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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2023 in all areas

  1. Been working on a story recently and I’m thinking about the way I am writing the story partly. I asked a while before about inspiration from other stories and this is the story I’m doing for it. I just started writing it because I felt the plot bunny running. So what I did was sorta began with an internal monologue of an entire story line. At least up until the story where I wanted to go forward with the story. It involves the main character seducing another character which they then use to help seduce someone else. After a kind of “recap” of how the first seduction happened, I go straight into the second seduction. Partly I’m thinking if the first seduction is something I should actually play out as the very first chapter. Though I’m enjoying how the story is playing out the way it is. Where do you come down on giving character/story development directly versus recapping it?
    1 point
  2. This has been a very productive writing week for me. Not only did I post two story chapters, but chapter 1 of my new original story "I'm Not Who I Used to Be" (formerly titled "Captain's Log") should be ready to post early next week. On top of that, I've now almost got a complete draft of the final Power Arcane story (although that one will take quite a while to edit because it's so freaking long), and I have an original furry story that should be ready for prime time in the next couple of weeks.
    1 point
  3. That depends on how central this character and this point in their development is to the story, and also on whether you think readers would enjoy reading that scene.
    1 point
  4. When I write, I generally prefer “showing” over “telling”. Thus, don’t tell them a character is angry, show them slamming a door, raising their voice as they shout back, etc. Obviously there’s extremes to either end, 100% showing winds up with a 1M+ Harry Potter fanfic… I typically don’t like being told what to think, I prefer judging for myself, which is why I prefer showing over telling as I read and as I write. An internal monologue…sounds like either a good start to summary/outline or a wall of text doing info-dumping (use sparingly). However, a short monologue/dialogue is a decent way to introduce facts you want to de-emphasize to some degree, maybe soften/de-gory some bit of it (ie, a rape, an abortion). Overall, you can tell I favor character/story development over recapping, and it’s spun off stories as “character development”
    1 point
  5. A lot of my stories are primarily erotica, so “happy endings” are par for the course. Seriously, my endings tend to be predictable. If the story has a tragic storyline, then it probably has a tragic ending. If it’s a happy storyline, happy ending. Although if it’s a Halloween story, all bets are off.
    1 point
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