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Everything posted by Shunskitten

  1. Do we have a chapter limit when posting stories? I only realized not long ago that I have a story that is 40+ chapters, not quite 50 and it's not even half done yet. I wasn't sure if we have a limit and didn't see anything in the FAQ about it.
  2. NaNoWriMo is coming up @.@ trying to get in gear here.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BronxWench


      I shoot for 2,000 words a day, which is about 4 pages. That gives me a little cushion, and if I write more, then I get to take Thanksgiving off from writing. :D

    3. BronxWench


      And because I'm an idiot, you can find me as MorwenNavarre on NaNo... :D

    4. Shunskitten


      Why didn't I think of that? I'll just keep writing just because 83 and I will add you! X'D But I don't know how! I'm Castielskitten :3

  3. Grease Lightning in my pants. ...eh?
  4. Shunskitten

    I Am...

    I am about ready to go bonkers if I can't get a good nights rest in tonight...
  5. Shunskitten

    I Am...

    I am a bit confused at the moment X'D.
  6. Guilty in one of the worst ways. Ever been suspected to be the exact opposite of what you really are?
  7. I'm so running out of time to finish my Halloween stories DX only two done!

  8. Gotta get going on those Halloween fanfictions B| Must go bonkers on writing! Oh look a quarter.

  9. Lucifer in my pants. Get out of there!
  10. Shunskitten

    I Am...

    I am trying to decide if I should put myself through the hell of walking where my foot has blisters on the hell just to receive mail and send mail...guess I am T~T ouch.
  11. Er...Guilty? Yet I've explored that though .w. So would that make me still guilty? Ever cried for no apparent reason? (I'm not creative today)
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