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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. While the Archives are in Read Only mode the Head Archive mod is unable to delete any accounts. Therefore, if you do wish to have your account deleted please leave a post on this thread, linked here: Wish To Delete Account Thread This is in order to keep all of the deletion requests in one place, to try and make things a little easier on our Head Archive mod when we get back up and running. We will need your username in the archive, and a link to your profile would be awesome. Also, if you have a forum profile that will need to be deleted too, so a forum username and link would be brilliant as well. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  2. Story content is not allowed in the forums. Your post has therefore been edited to only exhibit ten (10) lines of story content, which is all we allow in the Challenges and Requests forum. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  3. We do not allow requests for or offerings of copies of stories. Any further posts of that nature will be deleted on sight. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  4. 41127
  5. 41123
  6. The Archive is still in Read Only mode, so it is not possible to upload chapters. Or anything else, like reviews etc. Our coder and admin are working their butts off to fix the Archive, but until they announce that we are back up and running nothing that is uploaded will stick. Please be patient and watch the forum for announcements from our admin concerning the status of the Archive. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  7. Since our archive staff is unable to delete user accounts at the moment, due to the Archive being in read only mode, I am creating and pinning this thread here for anyone who would like their Archive account deleted, to try and make things easier for the Archive mods. What we will need is your Archive user name, and a link to your profile would make things go a lot more smoothly. And if you have a forum profile a link to that would be most helpful as well, since that will be deleted when there is no archive profile associated with it. And please be patient with us, our coder and admin are working their butts off to get this whole thing sorted. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  8. This is not the place for this discussion. Please take this to DM or to a more appropriate thread. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  9. No, you are constantly posting irrelevant post in a thread that has to do with Tech support for the Archive. So, I am hiding the posts that have NOTHING to do with the thread. For example, the last post I hid from you, you were discussing my gender and pronouns, which are of absolutely NO concern either for you, nor for this thread. This is not abuse, this is staff trying to keep control of a thread that has to do with an ongoing issue with our archive. Simple as that. We are not bullying you, we are not abusing you, we are simply trying to maintain order. And if you continue to post irrelevant posts on this thread, I will continue to hide them.
  10. Thank you kindly for your patience, and we will make an announcement as soon as the site is back up and running. According to what DG and Manta have told us, this attacker is beyond persistent, and they are working on this every moment they have to do so.
  11. Yes, unfortunately the site is still in read only mode. It seems that at the moment you can post things like reviews, but they don’t stick, so it would be safest to just await an announcement from either DemonGoddess or Manta2g, who are in charge of the operations.
  12. I reiterate: This thread is for discussing the issues ongoing with the Archive, NOT for arguing about the merits or lack thereof of our competitor’s site. The previous posts (following warnings from staff members) have therefore been hidden (pending further action), and any further discussion on the matter here could result in moderation action. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  13. This is not the place to argue about the workings of another fiction archive. Please refrain from starting arguments in this thread. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  14. The Archive is still in read only mode, so the only way to do anything there is to wait until we’re back up and running. But if you only need help with the forum, then I’m tagging our forum admin @Melrick, and he can help you when he gets on. Just be patient since he is in the Southern Hemisphere…
  15. Rest in peace, Leslie Jordan, you glorious pint sized imp. :cry:

  16. The Wicker Man is way more fun anyway….
  17. We’re back in read only mode, since there was another attack on the site, unfortunately.
  18. For sale, one left leg, slightly used, going cheap… gimpy left hip included… :dots:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Melrick


      I’ll trade you my bent spine that doesn’t quite work normally.  I’ll have your left leg because it might be better than my gammy left knee.

    3. WillowDarkling


      But you have to accept the gimpy left hip with the leg, Melrick, so it might be a questionable trade. :D

    4. Melrick


      lol Okay, I guess I’ll stick with what I’ve got.

  19. I’m certain that’s not ours so please keep blocking. Manta, our coder, mentioned last night that there had been another attack on the site so please be careful and watch out for updates from Manta and DemonGoddess. I’m tagging @manta2g so she’ll definitely see this post. Thank you for letting us know. Willow Darkling, forum moderator
  20. Thank you for your understanding and continued patience. I’m probably the least tech savvy of the staff, but what I can say is that the attack was a so-called SQL injection attack… @Desiderius Price please correct me if I got that wrong, it’s past my bedtime again… I really shouldn’t be moderating past my bedtime
  21. The Archives are still Read Only for the most part, so there have been no updates on any stories for the past couple of weeks. The only parts of the Archives that are out of Read Only are the ones that appear with green in the designs/layout, but I don’t think any of the Archives have reached the point of new stories or updates to stories being uploaded. Manta, our coder, will let us know when the Archives are back up fully and fully functional. Until then, we unfortunately have to wait patiently. Thank you for your understanding and continued patience.
  22. I’m going to refer you to this thread: https://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/72676-i-cant-update-my-story/page/2/#comments where a lot of related questions have been answered, both by Desi and Manta (our coder) Not all areas of the Archives are up and running yet, so you’ll have to be patient with us, but I do think that when all the archives are up again, you’ll have to log in to your accounts, then hit the drop down menu on the left hand side, and click on Archives, and then you’ll get a list of all of the Archives, and to the right of the name of each archive there will be a green thingy (four little squares, I think) that you click to get your Control Panel up, and from there you will be able to post stories. Desi, you can maybe answer this better than I can… I’m tired, it’s past my bedtime, and I’m off to sleep… see you all tomorrow.
  23. It is available here: https://books.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=2244 It is to be found under Books > Titles in the Public Domain > Jane Austen, and under that heading you’ll find Pride and Prejudice, and Sense and Sensibility fan fictions. Hope that helps.
  24. @Desiderius Price we really appreciate all the help we can get, and since I’m about as tech-savvy as a brick, it’s really lovely to have someone who knows what Manta is talking about to answer questions when the girls aren’t around. So, thank you very much.
  25. That awkward moment when you see a “Report notification” for the first time in weeks and think to yourself “Oh, there’s someone reporting something.” and then it creeps up on you… I am the moderator and it’s my job to deal with that. (We're not mentioning that I’m also the one who made the damned spam report!)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      Keeping myself on my toes, apparently :D  And isn’t that how one usually gets a promotion? :D  


    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      “Promotions” usually entail going up into management, thus I try to avoid them!

    4. WillowDarkling


      See, this is why I was smart, made myself the resident Neko, and now they can’t get rid of me, so they give me shiny stuffs to keep me quiet, and less bitey :D  

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