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Everything posted by Daye

  1. Hey DS. Reading chapter now. Seen AG's standard review. Made me wonder... are you actually Scottish? because that would just make that review hilarious.
  2. wait ages for a review. then two come along at once

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Daye


      yeah. though one was from Hope, talking about how much he likes Ron. In a fic Ron neither appears in, nor was mentioned at all. on a old oneshot. twas a bit of a heachscratcher

    3. sumeragichan


      when it rains, it pours?

    4. Daye


      indeed its especially weird when it happens when you've not updated anything for a while.

  3. Those are really cool PaleGrace.
  4. Love is a disease invented by bank managers to make us overdrawn.

    1. Danyealle


      Gotta love Red Dwarf and Rimmer!

  5. Look, in the end. You don't have to answer to us. You have to answer to you. If you're totally in love with the idea of an entire chapter done in accent, go for it.
  6. Dear 16 year old me, Stop crushing over that one girl. It's not going to happen, even you know its not going to happen right now. so try and move on. Don't bother with A level chemistry. It doesn't go well. And you did surprisingly well at GCSE History. Don't do geography just for that one fieldtrip. If you do do geography. Don't end up picking Geology at uni just because your parents think you should. And don't pick Keele to go to just because its closest to home. Speaking of uni, I have paradoxical things to say about it. Have more 'fun' and do more work. Do more work; take things seriously, don't leave them to the last minute and whatever you do, don't lose your dissertation fieldnotes. Just don't. And the more fun. Well lets put it this way, if you don't go out and talk to people you've got no chance of making friends or getting laid have you? Now, personally I haven't figured out either of those things myself. But if you start now, when you're me maybe we'll have figured it out? love, me aged 23.
  7. Hey MM, its nice you've listened to your reviewers on this. Looking forward to another chapter of this. I must say I'm envious of your ability to write something with this much smut compared to plot. All the stories I've tried to write end up skewed far too much plot. So I end up writing of chapters and chapters of it between sex scenes.
  8. *Must Resist Urge To Argue with Agent G* It's not like he seems to pay much attention.anyway.... Nope going to do it anyway. While I can see his point, sort of. From what little I know of 616 wolfsbane she's not an exhibitionist. isn't she catholic? Hence not really that promiscuous. Unless she's, y'know teenage and rebellious..... Or just like 90% of sane Catholics doesn't follow the churches instructions to the letter. And even if she is out of character for 616 wolfsbane.... so what? It's a) not set in 616 and b) its fanfic you get to change things. That's what fanfic is for. Like saying Jean lived through Planet X so she can still be with Scott... So getting back to your fic. I can see the logic behind Rahne being an exhibitionist; first its contrasts well with the sweetness of Dani's scene. 2nd; Her mutant powers revolve entire around wandering around naked. (in wolf-form) As to the accents. I'd keep Rahne's dialogue consistent with chapter 3 but I think losing it for the narrator would be acceptable break from reality...
  9. Yeah. I think an entire chapter in the accent would be taking it too far.
  10. oh i don't know. het hp fic not involving Draco seems pretty niche to me. lol.
  11. I'm not talking deleting and reposting. Just deleting. And writing new different stories.
  12. Well the software upgrade seems to have brought to light for me, something thats been at the back of my mind for a while. The biggest impact the software changes seem to have is the problem that a lot of the older stuff has suddenly turned in a big unformatted wall of text. Now this, from what the mods say, was inevitable but what it does mean that either me or one of them (and given the size of the archive that seems unlikely) to go through my old stuff and re-edit in the paragraphs. For me this comprised eight chapters of a completed fic and 8 chapters of its sequel as well as the first two chapters of my other wip. And really, I'm not sure its worth the effort. My posting rating as fallen slower and slower on these fics and more and more it seems the only reason I'm continuing to write them is that I don't want to leave them unfinished. I feel like now and the software issues. Might be the time just to deleted everything from my profile and start afresh. But that's the kind of thing that gets people up in arms and my flood my inbox with angry people's mail. So yeah, anyone got any thoughts about disillusionment with ongoing fics? Or opinions on deletion of stories, when you don't want to finish them?
  13. Three more reviews for DTDM, Chapt 10; Thanks for the review but I have no plans to put up my fics anywhere else. Lol. Thanks to the review. Yeah, Terry's a dick but the faculty can't just let people get punched for that. Otherwise everything falls down. Actually reading the books, it seems like teachers can hand out arbitrary amounts of punishment.Especially since McGonagall is his head of house. As to Terry. Its probably true that he deserves more punishment. But Tonks is not trying to be actually fair, she's trying to avoid the appearance of being bias towards Harry, possibly by going too far the other way. But dems the breaks, Thanks for the review. Can't make any promises on a timely update though. Going to go back to the other story for bit a now.
