Massively guilty. I still do it. Ever been guilty of putting on the heater despite the fact you have the heat on?
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