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Everything posted by Daye

  1. Daye

    Searching for Fic

    It Could Only Happy To Harry By HoosYourDaddy. Excellent fic, sadly not finished. The girls were, Fleur, Tonks, Parvarti, Luna and Hermione. And most definitely not Ginny. The author pretty much had it in for the Weasleys, using the old 'love potion' gem to explain HBP.
  2. was born with a heart full of neutrality

    1. JayDee


      Yeah, well, I'm a sewer mutant.

    2. Daye


      I have no strong opinion on that one way or the other

    3. krakenknight


      We'll tell you're wife you said... Hello.

  3. 200 reviews! A landmark! Also does bbs code work on status updates?

    1. Daye


      No! But now I know. And knowing is half the battle

    2. DemonGoddess


      LOL, but the emoticons do.... :twirl:

    3. Daye


      That doesn't help me if I want to dress a link to a story update does it :P

  4. Well this is meta.
  5. Cam I stop aging now please? Enough is enough.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. kagome26isawsome


      happy birthday and dont complain..ive had gray hairs since i was 13 and now im 26..

    3. BronxWench


      I'm rocking my silver hair... ;)

    4. DemonGoddess


      My hair is mostly black, but I do like the silver strands that are starting to show up ;)

    1. Daye


      Dang. Now I've done that reference, I'll need eleventy-one reviews! Hmm, eleventy-one views seems slightly more likely.

  6. Interview tomorrow. For a job i don't have a description for and is an hour and half away by bus. Meh, they probably won't want by the time they've met me anyway.

  7. It lives! It liiives! Decided to to expand this thread to the sequel. "It's Not Just Sex" It's actually a review of an older chapter, but It allows me to reveal a justification I just thought of. Now I agree that my Ron is different to the canon Ron, strictly speaking. That's because the canon Ron became and asshole after book 3. Now the conflict stuff is all very well and good and character building, but JKR seemed to forget that Ron had redeeming traits as well, or at least didn't do that good a job of showing them in the later books, which is where the common fan opinion of Ron being a total asshole comes from. Yes, I write Ron as being a better person because that how I'd like to see him. But Also, consider the visions the Horcrux shows Ron in DH and his reasons for leaving in DH; that he thinks Harry and Hermione are getting together. (This is more emphasis in the filn's lead up to his departure) Now look at my fic. There's no way Ron can think Harry and Hermione are getting together and leaving him out in the cold since Harry is quite obviously in a secure relationship with Pansy since he keeps fucking her brains out. So no competition between Ron and Harry, not so much anger on his point, not so much for the locket to work on him and viola, no Ron leaving. Makes sense to me anyway.
  8. Callipygian : Having well shaped buttocks.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shadowknight12


      FINALLY a prompt appropriate to this site! But yes, the words do seem to be getting more and more obscure. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the prompts was Obsolagnium or Decubitus.

    3. BronxWench


      Hey, nim'ohtar? Never invoke that which you cannot banish.

    4. Shadowknight12


      ...you mean all these "Obscure Vocabulary" wards are useless? Oh, man, they ripped me off! :(

  9. Err. Review Response thread usually go in the relevant fandom section of the FanFic forums at the bottom of the main page.
  10. Could it be Old Enimues, New Friends? http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600024810
  11. Not exactly 'bossy' but I do still get reviews for a stalled Harry/Tonks fic, asking for updates. Its kinda of annoying to find you have new reviews after an update only to then realise they're all on a fic that was last updated nearly six months ago. Its nice that they like it but how about reading the new stuff I'm working on?
  12. I figure there's easily enough material in charting the descent of Rogue into the sordid world of debauchery and porn for a few chapters, at least. or a very long one shot.
  13. There can never be enough Rogue fiction. And Rogue still having her powers is especially rare in porn fics. Most follow the basic formula. 'Rogue loses powers, becomes slut' which although fun isn't the most interesting approach plotwise.
  14. Daye


    http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093868 And its up. I would have done it much sooner if I didn't fall ill on tuesday night.
  15. Daye


    Not sure i should admit to this in case it doesn't materialise but... Harry/Fleur Oneshot in progress.
  16. Welcome To The Jungle in my pants
  17. The only real HP crossover I've considered is with Buffy The Vampire Slayer and that was merely because i realised that Willow was the same age as Ginny and also a redhead so I wanted to pair her up with Harry. There's a challenge to that effect in The HP Requests forum, because I had no idea how to begin plotting such a story. (Really the only time Harry's going to end up in Sunnydale is post books. Which is early BTVS pre-witching Willow. By the time she's a badass witch she's also a lesbian which kinda takes the shine off the fic.
  18. He decapitates a giant snake with sheer badassery (ok and a sword) what's not to love? Ah, is she not? I thought that was one of the major selling points for Voldemort in the first chapter. So any way, mucho trouble when he finds out what a minx she is.
  19. Hey! You worked out the forums. This is good news. Looking forward to the next chapter. It comes to mind that if Harry and Kallista do bang soon, its going to royally screw up Voldemort's plans, sine her being virgin seemed of some importance to him. But then just about every character seems to be working to screw his plans at the moment. As to Neville the real start of his improvement was working with the DA in book five. He's not so much pathetic in book six as almost entire absent, which is a shame because he's totally awesome.
  20. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600025537 Something i think is a first. An AN chapter as the first and thus far only chapter. And yet it still managed to garner 7 reveiws and 5 5star reviews.
  21. pragmatist
  22. Every single fic in Lillith Saroyania's Harry Potter section now has an identical AN chapter posted today. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296836951 Also are people allowed to give their account to other people?
  23. Got the link fixed. Sorry about that I had the url code wrong. As to the release date, wiki says 'Part I will be released on 19 November 2010 (2010-11-19) and Part II on 15 July 2011 (2011-07-15)'
  24. Teaser trailer for the Deathly Hallow movie. From MTV apparently. Looks to have stuff from both parts in. Click me! Man is it just me or in less than 60 seconds, they have Ron turn out to be an even Bigger prat that he was in the book. Not an easy accomplishment but they seem to have done it.
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