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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. We can’t do reactions on guest posts, unfortunately, so RandyQuench, have a huge thanks from me too And you too, Des! You’ve been a great help answering user questions for when you could, so thank you for that.
  2. Our coder does all of this in her spare time, while working full time IRL. We are all unpaid volunteers on staff here with real life obligations and work/school.
  3. Moved to the correct subforum. Willow Darkling, forum moderator
  4. The Archive is in read only mode for the time being, while our tech admin deals with a rather nasty attack on our site. As I understood it, that means that everything including new user registration is on hold until it has been dealt with. So please be patient with us and keep an eye on announcements from our admin who will let us know as soon as we are out of read only mode.
  5. Those poor Donners are never going to get to live that one party down, are they…
  6. You are magnificent, Manta2g. Thank you for all of your hard work keeping us up and running. And you too DG. You are amazing. 🙇‍♂️
  7. 40837
  8. I think that the best place for that kind of convo would be in the Writer’s Corner which you can find here: https://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/forum/62-writers-corner/ That’s the best place to get input from other authors and readers, instead of just us staff members. Happy writing.
  9. Welcome to AFF (Edit, now that I’ve got the time to respond more fully): in regards to the question, what you should know… - We have excellent FAQs for most things regarding both Forum and Archive in the “Please Read” section of the main forum - If you have a question that you can’t find the answer to, we are more than happy to help in the “General Staff Questions” forum - Pointy things are to be left at the entrance, in the closet, where staff can steal it and tell you you never brought it in to begin with - and we do tend to encourage drinking (virtual or IRL is up to you), often heavily… - oh, and we usually don’t bite… unless asked to… if we do without being asked, there are probably spray bottles randomly around the place to get the biter to stop… - and finally, (just to quote the motto of the only heavy metal music festival that my country hosts) don’t be an ass, - otherwise, we’re fairly normal around here… I think. **sits down and waits for the senior staff to either laugh or tell me off for being sassy**
  10. Stories go in the Archives. Not on the forum.
  11. In the case of a Celebrity who does not have a dedicated individual subdomain, or does not fall under any of the other subdomains under the Celebrity domain (Musicals/Plays, WWF/WWE, My Chemical Romance, etc) the story would go in Celebrity – Misc., and then into whichever category would be appropriate (General, Het-male/female, Slash-male/male, etc).
  12. Just to clarify, you are having problems logging in on the Archives not the forum? moved to the appropriate forum.
  13. I have to admit I don’t know either whether your Guest-posts would be automatically claimed by your user account if you made one, but what I can do as a moderator is edit the title of posts, so if it’s important to you, I can edit the titles of your guest posts to include the user name you choose for the forum, to indicate that you are the owner of the thread. It’s at the very least a work around. You’d just have to DM me to ask me to do that, and give me the link to the post in question. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  14. Yes. Dragon prints are the same as hits, meaning how many times users have clicked on that particular story.
  15. There is not enough squee in the world for that moment when one randomly finds a copy of Diana Wynne Jones’s Howl’s Moving Castle on the Free Books table at the University library…. :happykitten:

  16. AAAAAAND we have eruption number two, in as many years… fun fun fun :D At least it’s stopped shaking now, I guess.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      everyone’s great, trust me, eruption is better than constant earthquakes :D And it’s in a very similar location as the previous eruption, so the town’s safe :D


    3. BronxWench


      You know I worry about your mum and the gas emissions. But yes, I imagine this is better than the thousands of earthquakes they were talking about! :D


    4. WillowDarkling


      Thank you, love. As for the gas emissions mum knows how it affects her so she’ll be more careful this time (I hope :huh: ) so now we’ll just have to hope for “good” wind directions while this lasts :lol:

  17. This issue has been cleared up, and the Non-English subdomain of the Archive is now available for viewing again. Please let us know if you run into any other problems. Our coder is hard at work fixing the problems, but it takes time.
  18. Unfortunately the Non-English story archive seems to have fallen victim to our server migration. I will tag our tech and head admins here, to bring this to their attention. Please bear with us while they look into the problem, and thank you for bringing this to our attention. @manta2g @DemonGoddess There seems to be a problem with the whole of the Non-English category in the Archive. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  19. Hey, George. I’ve already mentioned this problem in our migration issues thread, so hopefully Manta will see it soon. But a temporary work around is to go to the very bottom of the page and switch the theme of the forum to “FantasyBeast” theme, and then you should see the standard three lines indicating a drop down menu at the top to the right of the Adult fan fiction banner.
  20. And would you look a that! Now I’ve got all of the channels on the left side! thank you
  21. I’m on a desktop computer, actually I guess I’m one of the cusp-dinosaurs
  22. I think I’ve gotten past the age verification thing and that, but now it just has the “how to make a thread” instructions up… I’ve never joined a server, I just use Discord to chat with people.
  23. I joined, with my Discord app, and I have NO idea how that server thing works
  24. Yes, but they all have real life jobs and homes to take care of, and one of them is in the Southern Hemisphere, so on a totally different timezone than any of us. Plus, we are all volunteers. We’re not some heavily funded conglomerate. We are not on here 24/7, so give people time to at least catch up.
  25. The forum software isn't our to edit, so that would only be possible if that feature exists in the software. That is for our admin to answer, though, since they are the only ones with access to the software.
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