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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. *pokes spiky Harem Knight* I've got a treat for you!!

  2. Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the prompt review. Thank you very much. And that SNL joke...very funny... it would be the way to go now wouldn't it :)

  3. Hey, PW, thanks for the prompt review. *hands over cookie*

  4. Pen Name: Darkling Willow Story link: Peaceful Slumber. http://original.adul...hp?no=600103394 Review replies link: N/A Type of fic: Twitfic Rating: Adult + Fandom: Original - general Pairing: N/A Warnings: AFFO, ChallengeFic, COMPLETE, Death, NoSex, Oneshot
  5. *Iz making epic plans for welcome back parade*

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Shadowknight12


      But it's not my fault the rules have loopholes! :D

    3. BronxWench


      Scroll up, my dear. "Scantily clad" does not begin to describe your armor. Besides, where will we put the bow? :D

    4. WillowDarkling


      *haz revized the rules* new rule shall be: no clothing or other body covering apparel save for what wenches give you to wear!! There, no loopholes in that one.

  6. OK, guys... .... I know I'm mostly just talking to myself here, but I'm hoping that someone will take a peek at this and maybe respond... (arches an eyebrow at Kylee, been a long time since I heard from you, dear). Anyway. I've gotten a few reviews that I want to address, and thank for... and fill you guys in. Life's been pretty bad these last couple of months, and I let myself get seriously sidetracked by some other things, (*cough*RP*cough*) but honestly, I think I needed the distraction. I was beginning to lose the passion for "Polinues" and was sort of stuck. And I've been editing the whole thing, so it's easier to read... hadn't even realized it was so difficult to read, so sorry about that. But now I've got my inspiration back, and chapter 54 will be up soon. Very soon. But now on to the wonderful reviews I've gotten. First up is my darling Kylee I'm sorry... for always breaking your heart... I have a feeling you're still mad because it's taking so long to updated. I can't tell you anything to ease your mind without ruining the story, but I can promise you, Leyjen will find happiness again. Someday. Until then I hope you keep reading... and won't hate me too much Thank you, Dextrous, for offering to read my story, and I hope I'll get some good feedback from a fellow writer. I've edited the whole thing now, and I hope it's easier to read now. Please let me know if I should fix it some more. And thank you for the reviews. Moon. Thank you. I am so awestruck by this that I don't know what to say... other than thank you, thank you, thank you. It means the world to me that you took the time to catch up and the review just about made my week. Well, for the grammar mistakes, I do apologize, but English isn't my first language so I sort of reserve the right to mess up every once in a while. Sometimes the language just does not want to obey, so I make it do stuff it shouldn't I also don't have a beta-reader, so mistakes are bound to slip through. But please, please point them out to me, if I do make mistakes. I know how annoying it is to read something, and get knocked out of the story, by some silly mistake that just rubs you the wrong way. The spacing problem had been pointed out to me already, and I've been editing for the past weeks. I have one or two chapters left, and they will be fixed by the time chapter 54 is up. The fire... well, the scars that Polinues suffered were meant to serve as a tool to mold his personality and character, and to make him more hateful towards humanity. Your question makes me wonder if I didn't write that part well enough. All questions about Amraeen will be answered soon, like in the next 5 or 10 chapters (depending on how well the story behaves itself). Also, we are heading into the future now, so most questions about that should be answered eventually. I don't want to give too much away, for fear of ruining the story. I am very sorry to hear that my descriptions of the characters aren't good enough. It is true that I tend to leave much up to the reader's imagination, but that is a personal preference because I can't stand it when writers spend half a page giving you minute details about how a character looks. It's just a personal pet peeve. But I will take your words under consideration, and will think about trying to show my characters better. As for Leyjen's wings. He only has wings when he allows his true form to come out completely, and the scene with the prophetess (which Leyjen discovered is actually one of the Aaenda = goddess) that was just Polinues' own magical power allowing him to see through the magic that hides Leyjen's true identity at all times. (Bright Beltane Fires II) Leyjen also can only keep his true form visible for a short amount of time, while he is in a human body. When his human body dies and his soul goes back to his divine form then he will be in his true form at all times, and can turn to a human form at will. Most of the Aaenda chose a human form on a day to day basis, but that's just because those wings can become rather cumbersome Thank you again for your wonderful review, and I will update soon. I will also edit those last two chapters, and hope that as I get used to the new RTE uploader, then the paragraphing will be better. I'm still learning how to use it. I do hope that all of you will continue reading and that you will enjoy the rest of it. And that there will be minimal wishes for bloodshed... Thank you all again, Darkling Willow.
  7. *iz hiding in the closet in the SB*

