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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. Going on vacation, with the rest of the awesome guys from AFF :)

    1. BronxWench


      See you at the house! :D

    2. Rain7777


      Wow! That sounds awesome!

  2. Am loving the days when my head gets too crowded for me to fit in there.... but it's alright, they're all old enough to be outside by themselves.

  3. Mr. Brooks, with Matt Schulze, who was also in...
  4. I have a weird taste in music, and I have little fits where I fall head over heels for something, and don't listen to anything other than that one band/singer for weeks and even months, and then just as suddenly stop listening. I just get sick of it. The last "music fit" that I had was Adam Lambert. Loved him, for all of seven weeks... haven't listened to a single song since last July. But my general taste spans from classical symphonies, to soft rock, to hard rock, metal and goth metal. And recently J-rock... I don't listen to music much when I write, but every so often I feel the need to have something blaring out of the computer, while I'm working. Usually when I'm home alone, and the quiet in the house starts to make me paranoid. For me, music is a necessary part of life, I would go crazy on the bus if I didn't have my music. But I have no idea why certain types of music (usually hard rock or metal) appeal to me, maybe I'm just such an angry person. I have a few favorite songs that are on the verge of being death metal, and I relax like I'm doing yoga when I hear them. It's weird. Music usually doesn't inspire my writing, but I have had an idea or two sparked by something in the song. So, as for the original question, I've got a few. Classical: 1. Beethoven's 9th or Vivaldi's Four seasons 2. Für Elise (Beethoven) Goth metal: 1. O Fortuna by Therion. 2. Over the Hills and Far away by Nightwish. Rammstein: 1. Ohne dich. (album: Rosenrot (I think)) 2. Ich tu dir veh. (album: Liebe ist für alle da) And the J-Rock band I'm in love with at the moment is called Nightmare (Naitomea). They have a song called "Rakuu" (or "Ochiwa" depending on who you ask) which just makes me all giddy inside. As for a song that I find sexy in their discography, there are a couple. "Nothing you lose" or "Lost in blue", are two and "Lulu" and "Cyan" are both very nice. I'm not going to go into it why I love their music, but I just think they're awesome. And that's it for my two cents.
  5. I would really like to participate in the exchange, but unfortunately, I haven't found any stories that appeal to me yet. But I keep checking this thread, in the hope that someone might post something that peaks my interest.
  6. Tehe, I know how that feels... Apparently in my world there are not minutes, only "mintues". It is a very cool anagram actually. Although the 10-(insert date)-10 anagrams are kind of cool too. But I'm biased, hubby's birthday is in October.. EDIT: How come my quote tags don't work?
  7. Looks like you guys found the typo... you crack me up.
  8. Hey, DG. Just noticed something I wanted to point out to you in this post. The due date for the calendar art submissions, shouldn't it be 11-7-10? rather than 11-7-11? I mean it's for the 2011 calendar... just wanted to let you know... Anyways, thanks for the update.
  9. I've worked in supermarkets, but thankfully never had experiences quite as bad as you guys. Although the customers can be rude and obnoxious and pay large sums with coins, I've never had anything thrown at me, or had people spit at me or worse. I've had my share of the lousy "if it's got no tag it's free jokes" but that's about the extent of my abusive customers. On the other hand I've heard that "the customer is always right" line enough to hate it, that is until someone told me what the next line of that phrase is... At least over here, that phrase goes something like this, "The customer is always right, as long as he can provide adequate proof he is right." Simple right? I'd suggest you guys dig up that consumer law thingy and read it. (at least the sparknotes version if you can't be bothered with the whole thing) and then you can point that out next time someone sings that song to you. As for the text-messageing, gossiping teenage employees, here's my two scents. You can't really do anything about it when you're a customer, except complain to the manager and hope he cares. When you're the boss... One evening I was working with a girl that I had been told would not work, only text and take a smoke break every five minutes. At the start of our shift, I just told her this, "NO cellphone at the register, if you must text do it when there isn't a person in the store, you can have a smoke during your 20 minute dinner break, and then another five minute smoke break an hour before closing. Those are the rules and no arguments." Next day I came to work and my boss asked what I had done to the poor girl. When I told him he said the girl had praised me for being an awesome shift manager, and that she really liked working with me.... imagine that, all she wanted was some discipline. As for the customer side of this argument. I do my best to be polite and smile and be a good customer, although sometimes it does get frustrating when the teens behind the register behave like PMS-ing bitches (no matter the gender) Sometimes the older people working the register are worse than the teens, but still I always get surprised when I receive a genuine smile and a "good morning" from someone working a register. My worst experience with retail is going shopping for clothes, though. I hate going into clothing stores and have the size 2 bitches look at me like they want to laugh in my face. (I'm about a British size 12/14, which is pretty average). I've even had an clerk help me, but with this look of pity on her face the entire time. I wanted to smack her upside the head. So, I've stopped shopping at fashion stores and only shop at the stores equivalent to Sears or the like.... Ok, I'll stop this now.
