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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2023 in all areas

  1. I like both, but if the story is mainly meant to be erotic, the writer has to know what they’re doing for buildup to work well. It can be super-sexy if it’s done right and super-dull if it’s done wrong.
    3 points
  2. Your writing motto should be… “No orgasm left behind.”
    2 points
  3. Yes, either via immortality or some kind of endless loop. Or it’s clear that the nightmarish quality of the ending is not static and is going to get measurably worse over time, and there’s nothing the MC can do to stop it. I, um, did that too. (sorry Abbe)
    2 points
  4. I think the build-up versus straight porn might vary depending on fandom, or on the individual author. Me, I like a lot of plot with my sex, so I look for build-up, and an actual storyline when I’m reading. Even when I’m writing, I prefer there to be a plot, and some build-up to any sex. From the perspective as a woman, she won’t necessarily get tired after the first orgasm, but the next orgasms will cause increasing sensitivity and eventually literal discomfort can occur. So, if she is having sex with multiple partners at the same time, she might not have an orgasm with each partner, or she may very well reach the point of snarling at the hapless partner who triggers that discomfort threshold. Realistically speaking, that is...
    2 points
  5. That can sound like fun. I’ve had tragic endings to stories, but not really nightmarish or having to live forever with suffering. I suppose technically my most recent story has an aspect of this, but through a multiverse perspective.
    1 point
  6. Well even fictional women deserve to be fully satisfied. Plus, in my stories many of the characters are supernatural in nature, so they can handle more than the regular person. It would take more to leave them satisfied.
    1 point
  7. Yes, I totally get that. I don’t usually go in the erotica direction. But when I write more long form stories, usually a love story, I make a conscious effort to build up emotional and sexual tension, leading to only a single love making scene towards the end of the story. In sequels that might be less of a concern, but definitely in the first story there’s unresolved sexual tension.
    1 point
  8. Well in the context of the question, I’m mostly speaking of stories that would be posted here on this site. Which would be more close to straight up porn. I haven’t encountered too many stories on this site that have a lot of build up. Usually sex happens in multiple chapters, but often they are different sexual situations. But I’ve thought about my own writing where a female character is having sex with multiple partners. Partly I was wondering in terms of sexual performance. Most men get really tired after a single orgasm, but it usually takes a while to recover. So is it that way with women? Haven’t had the opportunity to actually test the theory in reality, but it wouldn’t make sense if a woman has the capacity to have multiple orgasms that you would get tired after the first one.
    1 point
  9. Curious how you define “dash of infinity”. As in the horrible ending goes on forever?
    1 point
  10. I think it depends whether you’re reading straight up porn or erotica, since erotic writing is more character driven, and that tends to be what I want from my fanfiction, when I consume it. In any case it’s extremely rare to see multiple orgasms written well, but that’s just my opinion. I’m not sure you’re asking the right question. If I’m answering this as a reader, and you’re the author, I’m countering with: how did you hook me into your story? Was it the promise of porn/sexual gratification, or something more? Did you make me curious about the consequences/aftermath or make me want more? Because those things are the job of the author. If you hook me right, I will read it.
    1 point
  11. InvidiaRed

    Title Help

    To be fair, Kirk did start the whole boldly going where no man has gone before thing and Spock is likely keeping the ship logs professional. Nevermind the enterprise would be hook up and fling central for everybody aboard the mini city flying through space.
    1 point
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