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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2023 in all areas

  1. Maybe I’m being optimistic about writers and their ability to get things done, but this occurred to me. Because the site has been down for a while, some of us have written a bunch of stuff. We might have a lot of content to post. There’s the possibility that a bunch of people will want to post new stuff. Should we try and not to add too much for the site initially?
    2 points
  2. And I was grateful for the help! Let’s just say I hope the next step doesn’t involve anything like the merge and purge.
    2 points
  3. Okay, three big pieces of news: Chapter 1 of “Out of Hand” is now posted on AO3. I just send the 18th and final chapter of “Smooshed” off to beta. The great merge-and-purge of AFF’s duplicate accounts is now finished. @BronxWenchdid, like, 90% of it, but I’m glad to have helped a little. This puts AFF a step closer to getting out of read-only mode.
    2 points
  4. That’s probably the sweetest post I’ve read. Thank you! But honestly, I’d leave it up to the individual authors. If you want to dole your stuff out over a couple of weeks, that’s fine, or if you want to get it all out there, that’s also fine. I’ll just be happy to have new content.
    1 point
  5. Desiderius Price


    Unfortunately it’s been a bit of a battle with the attacker… the two times I’m aware of the coder *trying* to bring the code live, the attacker repeats their attack and we’re left with our website redirecting visitors to unsavory locations on the internet. Crossing my fingers the third time’s the charm for our coder.
    1 point
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