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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. =^~^= Neko is feeling sad today. *curls up under the radiator and listens to some hard J-rock, hoping that the bad things will go away.*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Techno-Ninja


      *clings to the neko and pets* I hope you cheer up soon.

    3. kagome26isawsome


      does that include some gackt? lol

    4. ApolloImperium


      *snuggles the Neko Wenchling*

  2. Has decided that being a Neko, and living life like it's an anime is so much more fun!! =^-^=

    1. Techno-Ninja


      *pets* You would fit right in with some of my friends. XD

    2. BronxWench


      ::scritches pretty neko ears::

    3. ApolloImperium


      *tosses a glitter ball towards her*

  3. Here you go, SK... I want to point out jus how gorgeous the bass player and the blonde guitarist are in this vid... they are simply lickable


  4. Hey, you. Thanks for the review on Polinues, and I'm sorry I keep breaking your heart...

    Please stop by the shoutbox someday and say hi to the troops.

    Thank you again for being the awesomest reader in the world. And I'm editing the story, to make it easier to read :)

  5. Ah.. I should have guess that the dark and moody was more your type... but my J-boys aren't always perky... I found this new PV with them... awfully moody and pouty.. want the link?

  6. Hrmph.. I need to teach you to appreciate my pretty J-rock boys....

    I can let you pet them on occasion.. :D

  7. Tihihi... I find it so awesome that you like SPN-boys so much... but then again, Dean does have those co*ksucking lips :P

  8. Oh, wow... got a review already... Ok... first of all... thank you so much for the review, Sahari. I am very happy to hear that you like the story so much, and I promise you there's plenty left. I will not be sending Leyjen away for good. I will be alternating chapters between him and Polinues. So, you'll get one chapter with Polinues and the next one with Leyjen, and so on. And second.. please no whacking over the head, please, that might damage something important. But thank you again for being such a devoted reader, and I hope I'll hear from you again. And I hope I'll be able to provide a long rich content chapter soon.
  9. Hey, guys. Wow, it's been four months since my last response and eleven chapters. As always my gorgeous, faithful Kylee has left me a cookie trail of awesome reviews, and for that I thank you, you amazing lady. I am really sorry for breaking your heart, but the story must go as was planned Have a cookie as a consolation... sorry. As always I totally adore how fired up you get about Leyjen, and that comment about wishing the death penalty on Wrailan was just hilarious. I hope you will keep reading and trust that it will all end well... in the end. As for all the other reviewers, Eatmorefish: Thank you so much for the review, and I hope you will keep reading, because there's plenty left. And please don't hesitate to leave more reviews. Reviews feed the muses, you know, even if it's only a simple "Hey, I read it and liked it." Swordsndaggers: You know exactly what I think of your reviews, hon, so just keep up the good work. And to everyone else. Thank you so much for reading, and please feed my muses. I hope I will hear from more of you.
  10. I HAVE PEANUT BUTTER M&M'S.... my hubby is the bestest in the world...I should pin a medal on him. <3

    1. BronxWench


      ::pets Willow's good husband::

    2. kagome26isawsome


      awww i got a king sized kit kat :D

  11. Am finding it exceedingly sad that I'm 30 and only just now daring to be myself. But maybe I deserve to be myself, after all these years.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BronxWench


      I think life is a process of rediscovering ourselves, and that's not always a bad thing...

    3. DemonGoddess


      It's good to get yourself for true you know. Strong self knowledge tends to make for a happier person.

    4. BoredStraight


      I agree with BronxWench! Life is a continual process of rediscovering yourself because we never stop changing

  12. Breakfast order again... since Myron skipped out on us, I guess I'll have to do it :)

    1. BronxWench


      Hmm... Sand's going to be off at sunrise with Pitt, so he'll grab whatever's available. I think Vale and I will just have eggs and bacon and wahever! :D

    2. WillowDarkling


      I have secretly paid off the vacation house staff to take care of breakfast for me... Yuji is far too enticing to leave in bed by himself. :)

    3. BronxWench


      Well, I'm glad! Since Sand sort of borrowed Satoshi and Kansas for the night. Sorry if I scared Kansas, but he'd have been driving DG nuts otherwise... :D

  13. Breakfast orders for the vacation house, to be left here. :P

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      Myron does draw the line at cooking up the elves... :P

    3. BronxWench


      Tell Myron I prefer my prey moving... :D

    4. DemonGoddess


      SK: One of my guests would surely appreciate the lifeblood...LOL. For the humans, bacon and eggs

  14. Going on vacation, with the rest of the awesome guys from AFF :)

    1. BronxWench


      See you at the house! :D

    2. Rain7777


      Wow! That sounds awesome!

  15. Am loving the days when my head gets too crowded for me to fit in there.... but it's alright, they're all old enough to be outside by themselves.