  10. I want to start by thanking DemonGoddess for all your hard work... but here comes the whining... (just imagine a 30 year old, pouting and making puppy dog eyes, to make it a little more funny) I'm completely computeretarded, so I don't understand any of the stuff you guys are talking about, with the upgrades and scripts and whatchacallem's, so I'm just going to ask the obviously stupid questions. The forum is supposed to be all blue and white, and have a heading that reads "IP Board"? It will not go back to the nice and cosy brown look? And is it all the same as the old board was, in essence? I'm just asking because I don't deal well with changes, and I had gotten so used to the old forum that this new one scares me.... Please don't take this the wrong way, I do greatly appreciate everything DG does here, I'm just being a little insecure... Thanks in advance for the slightly condescending responses ... (Oh, I expect them to be condescending, simply because I would answer my own question in that manner. So please, condescend away... )
  11. Oh, wow........ I feel the need to bow to your genius... I never would have figured that out. Thank you so much. The chapter comes up without a hitch now, and everything is as it should be. Thank you for the speedy response. And I'll remember, no more hash marks (#) in chapter titles. Sincerely, Willow Darkling.
  12. Hey, guys. I have a problem with one chapter in my story. I was editing the whole story (a little thing in the AN) and discovered that I cannot pull up chapter 14. All that comes up is a number in the text field, and it appears that the entire chapter uploaded in the "Chapter title" field. Unfortunately I'm a complete computeretard and utterly tech illiterate, so asking me if I'm doing html something or other will only draw up an image of a highly evolved chimp scratching his head. So, I hope you'll forgive me for explaining this in layman's terms. First here is the link to the story: Lifelessly.A true story the problem is chapter 14 > ch. 14 When I upload a new chapter I just copy/paste from a word document into the text area. I always use that format when I upload a story. But this one chapter seems to have uploaded entirely into the "Chapter Title" box, and all that shows in the text area when I try to edit is this number: But looking at this chapter from the archive it comes up perfectly normal. Can anyone help me with this? I'm afraid to mess with it too much, because I might mess it up worse. And if anyone can help you must be able to explain the problem like your talking to a five year old. I just don't understand computers. Thank you, Willow Darkling.
  13. Hey, guys. So chapter 42 is up. And I've got reviews for chapters 40 and 41 that I want to thank for. Thank you, Kylee, for the reviews. I hope you enjoy the new chapter, and don't worry, you'll get answers to your questions soon. I think you're right that Polinues was ready and his passion will only grow. I just love how you love Leyjen so much, I honestly wish I could let you meet him... maybe I can let you pet him?... Until next time, I'll leave you with our favorite icon.... Love, Darkling Willow.
  14. Just wanted to add my two cents. Thank you, DemonGoddess for all of your amazing work and apparently endless patience, even when dealing with computeretards like myself. If it had not been for this site I never would have gotten as far with my story as I have, and my characters would still be immature five year olds running about in my head. So, thank you for everything, and thank you to the admins and the mods, you're all amazing and utter geniuses, with a wicked sense of humour too...
  15. Wow, guys, it's been more than a month since I posted something here, so I think I better. But I've got this feeling the only people who ever check up on this are me and Kylee, so I don't know.... Anyways. I got a request from "Anonymous Sister of the Author", who's username made me laugh so hard, because I only have two younger sisters, asking me to update soon, and I did (kinda). So, I hope ASOTA is a very happy camper at the moment. Those of you who read the story should know that poor hubby started our marriage by falling off his bicycle and breaking his collarbone, but he's all better now and back at work. And then there was a little nugget from Kylee, I love that you can see the humour in Arlathi's fate, and that you can laugh at him that way. Let's hope I can keep pleasing you with his character as he develops. I get a feeling that somebody is holding their breath for things to go down... literally And I know you will not be disappointed, darling. And finally on chapter 39. look who's back with us!! Everybody wave, Welcome back, Teaques. Oooh, we've got some more Leyjen/Polinues fans here... it's just wonderful how people pick up on things that I haven't even noticed myself. I hadn't realized that Polinues' attraction was that much, but I guess the boy likes... well, his boys.... Good job picking up on that ridiculously vague hint, by the way. And finally: I hope you had an awesome time on vacation, Kylee. Was I too vague on Owain being the teen Polinues was admiring when the executioner's family moved in? Damn... I thought it was enough to say that he was the executioner's son, but maybe I could have elaborated on it a little more... sorry. Tihihi... spitting lizards... that one was funny, wasn't it? And don't worry too much about little Tiensin, he's going to be around for a while more. So thanks so much all of you for the reviews, and I can't wait to hear from you again. Love, Willow Darkling.
