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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. What both the girls said. I'll keep you guys in my thoughts.
  2. *hugs Melrick* I really can't say anything. I've lost two grandparents to cancer, although not lung cancer. I'll keep you guys in my thoughts. And *hugs again*
  3. Hey guys. Sorry I can't help with the story, but I can tell you that if the story disappeared but the author profile is still up, then most likely the author pulled the story. The author may also have just left the site and deleted all their content. It is also possible that the person in question may have been removed by the admin for serious breach of ToS. But anyway, hope it's not, and that you guys will find the story.
  4. *is sad, because the schedule book that neko ordered will not be coming home for xmas... or anything before that*

  5. Sorry to hear the news, Melrick. I'll keep you guys in my thoughts.
  6. Happy New Year, folks!!

    1. BronxWench


      ::huggles:: Happy New Year!!!

  7. *dons the face mask, yet again, and wonders what the fuck happened to Neko's immune system!* WTF!!

    1. DemonGoddess


      stress will weaken that ya know...

    2. BronxWench


      ::snuggles Neko Wench::

    3. WillowDarkling


      I honestly didn't know that, DG. But this does suck, I get sick more often now, than when I used to smoke.

  8. Hey, Kdvb1000. I'm not a staff member but I can help you with this. This is the right place for these kinds of questions. And I would like to direct you to this post, which answers all of your questions: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/27760-confused-o-0/ Welcome to the site and have fun, and don't hesitate to ask if there is anything else.
  9. All doneded with exams, now on to stress over christmas.

    1. BronxWench
    2. ApolloImperium


      No stresses... it comes, don't matter if we are ready or not...

  10. Happy birthday, Bronxie. You look awesome for 29z :D Love you.

  11. Hey, Rookseer. I am not a staff member, but this is what I know. As far as I know, there are no "add to favorites" or "alerts" features in the archive. The only option for this is to either save links to the stories that you like and want to watch for updates, or if the author has a Twitter account to follow that. Some authors do also provide a link to their review reply thread in the forum, and there you can communicate with the author. If an author has his e-mail public, you can e-mail them and ask them to notify you when they update their stories, but if they do not have their email public, you can use the review reply thread to ask. Please remember that the authors are Not allowed to use the review feature to answer questions from their readers, so you must go to the review reply thread here in the forum to get answers to your questions. Some authors do answer questions in their Author Notes, at the start or end of their chapters, though. And also, AFF.net is not affiliated with FF.net in any way. Welcome to the archive, and I hope you have fun.
  12. the OP is not asking for someone to write a fan fiction about a fan fiction. S/he is asking someone to pick up a story that has been abandoned and finish it. That would be considered plagiarism, because it would entail taking the work of someone else and make it your own, no matter if you credit the original author or not. As for the authors on this site, they do not take the published work and copy it, and pass it off as their own. They work hard to create something of their own, based on characters and settings from published works, and they disclaim all ownership of these characters and settings. If anyone picks up this story without permission from the original author, that person would be plagiarizing, as DG stated, and would be deleted from AFF. If the original author of the story were to give permission for it to be adopted, it would be a whole other story.
  13. Hey there. First of all you should post this question in Here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/forum/732-disclaimer-and-other-issues/ Second, if you were contacted by email about your AN (author's note) you should, I think, reply to that email to let the staff know that you have fixed the problem. If you were not contacted by email, but by review, posting in the above thread should be the appropriate response. The staff will check your story to make sure you're AN is in compliance with the rules, and then unhide the story or contact you again if needed. Good luck.
  14. I have a new KOMPUTAAH!! and yes, you have to say it like that... damn, my komputaah corrects stuff even in here o.O...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      LOL... I thought that was Hakuei's nickname :P.. tihihi, Spanky.

    3. BronxWench
    4. WillowDarkling


      ROFL... how in the hell did you come up with that?!! :D should I then call Ni~ya Sake-boi?

  15. Happy Halloween. Neko is wearing his tail to school today... :D ... let's see how that goes

  16. Mid terms? What? Where? HOW!!!! oh, sheit...

    1. Daye


      "mid"term. It like 2nd week of semester here...

    2. ApolloImperium


      I feel like the same with my semester projects :(

  17. Iz a sick little Neko. Somebody call the vet.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ApolloImperium


      What's wrong Neko? Feel betters!

    3. BronxWench


      Vets treat dragons very carefully... and hide the ketchup!

    4. WillowDarkling


      Bad case of the flu, Apollo. And Bronxie, I'm sure that's Lesson 1 in Veterinary for dragons 101. Hide the ketchup, or any other condiment.

  18. Survived first day of school... now lets see if I'll make it through the week

  19. Iz a sick little Neko who got sent home early from last day of work....

    1. BronxWench


      ::cuddles sick little Neko::

    2. sumeragichan


      :hug: Chicken noodle soup?
    3. ApolloImperium


      *pets Neko* Feel better hun!

  20. Only one day left, and then weekend... and then SCHOOL (read in an ominous voice!!)

    1. BronxWench


      ::pets smart Neko:: You'll rock it, baby!

  21. now is down to T minus 4 days, and counting... but the weekend doesn't count...

    1. ApolloImperium


      Weekends never count! What day is your first class?

    2. BronxWench


      ::is very excited::

  22. T minus 5 and counting...

  23. T minus 6... and counting...

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