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Everything posted by InvidiaRed

  1. Four Chapters left to fix. :tomato:

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Why did I start thinking “use-fix-a-flat” here?

    2. InvidiaRed
  2. Oh thank god that weird tonal shift was only around the last five chapters. :tomato::whistle::bash:

  3. Yeah, that would do it. The secret ingredient is an ungodly amount of poppy seeds, greens and more. Whether or nor they wake up is another matter. The hulking barbarian might be knocked out but the elder sage of venerable age and the tiny sorceress that’s probably 90lbs wet on a good day is absolutely dead.
  4. Definitely stick to the overall aesthetics. If its modern/urban fantasy sure it works. Scifi/futuristic could also work if only in a vintage nostalgic sense. If its more a fantastical world that may or may not ever reach the industrial revolution… Not so much. Greco-roman = Columns… They certainly had a fetish for arches and columns also open areas. Egyptian= Loved obelisks and almost always tag every significant structure with hieroglyphs. Aztec/Maya the other pyramid builders with serpent motifs… They symbol spammed their calendar all over the place. Hindu- Gods and goddesses with multiple limbs dancing. Elegant mathematical principals on full display and highly detailed.
  5. There’s several ways to write it. A pressure plate that subtly starts the mechanism when wax sloughs off the candle in response to heat. wax, tallow or even the wick could all be mixed, coated or otherwise applied with somnolence inducers or even a mixture that all applies different dosages if only to have an ironclad punch together. Depends, on what flavor you’re going for? Transition? TotalPartyKnockOut? Or even A la I Have You Now My Pretty! Even a wire on the door that pulls a lever that starts the gas the moment its opened. Traps really give you a handy card the trick is working backwards from effect. Might be that weird title on the floor at the entrance. Might be a countdown mechanism. Could be all of the above?! Who knows? Only the trap builder and the architect, and the person who funded it know for sure.
  6. Still revising, its a good thing I’m going through chapter by chapter and have an outline cause I can tell there’s this weird tone shift I have to solve.

    Anyone else ever look at your own writing go be confused of a weird tone shift?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Usually an unwanted tone shift is caused by putting the project down and coming back to it months/years later.

    3. BronxWench


      Or it was that damned midnight snack of peanut butter and bananas on toast…  :lol:

    4. InvidiaRed


      :jaw: I legit had that last night.

  7. Revising 100%

    Page Count :527

    Word Count: 76147

    Now I have to read through it.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Revising it into 761.4k?

    2. InvidiaRed


      I mean if you want the mother of all doorstoppers. When a rock would do just as well?

  8. Tarnished Lion has 40,000 Views! :devil::wiz:

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Congratulations, always good to see that hit counter go up!

  9. The goodnews 90% done with the revamp. Tying the loose threads into a serviceable plot. Trying so hard everything will be ready soon!


    The Badnews, Having to deal with the fact my 90 year old grandma is a hoarder.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. InvidiaRed


      I can laugh at it now.


      The bruises are gone but I don’t think I’m going to step into that house for a long time nomatter how much I love my grandparent.

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Oh, good, you survived.  Did you need search & rescue to pull you out?  :)

    4. InvidiaRed


      Well between getting conked in the head by 1970’s ads in boxes , three outdated encyclopedias and essentially covered in every single issue of 1981’s readers digest surprisingly not.

  10. The irrefutable proof of hit it until it dies.

  11. Here’s a language funny.

    If Tomb and Womb have the same sound

    then shouldn’t bomb be pronounced Boom?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      Not to mention cough, rough, dough, and bough.

      Also, I’m glad they called it a vowel shift and not a vowel movement.

    3. InvidiaRed
    4. Wilde_Guess


      “Bomb” typically pronounces itself “boom,” so there is that.

  12. Fun fact and a bit of trivia

    The first mention of orange as a color was in 1502 and was a description of clothing for Margaret Tudor



    1. WillowDarkling


      and to add to that :D  the fruit was originally called a norange, but some scribe messed up and changed it to an orange, and it stuck… :D

      same thing a nadder changed to an adder and a nickname used to be an ickname

      ::*whispers* tell me you watch too much QI without telling me you watch too much QI::

  13. It was supposed to be a cute series.

  14. Anyone remember how terrifyingly effective this wonder was?

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