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Everything posted by RogueMudblood

  1. "There is one more thing she will also do what no other fae woman before her has done. She will bare many children." Here I thought the Minor2 tag was because one of the main characters is sixteen. Whoops.
  2. FFN doesn't allow original works. If it were on that site, and the moderators were aware of it, the author would have been advised to move it FictionPress or suffer deletion of the work.
  3. "I often wondered why I torcher myself" ?
  4. And I was just rudely reminded why I stopped reading on other sites. Apparently, since I don't write fan-based works, my opinion is worthless.

    1. BronxWench


      Oh, really? Which little group of brats decided this?

    2. RogueMudblood


      Ones that just made it so that I won't go to that site to read for a while. Not a big deal; the authors here appreciate feedback. :)

    3. pittwitch


      Yes, our authors do appreciate feedback. And other places just suck in comparison.

  5. This reminds me that I was also taught never to start a sentence with a conjunction. Unfortunately, just as I see the sentence fragments throughout prose in almost every story I read, I also see the sentences beginning with these words. It makes me cringe every time. As for the ellipses, I just had to leave a review on a story that the author will likely delete. I expect that reaction, since I had the unenviable task of informing them that it was not only highly distracting, but kept me from becoming involved in the story at all. Seeing Professor Snape continuously stuttering a la Captain Kirk throughout his harangue was incredibly off-putting.
  6. RogueMudblood


    Is this it? Pink Pokemon The raunchings of a pokemon trainer out on her own quest - Based on Pokemon Red Language,OC,PWP,Minor,Beast,Furs That author also has a sequel: Pokemon Rose Similar to pink pokemon, jhoto style! Beast,M/F,Minor I haven't read either of them, but that first one came up with a title search.
  7. Please read her AN here - she explains why some of her stories may be missing.
  8. There is already something there, Raymy: Useful/Helpful Links
  9. I leave one review for the day's reading. I write my reviews in notepad, and I user the <hr> tag within my review to let the author know that I'm going between technical and content portions of the review. When reviewing multiple chapters, I use <i>Chapter #</i> as part of my review to let the author know that there was something specific to that chapter I wanted to comment on. Do I feel it's "too much time" I spend leaving good reviews? No, I don't. Since the author took the time to write the story, the least I can do is spend a little time saying thanks and giving a little detail as to what I liked/didn't like.
  10. The effect it had on you is concrit. It tells the author if they achieved the emotional impact they intended. Honestly, I feel better if I review what I read - and I always try to leave the author that type of feedback. I try to point out good things about the stories, and things that might need a look over. From my experience, authors prefer the feedback where the reader describes their response to the tale in detail. Obviously, I don't mean essays, but telling the author whether they were really able to become absorbed in the story.
  11. Just for giggles: irregardless Pitt, that's precisely why I don't beta. Nothing is more irritating than someone asking for help, yet refusing to accept it.
  12. In addition to the dyslexia excuse, the "I was writing this late at night and I didn't proof read" or "proof read as I go" and "I don't have a beta reader" excuses are also irritating. Not so much as blaming dyslexia. My word processor underlines it in red - as does my web browser. If yours doesn't, you need to update your software. And the one that I just opened actually admitted to deleting a review because it pointed out her flaws. That's not how I would expect a serious writer to behave. Edit: Raymy, I was typing mine as your posted, and I didn't see your last statement first. So let me just say this: if there wasn't someone there to point out that there was a flaw, I don't know that the work would be worth the effort. Honestly, if someone doesn't point them out, then will you ever be a better writer? Do you want to stumble along thinking that you're perfect, only to find out when you finally have a serious reader that expects some amount of quality that you're not? (Not saying anything about your writing specifically, but those in general that don't want any type of criticism, just 'great job' responses.) Regardless, yes, the whole point is that self-editing - learning about the aspects of the language in the first place - would prevent a lot of hard feelings on the part of people who post stories online. I've read works by those whose first, second and third languages are not English that have a better grasp of the finer points than those who grew up in households speaking it.
  13. Pittwitch, it seems they can do so rather easily, unfortunately. After all, as one person stated, prose and screen-writing are identical forms and require no alternative means of formatting. Of course, that's complete bunk, but since the tripe is actually believed by someone, I'm quite certain that they also believe that using proper punctuation is neither wanted nor needed to communicate. Considering the frequent miscommunication that occurs in society at large, one would think that the finer points of language would be at the fore of what the educational system chooses to impart. Sadly, however, it does not seem to be so. I can tell you that I saw a story a few months ago that attributed lines to a character that, had they been spoken by that character, made no sense whatsoever. The faux pas was the result of bad punctuation, which, yes, I did point out to the author in a review. I shudder to think, though, that not only have the rules of grammar fallen to the wayside, but it also seems that broadening one's vocabulary is no longer considered a proper use of time. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've read the same phrase repeatedly within the same section of prose. It's not only irritating, it's boring. And, Bronx, surely you jest. Read a book? Why, there're movies to prevent that practice!
  14. RogueMudblood

    Bisexual Naruto

    Minimum is 4 actually. You can search anything 4 characters or longer with no trouble.
  15. I've posted this up for DG to take a look at. I've looked for those four, and not found any profiles here for them (the ones from FFN). I will tell you that they have similar behavior all over FFN, so if you want to report them there and use Google to find multiple pieces of evidence, it's certainly an option for you. I would recommend that you ask DG to turn off anon reviews for now for your stories.
  16. You're welcome
  17. I've read a few with this theme. To help narrow down the search, which one is the virgin, Snape or Hermione? (Yes, I have read ones where Snape is the virgin.)
  18. see this thread - is that it?
  19. The author, Dirtonimon, has no profile here. You can always Google the pen name to find more info
  20. If it is That Darned Promotion by Black-Rose23, it was posted when the user was underage.
  21. Ah, that would be Decision Made, Where Are the Matches by Danyealle-sama. She removed it from the Internet. Sorry
  22. from the author's FFN profile: Which leads me to believe that they themselves have not posted it anywhere else. Sorry
  23. from the terms of service: You will have to use a real e-mail address to create an account.
  24. I did search for the title in the Marvel Verse domain, which is where this would be housed now, and I did not see it. This is the particular sub section you are looking for. Unfortunately, the title you are looking for is not listed.
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