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Everything posted by RogueMudblood

  1. You'd think I'd have learned this by now, but apparently not. Lesson number one: Never assume.

    1. Melrick


      An important lesson I live by.

    2. RogueMudblood


      Sadly, I had a momentary lapse of sense. :(

    3. Melrick


      It happens to the best of us, sadly.

  2. Howls Apart by ms.gringotts
  3. Well, there are a couple of options available to you for reaching her listed on her website: an e-mail and an LJ. Other than that, since she did state that she intended at one point to 'clean up' the work to be published (though at one point she seemed to give up on the idea), that may be the reason that you can't find a copy online.
  4. Do you mean the sequel? Second Sight Sequel to Perceived Perceptions. Paaragora is looking to open trade with Trovilla, so Liam has been sent to fetch a very special gift from their new friends. But Danne and Tamall don't want him to make it back home. Abuse, Anal, Angst, BDSM, Bond, BP, Death, H/C, Language, M/M, Oral, Violence, WIP Fantasy & Science Fiction > General Rated [Adult++] -:- Chapters [13] -:- Published [2007-12-31] -:- Updated [2009-07-19 03:59:43] -:- Edited [2009-07-19] -:- Hits [1025] -:- Reviews [9] -:- Average / Total Vote [+++++ / 11]
  5. We shouldn't have to tell people that they need to be civil, or how to be civil for that matter, but we do have to tell them because that ability now evades the general internet denzien. If we didn't have to explain to people what courtesy was, then it wouldn't be an issue to begin with.
  6. See this thread
  7. The author was Felnore, but I don't see that story posted on the profile here.
  8. Supposedly, FFN does QC. *rolls eyes* Anyway, immediately coming to mind is Granger Enchanted, a Hermione-centric HP archive which requires a story be beta'd before they will accept it into their submission queue. And they will reject works and explain why. WIKTT (Hermione/Snape) also does QC, and if a writer receives a request from the maintainer to fix a published story and doesn't do so, they run the risk of losing the story. The Sam/Dean Slash Archive (Supernatural) also does QC and will deny a story if it has too many errors. Those are but a few examples. I'm sure there are many, many, many more.
  9. Pen Name: RogueMudblood Story link: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094780&chapter=6 Review replies link: www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/49543-review-replies-and-we-continue-on/ Type of fic: Flashfic Rating: Adult + Fandom: The Monster Squad Pairing: Rudy/Phoebe (As stated in the author's note - and made as clear as possible in the text - this takes place eighteen years after the movie ends, so all parties are adults.) Warnings: AFFO, Angst, ChallengeFic, Fingering, H/C, M/F, Oral, UST, Violence, WIP
  10. It's really not. I understand you're comparing it to a one-click, but you have to understand that prior to this code update, we had to individually html code our favorites into the "recommended reading" section of the profile - which had to be scrolled down to the bottom to see. So, frankly, this is such a massive improvement over the duct tape code we did have, that I'm extremely pleased with it.
  11. I am capable of rational thought. I am also capable of sending a missive to confirm the validity of your supposed correspondence. What a tangled web...

  12. Ah, hello. You sent an e-mail to tech support yesterday. It does take some time to merge the accounts, but DG is usually able to process these issues within 48 hours. We appreciate your patience.
  13. Parts that immediately catch my attention: We may revoke your right to use any of these worlds at any time. We may revoke your right to use any elements from any other "Kindle Worlds" works at any time. The guidelines may change without notice. If your works are ever found to be in non-compliance with the guidelines, they will be pulled. You may include only up to 20% of your work on your own site, and may not state that you are a writer for Kindle Worlds, the original licensor, or any of either 'our' or 'their' affiliates. If we are sued because of something in your work, we 'may' withhold fees for attorney payment from any of your sales. We can take your work out of the program without telling you, for any reason we like. We will not pursue legal action on your behalf should your work be stolen. All in all, I think I'll research other publishers, like Pocket Books and Random House, who have been marketing licensed fanfiction for ages, before using a new program set out like this that has no protections for the authors introducing new elements into these environments.
  14. RogueMudblood

