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Everything posted by RogueMudblood

  1. Irony: When a plagiarist's only original story is stolen by another person.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kagome26isawsome


      hahahaha payback is a bitch lol

    3. BronxWench


      Karma is a savage mistress. :D

    4. DemonGoddess


      Karma be a bitch, yes?

  2. sparky7491, At the top of the forum where you see your name when you're logged in, there's a downward facing arrow. Click on that and choose "My Settings" When that screen comes up, click on the tab on the left that says "Notification Options" - you will need to check the box for the notification method you prefer.
  3. Of course I shall! And your writing never reads as forced, my darling witch! I do promise never to desecrate any memories you have of cartoons. I think you know what I mean.
  4. I haven't found it, but to let you know - you can "follow" the topic (button at the top of the thread) so that any time replies are made, you are notified of them.
  5. RogueMudblood


    Elliot by Lollers has been hidden for an infraction of the Terms of Service of the site. Once the author corrects the issue, it should be unhidden.
  6. pittwitch - LMAO! I don't think your writing is forced either, and I truly appreciate the compliment! I promise, I'm not aiming to desecrate your childhood memories. Rudy will still adhere to a lot of the characteristics he displayed in the movie, but Phoebe I get to play with quite a bit because she's going to have developed a lot more. I'm very glad that it didn't come across as stiff. I hope to have fun with this one exploring the classic horror genre while bringing in a few newer elements as well. Hopefully, I can keep you interested, and not give you nightmares. Thank you so very much for taking the time to read and review! I truly appreciate it!
  7. Pen Name: RogueMudblood Story link: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094780 Review replies link: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/49543-review-replies-and-we-continue-on/ Type of fic: Flashfic Rating: Adult + Fandom: The Monster Squad Pairing: Rudy/Phoebe (As stated in the author's note - and made as clear as possible in the text - this takes place eighteen years after the movie ends, so all parties are adults.) Warnings: AFFO, Angst, ChallengeFic, Fingering, H/C, M/F, Oral, UST, Violence, WIP
  8. Link to the above: The Dark of Night by DemonTamer In a world where demons rule over humans, a young half angel hidden away and raised in secret trys to find his place in a world of darkness when forced to leave the only home he ever knew. 3Plus,Abuse,Anal,Angst,BDSM,Bi,MC,M/M,M/s,Minor2,Oral,RapeFic,Slave,Tort,Toys,Violence,WIP Posted : 2013-02-28 -:- Edited : 2013-04-06 18:06:23 -:- Read Reviews
  9. No prob
  10. Category name: Monster Squad, The (wikipedia article) Section category to be in: Movies>M through R Do you have any stories for it?: Yes.
  11. Funny, it did that to me when I clicked on it, but when I clicked the original link and took out the extra '/' it showed fine... Oh well. Google images search came up with this and this which are unmodified versions of the image above. Everything else had been modified over her nipples and labia.
  12. @Red Ghost - it's the extra / in the URL. Try this.
  13. Well, I don't have that e-mail in the archive. I show this is the profile associated with those stories, and that profile I'm not finding a forum profile for. So, I don't know whether to tell you that this belongs in forum tech or archive tech support requests. Which are you needing help with - archive or forum?
  14. No prob!
  15. Okay, you've posted this in forum tech support, but mentioned a story - I assume you're referring to the archive then. As the message told you when you entered that e-mail, you have multiple accounts. I'm adding you to DG's merge queue. Please allow 48 hours for her to complete the merge. Thank you.
  16. BronxWench: Thank you for taking the time to read and review! I do so appreciate it. I'm glad I was able to capture Murdock's version of reality. He's a unique and endearing character - not to mention his extremely humorous remarks when his reality collides with the outside world. I'm also very glad that I was able to demonstrate a depth to their relationship. This flashfic challenge is certainly a very useful exercise in determining the correct verbiage to properly express the moment! It has certainly caused me to be much more cognizant of the terms utilized so that the best effect is achieved. What was amusing to me was that right after I posted this piece, of course I went to Netflix and watched the next episode - which started out with Murdock holding up a pair of underwear and asking for B.A.'s opinion. I had to press pause so as to no miss the rest of the episode with the giggle fit that ensued. Then I cussed as a plunnie started nibbling at my leg... Vicious little things breed faster than flies. I do hope I can churn out something to your liking in future endeavors as well!
  17. Regardless of whether she 'intended' to wish him away, the thought behind it was inherently selfish, reflecting her personality. Teenagers as a general rule feel a sense of entitlement. She is no different in that. Our interpretations of her reasons for leaving the ballroom scene are obviously different. I am aware that she was under a spell in the junkyard; I even reference it in the chapter and note that she is somewhat befuddled knowing that there had to be some reason for Jareth rushing a decision from her. You'll note that I only said that the spell which caused her to forget her brother had faded. I never said that there was no other outside influence directing her actions. I'm sorry that you feel Sarah is OOC. That was certainly not my intent. And I'm sorry that you feel the story isn't something you wish to continue to read. I wish you the best in finding something more to your tastes. I did tag the story as including angst, and so intended readers to be aware that there would be character conflict. What that conflict entails has not yet been fully revealed.
  18. @Kurahieiritr, First, you can delete any review on your story - whether logged-in or not Second, if you ever get reviews like that, notify a staff member, please. That way we can document. I assure you, as soon as we've documented, we'll let you know so you can delete if DG doesn't delete it herself. We Hall of Shame aresholes.
  19. Teenager arrested for online rap; faces 20 years in prison Highlights of the article?
  20. RogueMudblood

    TWD 2

    Not trying to be rude here, but this is AFF, and since you're saying the story was on FFN, you might get a faster response by posting on FFN.
  21. No problem, kags.
  22. Review from AnnaBear 05/20/13: Thank you so much for the feedback! In regards to Sarah's willingness to hand over Toby: At this point in the movie, she's still fairly self-absorbed. She hasn't come to the realization yet that 'fairness' doesn't just apply to her, and that sometimes her actions have consequences that affect more than just her. In truth, I don't think she would care very much how the loss of a child would affect her step-mother as she doesn't like the woman. Jareth is selfish as well - he wants only to fulfill his own desires. That's evident throughout the film. His telling Sarah she's done well is just another way of endearing her to him. As to whether Sarah had the right to choose Toby's fate - she decided she had that right the moment she wished him away. At that moment, as far as Jareth is concerned, she accepted all responsibilities for any decisions that would be made regarding Toby. To him, she has the right. I wanted to bring out her selfishness through the act, actually, so I'm very glad that it worked so well to do that. I'm not trying to portray Jareth as the 'good guy' per se - he's not in the movie. He's a fey, and they're tricky bastards in all the lore. I truly appreciate you taking the time to give me so much detail in your review! I hope you'll continue to read the story.
  23. It appears the author deleted it. Sorry There is a forum profile, and a promo thread - you can certainly try contacting matterd through those.
  24. Bleudiablo's AFF profile
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