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Everything posted by RogueMudblood

  1. It's no problem, lissa. I don't find any listing for that member ID in any of the records for TOS violations (unless I'm overlooking it), which would leave a user-requested deletion as the only explanation. Sorry.
  2. LeoZodiac's AFF profile
  3. lissa, If you're referring to a page here at AFF that's giving you the 'white page', can you please post the URL? We can try to find out what happened if we have that, if it's an adult-fanfiction.org URL.
  4. If that is the correct title, here's the link on AFF: A Difficult Bride by ambur
  5. Please read author's profile
  6. In the interests of openness, I can't understand why someone who is of the opinion that any comment on their work that isn't glowing praise is a "personal attack" would post on a public archive. If you just want person-to-person commentary, hand your manuscript off to a few friends. By posting it in a public, open archive, you're welcoming feedback - including that which may be "negative". I take it from your response that you're only considering concrit to be those statements which say "this needs to be done to make this better" - but that's only a part of it. For example, one night I needed a pick me up, and I read one of Melrick's stories. This was practically my whole review: I still consider that constructive criticism. Why? Because I told him what I liked about it. I didn't dissect it line for line, no, but that was hardly necessary. I also consider this and this constructive criticism. Telling an author of a fan work that they did a good job with the character is about the best constructive criticism I think I can provide. Even reviews like what I left here, by what you're saying, would be offensive to your friends? Even though I'm saying I like the story, there's just one little point that could be cleared up a little with re-wording? That review, other than a small suggestion, was entirely positive constructive criticism. Even the suggestion was not negative, but simply a statement that something could be explained more clearly.
  7. Why? I'm truthfully curious. Why? I honestly thought that the reason for posting works on archives like this one was to get the feedback of the community, writers and readers alike, in order to improve one's skills. I'll grant you, some writers do state that they don't want concrit. But a vast majority of the writers I've left concrit for have actually thanked me for it. Perhaps we have different definitions of concrit. I'm not just saying "your spelling needs work" - I tell them both strengths and weaknesses in their stories. I thought that's what constructive criticism was. How are you defining it?
  8. Anytime
  9. The story was deleted because the author was 15 when they posted it.
  10. This was the link: http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102003 As you can see, it's been deleted. From what I can tell, it was by the author. Sorry. Edit: You were correct about the author's name. PnKnG's profile - there's contact info there.
  11. I am so glad to hear that!
  12. First, I think this more rightly belongs in archive suggestions, than in category requests, as the category already exists. Second, the Pokemon section currently has 823 stories. Inuyasha sub-domain has 6147 Naruto has 8483 Bleach has 1879 YuGiOh has 3671 Yuyu Hakusho has 1316 While we haven't gotten to any of those sub-domains (including Anime and Anime2 proper) for sorting yet, I'm not entirely certain how the domains will be structured once we've finished the sorting. But each of the separate sub-domains for the Anime titles currently has at least 1000 stories. DG will have to address the creation of sub-domains, but the issue was once addressed here. So you know what's being done as far as how cleanup is being handled, that's here. As the sections are sorted, any moving around of stories is done then. DG has an order to it (top to bottom, basically) so that each section is getting processed as we reach it. I hope that helps explain a bit for you.
  13. One should always be decent to madness, after all. *nods sagely while edging away*
  14. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544210029 see old deletions thread before processing
  15. No problem It was a recent upgrade.
  16. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544189637
  17. It's a bump feature that the original poster can use in order to keep their post in the new listings rather than simply posting a "bump" to the thread.
  18. kerri240879 - and her forum profile
  19. RogueMudblood

    Naruto x Tayuya

    It's a challenge; the poster is requesting that someone write this story.
  20. Honestly, if you're looking for no mention of the HP setting, then you'll want to look in Naruto, as the world setting is what determines where the story should be placed. The Naruto crossover slash section is here, but please bear in mind that archive has not yet been sorted, so there's probably a great deal under AU slash and regular slash that will fit your criteria.
  21. Ah! Speedy is awesome! I love my Speedy! She gives me Hugh, then she gives me awesome stories! *brownies for Speedy* No one else touch - they have meds in them :P

    1. BronxWench


      ::slips wine next to brownies:: Speedy rocks... :D

    2. Danyealle


      LMAO you two are a bad influence on her! And she says you're more than welcome, Rogue, while grinning evily

    3. RogueMudblood


      *does a dance while reading the directions on the meds* Hm. Strange. This box doesn't say don't take with alcohol. Well, okay then!

  22. Stranger88, I can't find that user name in the archive. If you have the URL to your archive profile, I can use that to find you and see if the issue is a duplication of accounts. If not, please send an e-mail to technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org providing the e-mail your account is under so that DG can determine the issue. Thanks!
  23. The author removed the story. Sorry
  24. Glad I could bring a smile to your day! It was, quite honestly, the image that immediately came to mind when I read that statement.
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