  16. I think that sounds great. Many readers might not feel like signing up just so they can read the author responses, so they just skip it, but having it open would give them the freedom to check it out, without obligation of signing up. It might also get more people to sign up for the forum so they can respond to the author posts. Anyways, sounds like a very good idea. Sorry, it's almost 5 a.m. over here... can't sleep... I'll shut up now.
  17. Yay, Kylee!! Haha, I love that... "questionable type of husband". And yes, Arlathi has rarely been considered a very nice brother. I did promise you a lot of smexing... so you're welcome. Thank you so much for the great review. And the congratulations... Wedding was on the 17th of July, and it couldn't have been more perfect. We only got four days off from work for our honeymoon, so we've just been sitting at home, enjoying leftover cake and doing absolutely nothing. Which was wonderful, but tomorrow it's back to work. Next chapter should be up this weekend. (I'm not promising, but let's hope I can stick with it)
  18. ok, wow, it's been more than a month since I last posted something here, but like I've said so many times, I got a bad case of writer's block, started working again after a year and a half long break, and was planning a wedding.... But now, I'm married, got three more days of my honeymoon (which is fantastic) and have gotten my motivation to write back.... that is almost... I posted a couple of new chapters a few days before my wedding day, even though I knew they weren't perfect, just so I wouldn't feel so bad about leaving you guys hanging like that. The hit count went up pretty fast, but I've only gotten one review.... So, here goes: I'm very uncertain how to take this review, because you're previous ones have been rather nice, while this one made me feel bad. So, I'm going to start by answering a few points: Yes, Polinues likes the scent of cinnamon and cloves, but he does not understand the importance of this fact (yet). Leyjen and Polinues have always loved each other deeply, and there is nothing sudden about this turn of events. And please take into account that Polinues is a hormonal teenaged boy... they tend to lead with their crotch. I thought I had explained the depth of Leyjen's and Polinues' relationship well enough, but if something is unclear please feel free to ask. And I'll answer to the best of my abilities. Unfortunately there is no line that goes like that in the story, but on the other hand, yes, I admit the line where Leyjen explains that he would never commit murder if asked to, but that he would commit murder if Polinues commanded him to, but only at the risk of losing his humanity, it is a little cliché-ish, but stupid is not a word I agree with. I'm sorry. There will never, ever, ever, be Male Pregnancy in my story. I'm sorry, I find that cliché and stupid, not to mention physically impossible. Even though I write fantasy, I try to keep at least the minimal amount of reality. The point that you make about getting info about the housing and scenery, etc., I believe that is what the experts call "showing, not telling", and I'm happy to hear that I've gotten the hang of that. As for the sexual act in chapter 37. No, it was not meant to advance Leyjen's and Polinues' love. It was meant to show the darkness that lives inside Polinues, and his need to exert his power through physical actions. He has learned that power is best shown through physical force. And it was not unnecessary, it was one more barrier that Leyjen has fought to maintain, but then gives in far too easily. I'm very happy to hear that you like this story, and I'm sorry for disappointing with the last two chapters. Although it isn't much of an excuse for bad writing, I clearly stated in the Author Notes that I was suffering from writer's block, had just started a new job and was stressed out with planning my wedding. But I tried to keep writing. Obviously I shouldn't have. And finally I would like to point out that you did, nevertheless, call it "tacky".
  19. hey, being a little narcissistic is fine too. I often feel that fear too... but I think my curiosity is of a more self-esteem issue related complexities. I wonder how bad it must be to get the attention of the mods, and also I want to see what those other guys did wrong, to make sure I'm not making the same mistakes... As for the troll section... I must admit.... I like to go troll hunting. It's good to know I'm not alone.
  20. I just need to get this off my chest... and it would be funny to know if it happens to anyone else. I have a tendency to check every single one of the TOS report posts that come up when I check for new posts. Sometimes that is enough. But every so often I find one that make me curious and I really want to see what the violation is about.... only to see that the next post in the thread is from one of our glorious mods, and it says simply "problem taken care off"! Which makes me pout, for a second. I know I'm being silly and childish, and that the job that the mods are doing is so unappreciated and thankless that it's not even funny, and that TOS's aren't tolerated even for a moment. So, thank you mods for your work, and sorry that I'm more curious than is good for my health...