  14. OK, I have to admit, I know next to nothing about most of that line up. The latest 616 x-men I read was the first volume of Astonishing X-Men. And only because it was cheap in a comic book store in manchester i randomly visited. And because it was written by Joss Whedon. Trivia aside... Just throwing out the idea I mentioned in e-mail for anyone else reading this; which was Cyclops/Surge. Seeing as thats a pairing that wouldn't be at all plausible outside of a crazy drug induced festival of fucking. There's a sort of forbidden fruit vibe going on there;.Cyke banging a student that can be quite kinky. And hell, asian electric chick with dyed blue hair, whats not to love? As for more characters. Well I think you've got plenty already. I'd be rather hard to explain how and why new people arrived at this point of the tale.
  15. Well, you two have the advantage of being the only regular posters on aff's x-men section that doesn't write slash. ,Aww shucks. Oddly enough I've always thought of my reviews as very critical. I'm not afraid to bitch. But then I'm apparently I'm also not averse to bitching at other reviewers for not doing it properly. lol.
  16. Hey, DS, seems like the verdict of your 'fans' is 'How dare your characterisation of characters differ from my view of it in any way?!' I personally don't see how you can mischaracterise someone who was barely characterised in the cartoon itself. Like I said in my review, there's no indication that evo-Amara was even a princess, yet they don't seem to object to that in and of itself. So anyway, i thought it was good work. Will we get more smut next chapter or will it be along the lines of. -cliffhanger resolution-girlie talk-next girl intros their story- with the next girl story taking up the chapter after that?
  17. Review for Chapter 10 of Desperate Times, Desperate Measures No. No more smut until you've finished your plot. That goes for INJS as well. ... I miss writing smut, Anyway thank you for you review. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
  18. Comments on my Smutty_Claus gift fic "Substitute My Coke For Gin" featuring Harry/Ginny/Parvati Thanks for reading. Sorry the lasting pairing was not to your taste. It was written for an LJ Fest and the giftee was really keen on Harry/Ginny so I was honour bound to write it for him.
  19. Hmm. I have seen Iceman/Jubilee and Jaime/Rahne used in evo fics before; well Agent G's 'Sex Ed' and slickboy's 'Playboy X' but while watching through Evo on Marvel's youtube page. I don't really see the basis for it myself. I mean there's maybe one scene where Jamie and Rahne are socialising and while jubilee does seem to hang out with iceman its always in a group of friends. You could as easily pair her up with Cannonball or Bezerker by the same reasoning. So I've got around the reading and review now. Aside from the obvious canon/616 pairings, I was pleasantly surprised. Don't think I've seen Sam/Amara or Bobby/Danni paired up before. And although i'm not familiar with new mutants or recent x-men comics i don't think they're pairings there? I keep wanting to write a Scott/Rogue fic myself. There's that wonderful story with them in the AU section 'A Christmas Gift' which i think is one of the best stories I've read. But alas I have too many fics on the go already in other fandoms. Going off topic here which is your fics is pretty good and keep it up Have already completed more chapters or are we getting this as it is written?
  20. hey DS, definitely interested in this fic but can't read it just this second. I guess this one is going to be more porn and less plot compared to Down Under? given there's only two canon ships for Evo, Scott/Jean (urgh) and Kurt/Amanda ( too sweet to object to) how did you decide on the pairings for this?
  21. Here comes the new year, Same as the old year

  22. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094052 Wave Of Mutilation by Salon_Kitty
  23. So I've got a week to write, print and hand in an economic poster. Aaargh,

    1. JayDee
    2. Daye


      nah. deadline got extended by a week cos the lecturers keep missing lectures and tutorials

  24. A new review for Desperate Times, Desperate Measures Well that would be one way of dealing with it. Though would Harry go along with that? Since he's pretty trusting of DD and DD himself is not just going to drop the issue... Thanks for the review, and glad you're looking forward to more. I can't promise to get around to anytime soon though. I've gone back to school and its filling my time with research and work and revision and all those fun things....
  25. Colossus appeared in Evo, I don't recall they had him interact much with Kitty though. Rogue/Gambit bothered me more. I never get how they're supposed to work relationship wise. But I like Evo Gambit a lot more when I found out he was voiced by Mr Gaeta from BSG.
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