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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. Which is why I will not start enforcing anything, until we (the staff) have decided on exactly what we’ll allow and what not.
  2. So, Melrick, how shall we implement this? You’ll need to add it into the forum rules, I guess, and since I am the most computer-illiterate, this means that we will no longer allow pictures in the posts themselves, but only links to pictures hosted offsite, and posters must put descriptions of the pictures before the links?
  3. ::goes and hides under the couch:: I hate being sick!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pippychick


      Usually, I take myself off to bed, and just sleep and sleep until I don’t feel sick anymore. Even if I have to sleep the clock round. I make myself unconscious. But then, I do have a phobia of actually being sick… try it, though, if you can. It definitely works! :)

      And everyone is entitled to be wobbly, weak and weepy when they’re poorly :wub:

    3. BronxWench


      I’m like Pip. I’d rather take to my bed and ask to be left well enough alone until I’m human again. Usually, after a good 24 hours or so in bed, I’m feeling better, or at least well enough to get back to it. (Now if we could explain that to my family, I’d be grateful.)

    4. WillowDarkling


      Oh, I do prefer to lie in bed too, and try to sleep as much as possible, when sick. But I can’t… I get restless, and then I start to ache because I’ve been lying down for too long. My body just hates me… It just does not like me to have nice things :P 

  4. Please use the form provided in this post: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63215-requesting-a-new-category/ Since guests cannot edit posts, please just add a new reply to this post, with the correct form. Once you have done that, I will pin this post for our head admin. Please be patient with us, since only our head admin can add categories, and she has been insanely busy with RL lately, so there might be a bit of a wait. If you have already written stories for this category, I think you can post them in the Misc. category of the appropriate archive, and just mark them with the name of the fandom. It is better to ask an archive mod for the details of how to do that though. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  5. My (tech-challenged) guess would be either connection issues, or just some kind of loading issues. You know, longer list, longer to load… but remember that I can make a computer crash by looking at it funny…
  6. The thingy told me it’s your birthday. So, 

    Happy birthday, dear DG. I hope it’ll be a wonderful day. :happykitten::bday:

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I second that, happy birthday DG!  :birthday:

    2. CL Mustafic

      CL Mustafic

      Happy Birthday DG! Hope you get a minute to celebrate. :D

  7. if you hover the pointer over the “Chapter list” in the upper left hand corner in a story, you should get a drop down menu of chapters, I think. At least that’s how I see it on my laptop.
  8. Please use the form provided in this post: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63215-requesting-a-new-category/ Since guests cannot edit posts, please just add a new reply to this post, with the correct form. Once you have done that, I will pin this post for our head admin. Please be patient with us, since only our head admin can add categories, and she has been insanely busy with RL lately, so there might be a bit of a wait. If you have already written stories for this category, I think you can post them in the Misc. category of the appropriate archive, and just mark them with the name of the fandom. It is better to ask an archive mod for the details of how to do that though. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  9. ::puts snow in boxes and mails to all of Neko’s friends::

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KoKoa_B


      *looks at damp box* …… 

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @KoKoa_B Weather forecast has a freeze warning tomorrow night, so if Willow uses overnight delivery, it might still be frozen for you.

    4. KoKoa_B
  10. According to archive staff records, this author, ForgetMeNaught, was contacted to inquire whether he wished to have his profile deleted, based on another post he made, but I can not see whether it was the author himself or the staff who deleted his stories. I would assume that it was the author himself who deleted his stories, given the post that has been merged to this one, (and marked as such). This was posted by ForgetMeNaught, but since the forum profile has been deleted, the name reverts back to “Guest”. And because I screwed up a little bit when merging these two posts, I moved the wrong post. If this post is in the wrong subform, please someone let me know, and I can move it to the correct one. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  11. whelp… first storm of the winter has hit. Roads are closed, gusts of up to 20 or 30 m/sec in my area, highest gusts in the country hitting 60 m/sec, and now we have lightning and thunder… 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Desiderius Price
    3. BronxWench


      Holy cow, Neko-baby…

      We just have that miserable sort of heavy mist version of rain which is too light for an umbrella and too heavy to go without. And we had a baseball lunch thing… I need Motrin, and lots of it.

    4. WillowDarkling


      Storm has blown over, and electricity came back on about an hour ago :D  Gotta love storms up here… at least on my little corner of the island. 

  12. We only allow 10 lines of story content in these posts, since story content is not supposed to be posted in the forum. Therefore I have cut the above post down to conform with that rule. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  13. quickest way to find it would be to click the link to TAFKAB’s archive profile (right below her avatar, where it says Archive profile: Link) and that will take you to her archive profile, and there you can find the story in question under her “Stories Written”… and I’m guessing the title of the story is “In the Library” since that’s the title of this post.
  14. My boxes arrived from Japan today! Took less than two months, while I thought it would take more like three :D But still… eight boxes of stuff… mother says I have too much crap. 

    1. BronxWench


      :hug: But it’s nice to have all your stuff back. :happykitten:

    2. WillowDarkling


      Oh, it is :D even if it means wasting two days sorting everything into different boxes, and taking to storage :D I need to win the lottery so I can buy a place of my own, to store all my stuff :rofl: 

  15. Clover, I think that it was changed in the last (or the one before the one before the last, can’t remember when) update, that we can now upload our avatars directly to the forum, it just has to be within a certain size parameter. I know, I’m not any help at all, but I do try As for the archive, I know even less. And thanks to Desi for a genius solution.
  16. As is clearly stated at the top of this forum: Your post has therefore been edited appropriately. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  17. Hey, there. It seems that the problem is that your accounts hasn’t been validated, yet, and therefore you can’t do what I asked you to do. Problem is, our forum admin is having internet issues, and our head tech admin is too busy with RL work. So, since I can’t validate profiles, all we can do is wait until you get validated. But just to be on the safe side, please give me your archive pen name, or a link to your profile here (it’s ok if you can’t hyperlink it, just the url as plain text is plenty) and then I can flag that for our forum admin when he gets back online, and he can validate your profile. Thank you though, for posting here, to answer my message. And I do apologise for the long wait for validation. Sometimes RL just needs to be the priority, or decides to deprive us of internet for a few days. Welcome to the forum, and I hope you enjoy the community, once your profile gets cleared. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  18. Please use the standard form as shown in this post: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/21142-how-to-use-this-forum/ We do not allow the posting of actual story content in the forum. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  19. As is clearly stated at the top of this forum: Therefore I have removed the link from the above post. Any further posts with unauthorized copies will be deleted. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  20. This is technically a category request, so I’ve moved it to the appropriate forum. In answer to the question, though, in order to get a pairing specific category, the admin asks for links to at least five stories with that pairing. If they are not available, then the pairing specific category will have to wait until we have enough stories, I think. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  21. The OP is the author of that story, and is offering it up for adoption.
  22. So: TV shows School of Rock Yes, have one story in progress?
  23. Alrighty, then I will pin requests until DG can get around to answering them, and then they’ll get unpinned again
  24. And since the forum where you originally posted this is for Announcements about the forum and the archive, I am moving your thread to the appropriate forum… Willow Darkling, forum moderator
  25. Should I maybe pin these until DG can get to them, just so the oldest requests don't get lost?
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