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Everything posted by RogueMudblood

  1. As stated before, Cerberus was 15 when that story was posted to the archive, so it had to be removed.
  2. You can certainly post stories that you've written yourself.
  3. Pen Name: RogueMudblood Story link: http://movies.adultf...94780&chapter=3 Review replies link: http://www2.adultfan...we-continue-on/ Type of fic: Flashfic Rating: Adult + Fandom: The Monster Squad Pairing: Rudy/Phoebe (As stated in the author's note - and made as clear as possible in the text - this takes place eighteen years after the movie ends, so all parties are adults.) Warnings: AFFO, Angst, ChallengeFic, Fingering, H/C, M/F, Oral, UST, Violence, WIP
  4. Based on Real Life - Courtney Jones
  5. Author MadRog: Puzzle Fashioned in Blood Sequel to Future Written in Blood or can be a stand alone. Dawn is in danger again, but Buffy and Spike (chipless) will have to do more than fight this time to make her safe. They will also need help from old and new friends. M/F Posted : 2004-04-07 -:- Edited : 2004-04-07 00:00:00 -:- Read Reviews Puzzle Fashioned in Blood. Sequel to Future Written in Blood or can be a stand alone. Dawn is in danger again, but Buffy and Spike (chipless) will have to do more than fight this time to make her safe. They will also need help from old and new friends. M/F Posted : 2004-04-07 -:- Edited : 2004-04-07 18:59:05 -:- Read Reviews
  6. Sunkissed In the year 1801 William the Bloody had already walked the earth well over a hundred years.Elizabeth Anne Summers was the daughter of Hank Aaron Summers, a very wealth land owner.At the age of 16 Elizabeth meets William in the most peculiar of places� Posted : 2005-03-23 -:- Edited : 2005-03-23 15:23:16 -:- Read Reviews Sunkissed In the year 1801 William the Bloody had already walked the earth well over a hundred years.Elizabeth Anne Summers was the daughter of Hank Aaron Summers, a very wealth land owner.At the age of 16 Elizabeth meets William in the most peculiar of places� Posted : 2005-03-23 -:- Edited : 2005-03-23 15:22:12 -:- Read Reviews
  7. Just to give you a bit of background on mine, I don't think we'll ever know if I could have gone into labor. Though he was born premie, my child weighed over eight pounds and was over twenty inches long. There were several reasons for the C-section, though. Where Dany couldn't be induced and Bronx's was unscheduled, my OB never tried to induce, and I was scheduled. I had gestational diabetes, and one of the things that this will cause for the carried infant is elongated limbs. What this meant for him was that he ran out of room quicker than he should have. The doc had wanted to do the C-section in September and I told him no, not until he did an amniocentesis test. I insisted on it, because I needed to be sure my baby would be able to breathe once he was born. The first one came back negative, and at that time, he still had enough room inside that the OB judged he'd have another month. I went to the doc weekly for stress tests at minimum - others if he felt they were warranted. They did ultrasounds about every 10 days. When it finally appeared he was completely out of room, the doc said I needed to go ahead and go across the street to the hospital and get prepped for surgery. I told him he was doing another amnio before he was putting me under the knife. He tried. The needle went in, and came back with blood. My child has a scar on his leg that he was born with because of that, actually. It's a very small nick on his shin, which he finds amusing because it nearly matches the one on my own left leg. He called over to the hospital and they scheduled me for the next day. (I won't go into the nightmare about the hospital at this point. If you want to get those details when you get closer to writing about your character's delivery, I can share them then. ) At this point, my baby was still breach. There are moments in your life where terror grasps your heart and time seems to stop. The entire experience that day was one of those moments. But I will tell you that the most beautiful sound I have ever heard in my entire life was the sound of my baby crying that day. Because that meant he could breathe. LMAO - and I for one don't blame you at all! Melrick, I hope your mum gets good dinners from you lot every year.
  8. @MuggleAngel The author is Katmon here who goes by Batsutousai also. The stories in question are not archived at AFF, though.
  9. pittwitch - You flatter me and honor me. I am very grateful that you liked the story. It was an excellent challenge, I must say. Feel free to give me another some time, but I can't promise it won't take another year before I can fulfill it. In all seriousness, if there's anything I can do to make this one better, let me know of course.
  10. Mending a Soul Rambo was devastated when he was told the final member of his team had died. Is there any solace in this dark world? AFFO, Angst, ChallengeFic, COMPLETE, Fingering, H/C, M/F, MiCD, OC, Oneshot Now, I marked it OC, as the character in the movie has all of two, maybe three, seconds screen time.
  11. http://www.pregnancy.com/ http://pregnant.thebump.com/pregnancy-week-by-week.aspx http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/pregnancy-week-by-week/MY00331 http://www.parents.com/pregnancy/week-by-week/ Now, I had a Cesarean. So I didn't experience the joys :sarcasm: of pushing the child through the birth canal. However, something my mother said to me when I was about nine years old has always stuck with me. I was preparing for a role in the school play and the character was pregnant and had to give birth. So I was practicing birthing noises. My mother asked me what I was doing, and when I informed her, I was promptly advised, "Oh, no, honey. There's a lot more screaming than that. You sound like you're trying to pass a big turd." Point is, when you get to the birthing part of your story, if you have the mother proceeding with "regular" labor (in the sense of in a hospital, drugs have been administered, and there's a doc poised between her legs telling her to push while she's glaring), you might want to watch some birthing videos. A lot of teaching hospitals will have them viewable on their websites (just type "teaching hospital" into Google). No need to credit my Google-fu, though. I just typed in 'pregnancy week by week' and got numerous results.
  12. Nope! Go back a few pages - I've found them on Google, news articles, and Gorton's coupons. As to the vibrator thing - I now have an image in my head of someone trying to prove that incorrect... And hey - don't ask me for exasperating songs if you don't actually want one, yeah?
  13. Our local McDonald's has an interesting new way to get customers - live, nearly-naked woman in the parking lot practicing a pole routine on the tree.

