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Everything posted by Shunskitten

  1. Ugh OnO my writing has been slow down again!

  2. Guilty big time. I would love to be locked in a library as a home with multiple computers for different things, my hubby and a house attached XD Ever tried to see just how long you can stay up?
  3. *grabs both and shoves them in cages* MINE DAMN IT. *tosses notepads with spikes*
  4. Shunskitten

    I Am...

    I am having fun watching a horror movie! >3<
  5. Guilty. I'll admit it, I wish I could bend in the way some of my characters can. Ever lost something and find it in the very spot it's supposed to be in despite you not normally putting it there?
  6. Let the rest of the house be cleaned, but leave my desk messy dammit!

  7. Thad Beaumont - The Dark Half (actually reading the novel right now )
  8. Not Guilty! WHAT BACKYARD?! Ever wonder when you will get a single day to yourself because of all the company and visits? =_=
  9. Shunskitten

    I Am...

    I am wondering where the hell my mother and brother put my crap while they cleaned MY apartment @_@ WHERE'S MY HAIR TIES!?
  10. o_O *lets Zachary Quinto fall because she has no idea who it is* o_O *tosses a living room floor*
  11. Today is just full of emotions for me...Sad, mourning, happy and relieved. It's times like this I can't help but wonder how the hell am I able to write when I have so much emotions going on here O~O

    1. phoeyay


      Hope you and the fam are coping alright with everything today, sweetie. Take care!

    2. Shunskitten


      I did just talk to dad, I guess the initial shock is worn off now. He says he's alright, but his tone says he's still upset.

    3. phoeyay


      I'd be upset too, for awhile - you don't just forget something like that. He'll need time to grieve. Glad to hear he is being strong.

  12. Shunskitten

    I Am...

    I am both worried and upset, worried because I haven't talked to my best friend all day and upset because supper is getting cold and I'm hungry and the damn husband isn't home yet!
  13. Not guilty. Do you have ANY idea how much my mother snooped while I was on the computer? =_= She would literally take the mouse from me and check each tab just to make sure I wasn't looking at nothing. I couldn't even read fanfictions. Ever fall asleep while watching a movie on TV and found out later that was one of the rare times it ever showed?
  14. Percy Weasley - Harry Potter (I love him yet I want to slap him.)
  15. Sebastian Michaelis - Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
  16. Through Heaven's Eyes - The Prince Of Egypt
  17. Chainsaw in my pants. YEOUCH
  18. Shunskitten

    I Am...

    I am taking a little break and derping around online-welp guess not. I am now cooking supper T_T that was short lived.
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