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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2023 in all areas

  1. I posted the final chapter of “Smooshed” on AO3 a couple of days ago. The reaction to that and to chapter 1 of “Out of Hand” has been substantial, which is delightful. Less delightful was some news I got the other day: My friend Lady Freelove let me know that my story “The Power Arcane” was plagiarized and published on Webnovel.com under the plagiarist’s name. I created an account there and reported it; we’ll see what, if anything, comes of that. On the writing front, I now have 3 priorities: the final chapter of “Depravity Falls,” chapter 2 of “Out of Hand,” and the final story of “The Power Arcane.” Which doesn’t mean that I’m not also working on a bunch of other stuff.
    2 points
  2. Cloning? Vats? Can we raise ‘em brainless so I can do a transplant? I’d love a younger self. This premise also begs the question about consent, of age, etc. What date do clones list as their birth dates? What age are they for legal purposes?
    1 point
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