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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2023 in all areas

  1. Mine… in the cleaner version, it’s Harry/muggle, Ron/Hermione, Neville/Luna, Colin/Ginny, know, pretty typical there. In the explicit, it’s a bit more fluid, where it’s more like Harry/muggle/Ron/Hermione/muggle2 and I poke a bit of fun at the Harry/Ginny crowd. Wish I had more feedback than hit counters, however, few readers bother to drop reviews/comments, so gotta take what I can. (FFN & AO3 let me track numbers of subscribers, favorites, bookmarks, kudos so a bit more to go on.)
    1 point
  2. The “feedback” I pay attention to are the hitcounts, simply because that helps me gauge that people are reading/enjoying what I’m writing. Like I know on AO3 the “explicit” version to my potter fanfic is way more popular than my “clean” version (as I post both there). Taking the bait to derail Harry/Ron is totally viable IMO, not a bad pairing either, except if it’s exclusive, it undercuts Hermione. (And yes, I do explore some Harry/Ron in the explicit version of my potter fanfic, but that’s no where exclusive, it’s kinda more of a four-way “group” overall.)
    1 point
  3. 41844 … check your number @Wilde_Guess you went backward.
    1 point
  4. Followed up from TOS mail, Go69o if you are still having problems let us know.
    1 point
  5. Hi, all. Unless I post a “story preview” with the direct purpose of seeing if someone will read it, I don’t look for feedback at all. That doesn’t mean that I won’t listen to or even heed “feedback” from reviewers or authors who clearly know what they’re talking about; just that I don’t go looking for it or avoid writing because I haven’t received any. My one “long” fanfiction on this site is a HP fanfic with the “Harry/Ron” erotic pairing as one of multiple pairings. This is not a “popular” paring here or anywhere else. So, if I were to wait until I received a lot of “positive feedback” for that story, I would be waiting for a long time, and still sadly disappointed after the wait. The readers on this forum don’t tend to leave a lot of feedback anyway. So, I would post your “collection of one-shots” chapters in whatever order makes sense to you. Good luck.
    1 point
  6. Catching up with reviews I have missed and there is two reviews for my sexy villain on a rampage story. A shame that I don’t get email when I get reviews when they were written. Thank you for the review. I have actually been toying with the idea that the setting could work for follow up story with “Hero on a Quest” when somebody tries to fix things. It sounds like it will be very long story so I am bit hesitant to jump into. I have far too many epics going on and the Carmen story was meant to be a short interlude that became much longer when I kept coming up with more fun to write scenes. Having a surprising ending that makes sense is best feedback you can get. I am also very glad you liked the chapter 3 scene. It was much effort to write the first person narrative from the lead person that is not entirely trustworthy narrator, but chapter 3 scenes feels like the occasion when the effort paid off. A big thank you for doing the reviews of my story.
    1 point
  7. Doing a poll is generally only a good idea if you expect a representative part of the target audience to answer. Even worse you with low response rates don’t know if the same people or even the same kind of people are answering the polls. If you can setup a patron scheme then it makes sense to doing polls, but outside that I cannot imagine that it will work with AFF like stories or fan fics in general.
    1 point
  8. This is easy for me to say, but I would suggest putting aside the question of character popularity and ordering the chapters in whatever way will make the most sense for the story as a whole. Readers are willing to forgive a lot of things if you give them a story that really holds their attention, and telling the story in a way that makes sense to them will help with that.
    1 point
  9. If I’m not entirely sure about which way to go with a story I’m working on, I ask for suggestions from one (or occasionally two) of my fellow writers. If the story is a fanfic, then I approach someone who is familiar with that fandom. For example, I’ve been having a PM dialogue with GrayNeko about a Big Hero 6 story I’m doing preliminary work on. I’ve asked him for suggestions about the science-y aspects of the plot, bounced ideas off him regarding including music in the story, and kicked around thoughts about the title. He’s been a big help.
    1 point
  10. The Mandalorian is a television series, so it would be under the Television subdomain. We do not have a separate subcategory for that show, unfortunately, so any stories would be posted under Misc TV Shows at present. At the moment, I believe the Search function remains disabled while we finish securing the site. Once it has been restored, we’ll update our FAQ on hos the use the Search function.
    1 point
  11. So, I was looking for an old fic that I used to read fairly often because I enjoyed it. The fic disappeared and I didn’t have access to it anymore, so I had to find it in the web archive. Managed to find it but it got me curious about the fandom again. It’s a Wonder Woman fanfic and I’m more familiar with the character than the actual show it was a based on. In part I went down the rabbit hole learning about it because the only TV show I’m aware of featuring Wonder Woman was the Linda Carter one. Apparently that was what it was based on, because I found out one of the characters in the fic was only in the show for a couple episodes. As a result, I found out that the fanfic was based on those episodes. Which got me thinking, what have you learned about a fanfic you like to read that you didn’t know before?
    1 point
  12. FairySlayer wrote a wonderful Gravity Falls fic titled “The Secrets of My Sis” that had an Ancient-Egyptian theme. I didn’t realize until he told me afterward that the title was a reference to the 1970s kids show The Secrets of Isis (which I used to watch on Saturday mornings along with the Shazam! series it was paired with).
    1 point
  13. Tried clicking on your archive profile from here… seems not to work. But cool, I don’t have any recommendations. (I’m a wee bit jealous.)
    1 point
  14. Take the time you need. With awesome feedback like yours it is a sure delight to read.
    1 point
  15. *Worries* Interesting feedback on the feedback! Getting onto reviewing the next part as soon as I can – I like to read them all in one go and sometimes twice through, and with the length it takes some chunks of time and I’ve been managing to write a bit more of a story just for me lately. I hope that’s ok for the delay!
    1 point
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