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Everything posted by Shunskitten

  1. It's official! The doctor confirmed it! I'm pregnant!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      Perhaps, but it doesn't hurt to try anyway. Your mom is right in trying to get you the cost free option. Definitely take the pampering! If this is your first, that explains the extreme overprotectiveness, LOL.

    3. BronxWench


      Exactly! My parents were the best when I was expecting my first. My mom and stepmom were so excited that my dad and I were betting on who'd try to be in the delivery room with me. :D

    4. Shunskitten


      I don't wanna figure that one out with my mom! I'm pretty sure she'll kick my mother in law AND husband out LOL. I'm definitely enjoying the attention from her though, I never did get a lot so I'm being a bit selfish at this point :P Hopefully it stays right here, now my sister is another story. I may have to get a yard stick to keep her from literally glomping me.

  2. I hate insomnia. With a passion.

  3. I tend to write without thinking, but some stories I love thinking because I get more ideas.
  4. Ok I was completely wrong. Things did get worse, but then they got better. Nana is out of her coma, we still don't know how my sisters eyes are, my in laws are finally doing ok after a massive break in at the food pantry they ran (ran as in they closed it this month for good) and my cats got hurt but they're fine. Ok I think I been through everything but a family member dying this year, and already half the year is nearly gone. WHY 2014!? =_=

  5. I started reading and writing at a young age, and it wasn't until I as 19 that I wrote what I write now. I just wanted to try, just to see if I did like it since I enjoyed reading fanfiction so much, and found out that I love it and I love developing characters and plots and all that good stuff.
  6. My life is finally being put back together! The chances of my sister going blind is little to none, and my grandmother si out of her coma!

    1. BronxWench


      I'm so happy to hear the good news! :D

    2. kagome26isawsome
    3. pittwitch
  7. Alright yeah o~o this month sucked. Death, bad news, more bad news, and now tomorrow someone who I can't stand to be around but can't stand up to will be showing up...I really hope my hubby can get the day off Q~Q

  8. That moment when you feel like you can breath a sigh of relief for just a little bit OAO

  9. Christmas in the Country Holiday - Bill Engvall Don't mean to be listening to Christmas music, but I'm too lazy to change to his normal comedy stuff XD.
  10. Gives You Hell - All American Rejects
  11. May has been hectic so far o_O friend died, a truck paid off...I wanna start another damn past story! NUUUUUUU.

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