    1. BronxWench


      :blinks: Dear sweet gods...

    2. WillowDarkling


      Will work for dinner, eh? :D

    3. DemonsAngel


      Make it hot men and you might get me in.

  14. Not sure if this is a teaser or a coding issue. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600098049
  15. Link for the above: Dangerous by Akurokufanatic Roxas has never been perfect like Sora, but he has never been bad. A happy medium, always floating between the two extremes of the world. That is until a certain red head comes to town. Abuse,Anal,Bond,D/s,HJ,M/M,Oral,SoloM,Spank,Tort,Toys,WIP,Yaoi Posted : 2009-07-21 -:- Edited : 2011-07-12 02:01:21 -:- Read Reviews
  16. Alright, this one had a couple of gems: and
  17. Those stories were removed because they were based on Anne Rice's works. The site received a C&D from her, so all fanfiction based on her works was removed and cannot be re-added to the archive.
  18. http://buffy.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600031818
  19. pittwitch - You are more than welcome, lovely lady. Thank you for the kind words. I really do hope that this lives up to your expectations, and I'm glad that you enjoyed this chapter. I hope that I can keep you interested as it goes along. And yus, Rambo will get laid.
  20. Oh, now I feel bad - I'm not quite to the sex yet.
  21. Link for above: Kitsune Clans by JetLevy A wonderful and sweet oneshot about how Vit becomes the unwilling submissive to the powerful and erotic Mikhael Volks. Anal,COMPLETE,M/M,Oneshot,WAFF Posted : 2010-03-16 -:- Edited : 2010-03-16 13:10:40 -:- Read Reviews
  22. Forging the Machine Much is known about John Rambo after Vietnam. But how did a war turn one man into a machine of utter destruction? Abuse, AFFO, Anal, Angst, ChallengeFic, Fingering, H/C, M/M, MiCD, OC, Oral, Other, Violence, WIP
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