In the interests of openness, I can't understand why someone who is of the opinion that any comment on their work that isn't glowing praise is a "personal attack" would post on a public archive.
If you just want person-to-person commentary, hand your manuscript off to a few friends. By posting it in a public, open archive, you're welcoming feedback - including that which may be "negative".
I take it from your response that you're only considering concrit to be those statements which say "this needs to be done to make this better" - but that's only a part of it. For example, one night I needed a pick me up, and I read one of Melrick's stories. This was practically my whole review:
I still consider that constructive criticism. Why? Because I told him what I liked about it. I didn't dissect it line for line, no, but that was hardly necessary. I also consider this and this constructive criticism. Telling an author of a fan work that they did a good job with the character is about the best constructive criticism I think I can provide.
Even reviews like what I left here, by what you're saying, would be offensive to your friends? Even though I'm saying I like the story, there's just one little point that could be cleared up a little with re-wording? That review, other than a small suggestion, was entirely positive constructive criticism. Even the suggestion was not negative, but simply a statement that something could be explained more clearly.