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Everything posted by Daye

  1. Well looks like I followed up on that threat. I didn't quite mean too. I wrote the first scene to resolve the cliffhanger for INJS chapter 10. But it didn't really work the way I intended it and I've been trying and failing to re-write it. In the mean time, a short plotty update for my other fic has been posted. Desperate Times, Desperate Measures where for reasons I don't want to go into Harry ends up marrying Tonks after OoTP. So reviews replies for Chapter 9: Friction - You mean Ron? well he's jealous no doubt but its not that out of control. Really if one of your dormmates had been mysterious absent all night, you'd be curious too. And Dumbledore... yeah. He's well intentioned but it never made much sense to me that he didn't train harry in defensive magic. The know your enemy stuff is all very well but still no match for being able to put up a good fight as well.
  2. trying to write, trying to write... Procrastination is too easy.

    1. JayDee


      It's not that easy. I wanted to try some, but kept putting it off and getting shit done instead. Oh, cruel world!

    2. Daye
    3. Rain7777


      I agree with you there :(

  3. results of attempts to fry bread/ make eggy fried bread - tasty treads and OMG THE PAN IS ON FIRE.

    1. WillowDarkling


      that might suggest you're doing it wrong *cheeky grins and hides under the couch*

    2. Danyealle


      if the pan catches fire, you're not doing something correctly!

    3. sumeragichan


      Cook with a fire extinguisher present? >XD Sounds like trying to fry anything in one of M.I.L.'s pans.

  4. Time to play really old games: SW Republic Commando. Where you blaster is puny, battle droids are actually dangerous and trandoshans are midgets.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JayDee


      I never really played Wing Commander, but I too have many DOS games I'll likely never play again from Rise of the Triad to the Seventh Guest. Them the days, pissing around with boot discs and memory.

    3. DemonGoddess


      I actually still have a machine I can set up to use just for those games. One of these days, I will!

    4. JayDee


      Heh, every time I see an old base unit at a 2nd hand market I always think of picking it up for 'em, but then I think "Well, where would I put it?" :)

  5. It was called... The Soft Breaking Of Harry Potter
  6. I'd be interesting to see how much Slash is written by women compared to that written by actual gay men. And what pairings the latter group likes. I mean its not all done by women... right? Right? It's nice to switch it up yeah. But as everyone's mentioned I'm now committed to following it up for at least few chapters before I can get back to fluffy. Its going to be a looong few chapters for me. I don't think I'm any good at grim dark.
  7. Holy Crap. Sunburn hurts. This is why weren't supposed to get sunlight in this country.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Daye


      Thanks guys. it was only one side of my neck i missed the suntan lotion on. I think rubbing in aftersun is doing more harm than good at this point.

    3. JayDee


      Are ya peeling yet? I think the itching is worse than the pain sometimes. Brr.

    4. Daye


      Not peeling. Pretty much recovered. I wasn't that badly burned really. Just a bit of a pussy about it every since my ears got really badly burned when I was four. That was agony let me tell you. One of my earliest memories is being unable to sleep because of sunburnt ears brushing against my pillow.

  8. Thanks. Glad you liked it. As for Draco's dick, well I didn't want to fall into a trap where all the good guys got to be well hung and awesome lovers and the bad guys were the opposite, seemed like the wrong message to send to me. Not sure when the next chapters coming out. I could be extra especially cruel to y'all and write some of the Harry/Tonks fic next instead.
  9. It was called Power Job and it was by Jeezits but I think s/he left the site in a huff. So its been deleted off here.
  10. Thanks for your review, Hope. I'm thinking that you really really like Ron then? That's cool. I try to present in a good light too. Though I think the books and especially the movies are slanted against him. Which is why there's all the hate. The movies have a habit of giving all his best bits to Hermione and then making him the comic relief.
  11. Dang! Am I that boring and predictable? Glad you enjoyed it. No,no quick resolutions. Well at least a couple of chapters of angst, first. Probably. And Draco, Yeah, I am not sympathetic to him or any Malfoy really. These last couple of chapters are partly devoted to showing what a cowardly opportunistic little shit he is. As for what I'm writing next. I don't think I should leave the cliff hanger too long but I don't want it be another six months till i get back to DTDM again, again.
  12. Responses to Reviews from my latest chapter: In The Belly Of The Beast Of It's Not Just Sex Well, I won't claim to know what I'm doing but there are no miracle's planned as far as I know and disney don't even have the rights to HP, so I can't do that. Wow. This quite an extensive review. So thanks for that. On the other hand, I'm a little sad that I apparently gave you the impression Pansy was really enjoying this experience. That... that's not really what I was aiming for. I don't think i specified that they were moans of pleasure rather than discomfort. And she was supposed to be intimidated by Draco's larger dick, not enjoying it. She's also rather passive during the scene aside from the initial pre-gag stages of the blowjob. And the jizzing on her face is actually going to piss harry off more than doing it internally. They're going to have to have a (brief) conversation next chapter with Malfoy's spunk still dripping off her. But yeah, Harry's mighty pissed about the whole thing. I'm not kidding about the murder in his eyes there.
  13. Seeing GREEN LANTERN tonight. In brightest day! In darkest night!

    1. Daye


      blackest. Blackest night. Meh, movie was OK could have done with less characters and plot elements though.

    2. kagome26isawsome


      i thought it was good :D

  14. Hey I got actual Malware warnings from GoogleChrome today. Yesterday, nada, today big red screens. Here's a link to the diagnostic report they gave: http://safebrowsing.clients.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.adult-fanfiction.org%2Fnav%2Fddcolortabs.css&client=googlechrome&hl=en-US
  15. Damn straight I should. Its a shame I'm the only reviewer. Seems like no-one shares my impeccable good taste.
  16. http://xmen.adult-fanfiction.org/ Oddly it seems to be accessed via the 'games and anime' subsection.
  17. Feel Restless and Tired at the same time and That Doesn't Even Make Sense

  18. Back in my own room, now with added green

  19. in·vid·i·ous/inˈvidēəs/Adjective 1. (of an action or situation) Likely to arouse or incur resentment or anger in others. 2. (of a comparison or distinction) Unfairly discriminating; unjust.

    1. Daye


      Also the name of a Star Destroyer owned by a kinky pirate mistress in a Star Wars novel. I am not making that up.

    2. BronxWench


      This is less evil than some of the other prompts. Feck. I do better with the more evil words.

    3. KerantliDreamer


      Its one I may be able to do... for once

  20. finally got this finished after chipping away at it for a week: http://hp.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600025317&chapter=8

  21. Chapter is done! At 3 am! I forsee it needing epic amounts of proof-reading.

  22. one never realises how much stuff is in one's room until one has to empty it

  23. gal·li·mau·fry (gl-môfr) n. pl. gal·li·mau·fries A jumble; a hodgepodge.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JayDee


      The world's crying out for dyslexic Time Lord stories!

    3. BronxWench


      I'm sitting with JD on this one...

    4. JayDee


      Dr How to the rescue!

  24. It might help if you mention fandoms, pairings and other details about the fic you want beta read...
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