    Sess/Rin fic

    Do not use this forum to request copies of stories.
  15. Just as a reminder, if anyone accepting the challenge bases their concepts off of MeToo's work, MeToo must give consent - otherwise, it is considered plagiarism.
  16. Woefully delayed, apologies, but have an idea that might possibly resolve the RP issue for being able to note it on stories. Instead of the traditional "RP" which would create problems, perhaps something more like "Scn" (Scene/Scenario) or "RSitn" (Roleplay Situation) ? Just a thought for when you can scrounge five minutes to mull it over. Would allow for users writing a roleplay situation between their characters that requires a more restrictive warning (e.g. rape roleplay which requires RapeFic) to also have something which would let readers know that though there is a trigger involved in the story, it's a roleplay.
  17. While I wouldn't like a parrot review, I admit that a "Good job, update!" would at least be 'somebody read this, not just clicked by accident'. I prefer a review that tells me what that reader liked or didn't. Whether I've heard it before isn't of consequence (unless it's something they didn't like, in which case that indicates there's something lacking in the story [in the case of one of mine, a second chapter is what's lacking, because two of the people reviewing have stated that they don't understand a character's motivations, and that's because it hasn't been revealed in the story yet]). If more than one reader tells me I got the characters right - that I wrote my fanfiction in character - that's high praise. If more than one reader tells me my character interactions are believable (fanfiction or not), that's high praise. Those are the kind of comments writers live for, and just as equally I delight in readers telling me - civilly, mind you - where I can improve. If I'm trying something new (and to grow as a writer, I should be), I want to know if it works, if it doesn't. If it almost works, and needs tweaked. Has it been said before? Okay, have I had the time and opportunity to correct/tweak it and not done so? Perhaps the review might then start as I have started some of my own: "I see so-n-so advised you a few months back that your depiction of 'x event' might perhaps benefit from some additional consideration in its depiction. I'd like to add my voice to that opinion." With examples following of how it can be improved. That is constructive criticism, and the highest accolade a writer can receive is being told their writing is worth being improved. There is always room for growth.
  18. It's called "Be Careful What You Wish" by Zephyr. I found the one shot companion piece - "Stealing Hermione" but I didn't see the original on the profile (I may have overlooked it, though).
  19. You'll need to type them manually. The field limit (240 characters) for the summary does apply, so if you're adding enough to exceed the limit, I would recommend a "see chapter for warnings" note. Be sure if you do that, you post the warnings in the same size font as the chapter text so that your readers aren't taken aback by things they didn't intend to read. Sorry to have to say it, but there are users who have posted stories with tags this big and story content this big.
  20. No problem at all! Glad it worked for you. So Virgin Media is your ISP? According to a post made on FB: https://www.facebook.com/virginmedia/posts/676098249070203, it looks like you're not the only one having the problem. If you have a FB, I'd certainly suggest letting them know about the issue. Even if you don't, you can send an e-mail to them at virginmedia@facebook.com and they'll still receive the message. If possible, take a screencap of the error you're getting and include that with your post/e-mail.
  21. You lost me with that. As far as the issue here, if you will logout, and try clearing cache and cookies (FAQ: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/30527-how-to-clear-cookies-cache-and-etc/) Then, use the login boxes at the upper right, please. We have a bug (outlined here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/34853-known-bug-center-login-box/) that sounds like the issue you're having.
  22. Link for above: Isatell by shadesrose Isatell is a beautiful city created as a sanctuary for the immortal ruling class and their prized artisans. Reesa lives outside the city. She wants is to be one of those artisans. She may have her chance when a high noble enters her shop M/F Posted : 2013-04-11 -:- Edited : 2013-06-05 00:59:51 -:- Read Reviews
  23. For clarification, kitdkatwrites requested to be deleted.
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