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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. ...when you go to ask the neighbour to turn down the rap music they’re blasting during finals season, and instead of the Dude you’re expecting, it’s a tiny little blonde girl in yoga pants, with hipster glasses… :blink:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      I actually thought it was a boy who lived next door, and that he just had a girlfriend, but it looks like it’s the girl who lives there :D But man, she’s so not the type that I’d have thought was a rap-fan. Guess that just goes to show you, that you can't really guess what kind of music folks like depending on the way they look :D 

    3. JayDee


      I swear I once heard of a porn plot starting like this.

    4. WillowDarkling


      LOL, she’s cute, JayDee, but sadly not my type :D 

  2. Strange_Idea, this is a four year old post. Unless you plan on actually writing this story, please don’t be adding something to this list. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  3. Rest in Peace, mr. Stan Lee… :cry:

    1. InvidiaRed
    2. BronxWench


      We lost a good one today… :cry:

    3. JayDee


      He had a damn long run, and was lucky to have his health for so much of it, but it still feels a bit of a blow. What a creative force the world has lost.

  4. Happy voting day, to all of our American users. I hope everyone voted. 

    1. CloverReef


      I’m Canadian, but I voted in spirit! 

    2. WillowDarkling


      Same here, actually, Clover. I voted with our neighbours in spirit. :) 

  5. The simple words “For Anton” at the end of Star Trek Beyond made me tear up… :( Loved the movie, but it still made me tear up

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Yep, it’s a good movie, but sad knowing it’s his final Star Trek performance (assuming they don’t rehash anything already shot).

  6. Noh, JayDee! What did the midwives do to you?
  7. The only one that I can think of, that GeorgeGlass hasn’t already mentioned is “Fixer”. It’s a bit clichéd, I’ll grant you, but I’ve seen it used in both movies and TV shows, and it could fit. Although there might be a bit of implication that the person “fixes” uncomfortable situations, as in might have someone killed if you need them to be killed, etc. English is my second language, so I don’t always realise implications like that. On a different note, I kind of like that word GeorgeGlass suggested, “acquirer”, I might steal it one day
  8. Melrick, please delete the associated forum profile, and then I can lock this thread.
  9. Love_Hina_Fan, just a heads up, your request for deletion has been set up for the staff, and both your forum and archive accounts will be deleted when the ladies get to it.
  10. I need to know if you mean your forum account, or both the archive and forum accounts. Then I’ll set your accounts up for deletion.
  11. Alright. Here you are, you are in a story, DBZboy18. If you necro or spam another thread, I’m going to have you banned as a spammer. That’s it. Either you start behaving yourself according to the guidelines, or you will be banned. And please try to stick with just one guest-username, please. Alternative usernames: Guest Superboy-127
  12. My life at the moment can be summed up in this little infographic… 

    ::bashes head on desk, wailing dramatically:: wHy Do I dO tHiS tO mYsElF?!!  :help: :bash:


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. InvidiaRed


      There are healthier alternatives and outlets to satisfy your inner masochism. 

      That said. Bronxwench said it best.

      I have all the faith in ya. No matter what.

      For you can turn tomorrow’s hope into a solid promise.

    3. Melrick


      Oh man, that can be me too often.  Not always, but it’s bloody annoying when it happens, more so because I know I’m procrastinating at the time!

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      My dentist said it was okay to procrastinate, so I’m taking that as a prescription!  (Well, it was regarding whether I needed a crown sooner vs later….)

  13. You can request a new category for those pairings, in the Request a Category forum. You must provide links to existing stories with those pairings in order for the category to be added. I can’t remember how many links are required, but I am sure that it helps if you have stories of your own to add to the category.
  14. I fucking love the Ghibli movie, Howl’s Moving Castle… That’s all… 

  15. Moved to a more suitable location, since this is a Search, not a Category request. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  16. Split this from the original place of posting to create a new topic. Guest Shon83, you might want to try and add a bit more details that you remember about the story, to increase the chances of someone remembering the title. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  17. I have deleted the link that you provided to go along with this post, because there was no description of what the link contained, in accordance with the rules as explained here. If you wish to repost the link, be sure to provide a description as well. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  18. WillowDarkling

    I Can hentai

    Please create your own thread if you have an idea for a story that you would like someone else to take on and write. Do not post your requests to this poster to write stories based on your ideas. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  19. Just to clear this up for myself, can I ask, what do you mean that the “number of chapters for this challenge is up to 11 chapters”? Wouldn’t the number of chapters be up to the writer that takes on this challenge?
  20. If this was meant to be a Challenge/Request then this needs to be moved to the C&R forum, I just need to know into which subforum.
  21. Since it bears repeating. As is stated at the top of this forum: Your post has therefore been edited accordingly. Any further requests or offers for copies will be deleted, as well as any links to places where the story has been uploaded by anyone other than the author. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  22. Here is a little something, in honour of all of our wonderful sisters. For anyone wondering how to write female characters properly, and who doesn't want to wear corsets, bras, or high heels to do some necessary research, BoredPanda comes to your rescue! (Or you could just actually have sex with a real woman, but you know...) https://www.boredpanda.com/dear-men-writers-women-tumblr-post/
  23. Since it bears repeating, as is stated at the top of this forum: There are links in previous posts that explain why these stories are no longer on AFF, and in those posts are other links to DextrousLeftie’s own site, where readers can find her work. Any further requests for copies of her stories will be deleted. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  24. I have moved this post to a more appropriate forum, since this is not a review discussion thread for a story posted to the archive. I have also removed a post from this thread, since it looked like it was meant to be a personal message for someone specific. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  25. Can you please clarify this for me? Are you turning one of your own stories into a comic book, which you intent to post here, or somewhere else? Or is this a story written by someone else, which you have permission to turn into a comic book for publishing?
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