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Everything posted by Daye

  1. I'm drawing a complete blank here. What are you trying to even say?
  2. I've only seen the first half-dozen episodes. But we definitely need a fic focusing on the tension between Spidey and White Tiger there,
  3. Percy is the one married to Audrey. Charlie never got married. though obviously you're changing things
  4. Daye

    Deleting Reviews

    interesting. Why in particular do you delete anonymous reviews?
  5. *Grammar. And the difference between 'laugh out loud' and 'lots of laughs' is not going significantly change the content of a message. That said, there is a time and a place for text speak, and prose is not it.
  6. I just haven't had any good ideas for stories for so long. :(

    1. BronxWench


      I'd let you rummage in my plunnie closet, but they've been breeding quietly in there, and I'm not sure what would spring out...

    2. KerantliDreamer


      I'd also let you rummage through mine, but they're all malnutritioned, so might not be very good any more..

    3. Daye


      Thanks guys. appreciate the thought.

  7. Daye

    Class Project

    It was called Sex Ed by AgentG http://xmen.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600090694
  8. why do fics marked oneshot always get a review asking 'is there more?'

    1. GeorgeGlass


      Seriously. But I suppose I prefer that to getting "This story isn't as good as your last one" from someone who did not comment on the last story.

    2. DemonsAngel


      Hopeful thinking?

    3. JayDee


      I'd prefer that to my more usual "Couldn't there be less?" reviewers

  9. Hey no worries, DS. RL is obviously more important and has to come first. Write whenever you have the time and inclination and the important thing is for you to enjoy it.
  10. Yeah Ultimate Wanda does pretty much nothing that I recall. 'Cept get pissy when Thor zaps Quicksliver.... And yeah, Evo!wanda has sucky luck/life. I'm not sure being able to fight all the x-men to a standstill really makes for having Toad as your love interest. So hurray for Risty! Sort of. The scenario does have its under lying squicky component with it being Mystique shagging her under false pretenses. That's can't be good for Wanda's self esteem.
  11. I've only seen Wanda in Evo and in the Ultimate comics. Despite the big plotline with her in Evo I think I actually forgot she was actually in it at one point.
  12. Whoops. Yeah, I have been away on holiday for a week and not really reading stuff. My bad.
  13. Some of that sounds like Salon Kitty's Folie A Deux. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600025401
  14. world i feel i could concentrate on the report better if i wasn't soaked in my own sweat. mmkay?

  15. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600025401 folie a duex by salon kitty
  16. No you can't attempt to finish my abandoned ficvfor me. Fuck off and write your damn story

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Daye


      Thanks BW *chugs*

      Jaydee, don't even go there man. :P

    3. KerantliDreamer


      *Huggles Daye then passes over lots of alcohol* gotta love some people!

    4. DemonGoddess


      watch that one for doing it anyway ya know. Then I can use the spork of doom!

  17. http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600060729 Oathbound. It's the first story in the Wonder Woman section amazingly enough.
  18. hahahaha. That's a good point. i'd never thought of it. for some reason I actually forgot Wanda had been a part of the brotherhood aside from the flashforward sections in the finale. Probably due to the fact I read her as an x-man in evo fanfiction may times before I actually saw her episodes and the third and fourth seasons of Evolution on Youtube. (on the official marvel channel i hasten to add)
  19. That's softobsidian74's 'A dangerous Affair' but all her work has been taken off the net.
  20. I got to say. Not only am I not interested in this challenge I'm surprised anyone is. Because entitled much? You demand that someone write your long complicated plot, (incredible a-canonical and ooc plot that someone has to try and make it work for you) and then you demand it has to 50,000 words long. (Are you any kind of writer? Because that's a freakin novella) And then you whine about how unreliable fanfic authors are how you must totally promise to finish it if you start. Because people don't have real lifes or anything. They can't start something in good faith and then not able to finish it. so... yeah, No.
  21. Daye

    malfoys threesome

    There was a Lucius/Draco/Hermione fic by SoftObsidian74 called 'Two Much' But it wasn't that plot, wasn't complete and didn't have a sequel. Soft has taken all her fics off the internet though, which is why you couldn't find that one.
  22. more reviews for Morning larks: I'm so glad you enjoyed the fic. But again I feel compelled to point out that it was a oneshot story.
  23. Apparently; open endings make people forget the word oneshot in the summary.

    1. Danyealle


      are you kidding? They can't even be arsed to read what pairing it is most times, no way they are going to read that part!

    2. JayDee


      Ya write a story ends with the total destruction of the world and death of all characters. You get "more please!"

  24. Not used this thread in a while: From new oneshot 'Morning Larks' from username: Oraldeviant Thanks for the review. Glad you enjoyed it. You seemed to have missed the oneshot tag though. The fic has an opening but is still considered complete at this point.
  25. could very well be salon kitty's'where heroes rush in' : http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600024844
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