  21. Kylee. *runs around the room, waving arms and screaming at the top of my lungs* AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! I needed a smiley with an exploding head, because this comment was so amazing, my brain melted. THIS was exactly what I'm always trying to squeeze out of poor unimaginative hubby, and only get "It was gooooood." You actually saw more depth in Leyjen's character than I did, but everything you say is so perfectly true that it's like you're inside his head... in my head... wow, that came out worse than it was supposed to. I guess I'm too close to the characters, and I feel their emotions much deeper than I sense their motives, so reading this was just brilliant. You didn't just make my day, you made my whole week, and now I want to write. My motivation is SO back!! hahaha... crap, I've got to go to work, but I'll write when I'm done. Oh, boy will I write. Thank you so much for the in-depth answer, Kylee, it was so great to read that. It's impossible to describe how much it means to me to read an "outside" view of Leyjen's emotions and thought process. But believe me when I say, it's worth the world... So, thank you, Kylee, thank you, thank you, thank you. Sincerely, Willow.
  22. Yay, Kylee. I had to quote this because there is one point I really want to ask you about, but lets start with... Thank you for the review. It really made my day (was having a lousy one) and once again, I'm sorry for making you sad. I'll promise you some delicious in up coming chapters instead... how's that? Ok, what I wanted to ask about is this comment: I feel as if Leyjen heart has been demolished and he has given up all hope. Even though Pol is in love with Leyjen right now, it feels like Leyjen has already given up on having a loving relationship with Pol. Could you elaborate a little on what gives you this feeling, how you think Leyjen shows this? Because Hubby said something very similar about what follows chapter 35, and I'm curious because I don't see it. Thanks again, Sincerely, Willow.
  23. Chapter 35. Oh, wow. It's time to beg forgiveness once again. I'm so sorry for being so late with the new chapter, guys, but like I said in the AN I've been suffering from horrible writer's block. Or I've got Old Timer's disease now that I've turned 30! And on top of it, I'm still getting used to work, and I'm planning a wedding that's supposed to happen in SIX weeks. I can't believe it's so close. And the days go by far too quickly. Anyway. This particular chapter (#35) felt like it just didn't want to be written, and it was a complete pain to write. Literally felt like pulling teeth. I personally think it's utter crap, and should be buried in a shallow grave, covered in lime and forgotten about. But it's a plot point so it had to be written. Hopefully with this out of the way, I'll be able to produce the following chapters a little faster. Now for the reviews. There's been so many of them since I last posted that I'm only going to answer a couple of them, but those I don't mention for the reviews, they are the greatest, just like you all are, and I you for it. Now for the ones I wanted to mention specifically: I only quoted the last one of your reviews, womo, but thank you immensely for the many reviews. They were funny and insightful, and yes, Polinues had no qualms about kicking Tisék's corpse because deep inside he wished that it had been him that had killed Tisék. I'm so happy to see that you read the story so diligently, and can't wait to hear more from you. *dun, dun, dun* I love how you're always fishing for spoilers, lividfire. It makes me laugh every time. And in response to your post here on the forum, thank you very much for clearing up that confusion about your "Cliché" comment. You obviously meant it in the way that I chose to understand it. Let's just hope that my novel will be published, and that you will get the chance to read it. I can give you one spoiler for the big novel... Polinues and Brigale are the heroes in that one. Sorry, Kylee... man, I always get the feeling you'd kick my ass if you could, when I read your reviews.... but I love them for it too. It means that I'm accomplishing my goal, and writing a decent story. Keep up the fantastic reviews, and I'll do my best to keep writing more. And now there's a new reviewer. Class, say hi to Teaques: Teaques! Teaques wrote a review for ch. 23, but I'm putting it up here so everyone can say hi to him. Thank you, Teaques, and welcome to the group. I like the point you made about Belnsair not really being much of a brother, I never actually realized it myself. And that's it, at least for now. I promise there will be more in the following chapters, but there is supposed to be a story in there as well, so I hope you enjoy it. I'll be a better writer, and update more regularly, but bare with me at least until I'm married. Once the wedding is over with I'll be able to concentrate more on my writing. I'm sorry once again. Has anyone seen Ayouka (Lady Tamiko) around here lately? I seem to have lost her. And, yes, I looked behind the couch, she's not there. Anyway, Ayouka, if you see this, I wish you a very happy, very belated birthday, and I hope yours was as awesome as mine was. Love you all, and can't wait to hear from you again. Sincerely, Willow.
  24. I'm so sorry, Blackadder. I've never bothered with saving stuff anywhere other than the computer, and have lost a couple of years worth of work, for my novel, but I didn't care at the time. But reading this... Like I said, I'm so sorry you lost all that work. I'm going to buy a key drive tomorrow when I get paid. Your loss convinced me that the risk isn't worth it. I'm so sorry... I'm getting all emotional over this.
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