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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2023 in all areas

  1. As the wheel turns and the veil thins, we honor those who came before. The blessings of Samhain to all! 🌖
    2 points
  2. InvidiaRed

    🦇 🎃

    2 points
  3. Once again I’m coming up with stories and starting to outlining them while working on other stuff. It’s rather fun, but I could use a suggestion. The fandoms under which I usually write aren’t mysteries. This new one is more mystery oriented. Now I’m trying to figure out how much mystery is too much mystery. The fandom is sorta famous for seemingly random mysteries. For showing the audience just enough to be curious but not enough to really tell you anything until the end. What I’m writing is sorta like a gaslighting scenario. I introduce the idea of a mystery at the end of the first chapter but don’t reveal that the mystery is even happening until the very end. Although I wonder how much I should tease that there’s an ongoing mystery. Or if I should just go along as if the mystery isn’t happening. Thoughts?
    1 point
  4. One way to view it that if you can reason with the creature to make a deal about not fucking/raping you then it is not bestiality. The question if the creature is likely to agree to a deal is not so important, but if you in theory could make such a deal. A large part of bestiality is having an animal that want pleasure and won’t be denied since it is acting out of animal instinct. If you can talk to creature then we are speaking of different kinds of horror. With demons it might be sometimes be borderline cases. The demon might act like an animal or threaten they might be close to lose control to inspire fear into the victim. The demon cat that talk would normally not be bestiality, but I can certainly imagine scenes when the bestiality tag i merited because of what the reader will imagine might happen next even if nothing happens.
    1 point
  5. From InvidiaRed on October 21, 2023 Glad you enjoyed!
    1 point
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