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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2023 in all areas

  1. It depends on genre mostly. I like endings where the character breaks even or if they’re doomed they at least helped turned the tide in some small manner even if its just that they gave hope no matter how small or fling a light into a darkened future. Hope is fickle like that but like a stubborn ember hope is so very resilient just when you think you’ve snuffed it out. Some stories there can be no happy ending. Like in dark settings. That said, I hate tragic endings and try to avoid them even if the characters themselves don’t see it. ( I think that might be part of reading so much greek tragedies in high-school)
    2 points
  2. Years ago, I watched AI, the one Stanley Kubrick was in the middle of when he died, and Spielberg took it over to finish it. When watching, you could tell what Kubrick’s ending was, and it was good. Spielberg tacked on a “happy” ending which, IMO, kinda spoiled Kubrick’s and wasn’t as great.
    2 points
  3. Re: “Heaven Help You” @Yahegai Moxxie, Millie, and Blitzo are so well characterized and have such clear and distinct “voices” in Helluva Boss that I find all of them pretty easy to write. Loona is actually the hardest of the four to write because she gets the least screen time yet has the most complex personality. I figured I couldn’t let the women who write Sherlock/Moriarty and Thor/Loki fanfics have the “enemies become lovers” trope all to themselves. Thanks for the review!
    1 point
  4. @Yahegai Yeah, it’s kind of hard to say whether this is a sad ending or a happy ending. I mean, Candace is brainwashed, but she’s happy. And one could argue that Candac3 deserved a chance at a better life after 15 years of slavery, even though she got it at Candace’s expense. In any case, I’m glad you enjoyed the story.
    1 point
  5. At a certain point, it’s speculation. Still, a bunch of likes and a comment… good to have those!
    1 point
  6. I appreciate the thoughts. For context, the story which prompted this question was a 5 part story in which the main character starts out sorta innocent and conflicted existentially about her future. Over the course of the story, she makes bad decisions that lead to worse and worse outcomes for her. Until the point that she becomes the villain of the story. I would understand why it might not be for everyone. How the ending kinda would feel bad for people who enjoyed the story at the beginning.
    1 point
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