  16. Mr. Brooks, with Matt Schulze, who was also in...
  17. I have a weird taste in music, and I have little fits where I fall head over heels for something, and don't listen to anything other than that one band/singer for weeks and even months, and then just as suddenly stop listening. I just get sick of it. The last "music fit" that I had was Adam Lambert. Loved him, for all of seven weeks... haven't listened to a single song since last July. But my general taste spans from classical symphonies, to soft rock, to hard rock, metal and goth metal. And recently J-rock... I don't listen to music much when I write, but every so often I feel the need to have something blaring out of the computer, while I'm working. Usually when I'm home alone, and the quiet in the house starts to make me paranoid. For me, music is a necessary part of life, I would go crazy on the bus if I didn't have my music. But I have no idea why certain types of music (usually hard rock or metal) appeal to me, maybe I'm just such an angry person. I have a few favorite songs that are on the verge of being death metal, and I relax like I'm doing yoga when I hear them. It's weird. Music usually doesn't inspire my writing, but I have had an idea or two sparked by something in the song. So, as for the original question, I've got a few. Classical: 1. Beethoven's 9th or Vivaldi's Four seasons 2. Für Elise (Beethoven) Goth metal: 1. O Fortuna by Therion. 2. Over the Hills and Far away by Nightwish. Rammstein: 1. Ohne dich. (album: Rosenrot (I think)) 2. Ich tu dir veh. (album: Liebe ist für alle da) And the J-Rock band I'm in love with at the moment is called Nightmare (Naitomea). They have a song called "Rakuu" (or "Ochiwa" depending on who you ask) which just makes me all giddy inside. As for a song that I find sexy in their discography, there are a couple. "Nothing you lose" or "Lost in blue", are two and "Lulu" and "Cyan" are both very nice. I'm not going to go into it why I love their music, but I just think they're awesome. And that's it for my two cents.
  18. I would really like to participate in the exchange, but unfortunately, I haven't found any stories that appeal to me yet. But I keep checking this thread, in the hope that someone might post something that peaks my interest.
  19. Tehe, I know how that feels... Apparently in my world there are not minutes, only "mintues". It is a very cool anagram actually. Although the 10-(insert date)-10 anagrams are kind of cool too. But I'm biased, hubby's birthday is in October.. EDIT: How come my quote tags don't work?
  20. Looks like you guys found the typo... you crack me up.
  21. Hey, DG. Just noticed something I wanted to point out to you in this post. The due date for the calendar art submissions, shouldn't it be 11-7-10? rather than 11-7-11? I mean it's for the 2011 calendar... just wanted to let you know... Anyways, thanks for the update.
  22. I've worked in supermarkets, but thankfully never had experiences quite as bad as you guys. Although the customers can be rude and obnoxious and pay large sums with coins, I've never had anything thrown at me, or had people spit at me or worse. I've had my share of the lousy "if it's got no tag it's free jokes" but that's about the extent of my abusive customers. On the other hand I've heard that "the customer is always right" line enough to hate it, that is until someone told me what the next line of that phrase is... At least over here, that phrase goes something like this, "The customer is always right, as long as he can provide adequate proof he is right." Simple right? I'd suggest you guys dig up that consumer law thingy and read it. (at least the sparknotes version if you can't be bothered with the whole thing) and then you can point that out next time someone sings that song to you. As for the text-messageing, gossiping teenage employees, here's my two scents. You can't really do anything about it when you're a customer, except complain to the manager and hope he cares. When you're the boss... One evening I was working with a girl that I had been told would not work, only text and take a smoke break every five minutes. At the start of our shift, I just told her this, "NO cellphone at the register, if you must text do it when there isn't a person in the store, you can have a smoke during your 20 minute dinner break, and then another five minute smoke break an hour before closing. Those are the rules and no arguments." Next day I came to work and my boss asked what I had done to the poor girl. When I told him he said the girl had praised me for being an awesome shift manager, and that she really liked working with me.... imagine that, all she wanted was some discipline. As for the customer side of this argument. I do my best to be polite and smile and be a good customer, although sometimes it does get frustrating when the teens behind the register behave like PMS-ing bitches (no matter the gender) Sometimes the older people working the register are worse than the teens, but still I always get surprised when I receive a genuine smile and a "good morning" from someone working a register. My worst experience with retail is going shopping for clothes, though. I hate going into clothing stores and have the size 2 bitches look at me like they want to laugh in my face. (I'm about a British size 12/14, which is pretty average). I've even had an clerk help me, but with this look of pity on her face the entire time. I wanted to smack her upside the head. So, I've stopped shopping at fashion stores and only shop at the stores equivalent to Sears or the like.... Ok, I'll stop this now.
  23. I want to start by thanking DemonGoddess for all your hard work... but here comes the whining... (just imagine a 30 year old, pouting and making puppy dog eyes, to make it a little more funny) I'm completely computeretarded, so I don't understand any of the stuff you guys are talking about, with the upgrades and scripts and whatchacallem's, so I'm just going to ask the obviously stupid questions. The forum is supposed to be all blue and white, and have a heading that reads "IP Board"? It will not go back to the nice and cosy brown look? And is it all the same as the old board was, in essence? I'm just asking because I don't deal well with changes, and I had gotten so used to the old forum that this new one scares me.... Please don't take this the wrong way, I do greatly appreciate everything DG does here, I'm just being a little insecure... Thanks in advance for the slightly condescending responses ... (Oh, I expect them to be condescending, simply because I would answer my own question in that manner. So please, condescend away... )
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