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Everything posted by RogueMudblood

  1. Is she using the AOL browser (I thought it was defunct?) or IE 10, Firefox, etc? She can send an e-mail to technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org and talk to DG directly and give all her details so you don't have to post them in open forum.
  2. Link to that: The S-android by Karaumea In the far future, Inuyasha finds himself as the new toy of a beautiful girl while trying to hide from those that hunted him. Inu/Kag Lemon Language,M/F Posted : 2009-01-31 -:- Edited : 2011-12-09 16:04:42 -:- Read Reviews
  3. Okay. So I don't recommend to you the pairing you don't like, which is it? And do you have any issues with gender-swapping of characters?
  4. I'm not aware of limits like that. I did get an error once when someone was submitting a review at the same exact time I was. I waited a few minutes before going back into the story and leaving the review. (I write mine in notepad and then move them over to the review text window.) If she can take a screenshot of the error she's getting and contact technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org DG may be able to tell her why she's receiving the error. DG will need details such as her OS and browser (which one and version number) as well as her Java version to make sure everything is up to date. That data will also help DG to recreate the problem if it is something that can be recreated.
  5. Slash or Het?
  6. On a side note: I hate the phrase "grammar Nazi" - it marginalizes a series of events that cost over 10 million people their lives, and nearly destroyed several nations as well as introducing a terrifying amount of power into play that shaped the formation of politics and world events for the next sixty years (and continues to do so). I'm not a fascist because I think someone should respect the language in which they write and attempt to communicate effectively in it in order to tell their story. I know that's off topic for the thread, but semantics generate reviews, accuracy generates reviews, and the ability to effectively communicate generates reviews. And now, back to your regularly scheduled discussion.
  7. Please read this first, as the issue you are describing is something we've had an FAQ for quite some time to address. If you are using IE10, you will also want to read this. If that doesn't resolve your issue we will need to know what browser and version you are using.
  8. RogueMudblood


    story has been deleted
  9. The author was deleted; all of his stories were posted while he was underage, and he had no activity on site as an adult.
  10. Pen Name: RogueMudblood Story link: http://ff.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600083184 Review replies link: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/48167-review-replies-yunas-sorrow/ Type of fic: Flashfic Rating: Adult Fandom: Final Fantasy X Pairing: implied Tidus/Yuna Warnings: AFFO,Angst,ChallengeFic,COMPLETE,H/C,MCD,NoSex,Oneshot
  11. DG's the one that does DB repairs, so whenever we get there on cleanup, she'll have to go in and look at the code itself and fix all the broken html.
  12. Right now, the old profiles are read only. They will be completely removed from the archive at some point during the code re-write, but I do not have a date for that event yet.
  13. That would be because it's against the Terms of Service of the site to post anything in the archive that isn't actually a story.
  14. Please advise: Which browser and version are you using? Which OS? And what version of Java do you have? These details will help DG to determine the issue. Also, what part of the archive are you adding to? (anime, originals, etc)
  15. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=31502
  16. Late Night Home by Zaratan Following the adventures of Kim Possible and friends into their adult years, and the interesting choices and friends they have. M/F, M/F/F, M/M/F, Orgy, D/s, Humil, Language, Oral, Spank, Anal Posted : 2007-06-08 -:- Edited : 2008-10-06 14:09:19 -:- Read Reviews
  17. Aysha, DG's likely still abed.
  18. Certainly.
  19. LostInYourThoughts was deleted for being underage at the time she joined the site. All of her content was removed as a result.
  20. RogueMudblood

    gaarasaku fic?

    Re: Navigation Naruto archive is here. How to use search FAQ is here. I can tell you that "+Gaara +Saku" yielded no results, so you may wish to try other parameters. Please note that you may find results in the 'general' section. That division of the archive has not yet been sorted. We are working our way there.
  21. veravost, in order to process the duplicate account, we'll need the other pen name. In regards to that particular story, "Lessons From My Mother" was deleted because the author posted it when they were 15. As noted in the latest news post (and numerous posts before it), all content found published on site prior to the author's 18th birthday is deleted from the archive.
  22. From the author's profile, dated 2011-10-02: Sorry, hun, but since that's FFN, not AFF, nothing we can do there.
  23. Complicated Childbirth by fadingsun Inuyasha was in labor. Without a midwife nor a healer, Sesshomaru had no choice but to do the delivery himself. However, things got complicated. XTREME TWISTED, BRUTALITY, BLOODY & PAINFUL mpreg & childbirth. NOT FOR WEAK HEART! (Fist, BDSM, Tort, etc) Posted : 2005-09-07 -:- Edited : 2006-03-15 00:00:00 -:- Read Reviews
  24. How do I edit story codes, disclaimer, or other story properties
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