    1. ApolloImperium


      *slides whiskey under the door*

    2. WillowDarkling


      *downs the bottle and curls up, with terrible tummy pain*

  8. iz feeling louzy *curls up and dies*

    1. Shadowknight12


      *puts flowers on grave*

    2. WillowDarkling


      good to know you'd rather bury me than try to revive me... :P... but thanks for the pretty flowers though

  9. *gags, and mops the floor, then gags some more*

    1. Shadowknight12
    2. WillowDarkling


      Sick nephew... I've got the most sensitive gag reflex in history. :(

  10. Neko iz making a mess... baking a cake... a red mess... a red velvet cake...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      With cream cheeze icing... mmmmm

    3. BronxWench


      ::looks hopeful::

    4. Shadowknight12


      The cake... the cake is not a lie?

  11. Neko has snow!!!! Yay, a whole, half fucking inch!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ApolloImperium


      Glad you are happy dearest!

    3. DemonGoddess


      LOL. Betcha my mom would trade with ya, she got 21 inches of it by this morning

    4. Shadowknight12


      Congratulations! We got a breather, too.

  12. Is feeling decidedly betrayed by living in Iceland and having NO EFFING SNOW.... Will trade rain for snow any day of the week... except in summer.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      I have ice today. Lots and lots of ice.

    3. WillowDarkling


      So I bring lots and lots of Whiskey? ;)

    4. BronxWench
  13. You deserve it.. but you can't snark at me for at least a week... :sends butterfly kisses:

  14. SK: this is the ultimate special treat for you... in case you haven't found this yet... http://sexywinchester.tumblr.com/

  15. Happy you liked... :) you know that scene don't you? It's the magic fingers bed, and Dean is thinking naughty things... *is trying to make massive innuendo*

  16. Neko is lurking and pretending to be a productive little Neko.

  17. Neko iz tired.

    1. BronxWench


      Neko and Wench played too late...

    2. WillowDarkling


      Neko iz almost certain it's Thursday... iz so tired... O.o

    3. Shadowknight12


      *injects neko with caffeine*

  18. Is very wrong in all the very right ways... I refuse to be anything but loud and proud and a dirty little neko... I'm proud to be myself. (even if it took over 20 years) :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Techno-Ninja


      You go, girl! =^-^= I'm just starting to come out of my shell, myself.

    3. ApolloImperium


      WOOT! Go Neko!!!!!!!

    4. BronxWench


      That's our Neko! We love ya! :D

  19. Why is Scottish accent so freaking sexy?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BronxWench


      Yeah, it just seems to hit all the right places, doesn't it? :grins:

    3. kagome26isawsome


      i dont think it is..a British accent is way hotter :D

    4. WillowDarkling


      Depends on from where... Manchurian is sexy... Cockney not as much...

  20. Confuddled Neko is confuzicated.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. BronxWench
    3. Shadowknight12


      *throws confetti on the sappy*

    4. WillowDarkling


      *pounces around trying to catch the confetti, falls over exhausted* SK exploded the glitter ball... he's trying to make me even more confuzicated... :P

  21. My jeans make me look so good, I'd do myself, if I could :D

  22. Listens to moody J-Rock and remembers that it's much more fun to just be a neko... =^-^=

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. marley_station
    3. WillowDarkling


      Why should I define it? What I find moody you might find cheery... I just mean songs that sound like an expression of depression, sadness and frustration...

    4. marley_station
  23. Thanks for the compliment on my J-Boys... glad you liked the song... they've got another new single, called a:fantasia... harder, and more rock, but just as dark and moody

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