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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2022 in all areas

  1. Hello, Richard Priapi here. I’m presently working on a story where two characters have had a major falling out. Thing is, I’ve never had makeup sex. And while I think I can stitch together a decent excuse for a conversation resolving the initial conflict, I’m not sure how that seques into sex, or how I can keep that tension going through the climax. So… how?
    1 point
  2. Make up sex is more reaffirmation than anything. Yes shit happened unfortunately as life happens despite one’s wishes as is it wont to do. Life is fundamentally rude in that sense. Upsetting the applecart at the worst possible moment. Personally, Make up sex is more heat of the moment kinda deal. Its been awhile not feeling the other person whether sequestering/avoidance if only to stop from making things worse. To feel that heat, to hear their heartbeat again. To know them again despite or in-spite of whatever happened. Yes, the world may never be the same again. It answers the questions you didn’t ask. The why are you here? Because you needed me. Tell me to leave and I will. Its the knowing they won’t as the pressure built must find release one way or another. The hashing it out and throwing out all the things in the open that were never meant for public eyes. The tears amid the rain. Truth is not all bridges burn the way they ought. Some char, some singe and some become something else entirely. Losing a friendship to gain something more.
    1 point
  3. @GeorgeGlass is correct. You don’t need to be logged in on the archive to view stories. There are, however, no stories on the forum, which is the thread you chose to use: Forum Tech Support. Once we have any information on when the read-only restriction on the archive is lifted, believe me, we’ll be shouting it from the hilltops.
    1 point
  4. Jashley13

    She is the One

    Just want to let everyone know I’m still alive and well and working hard! I do not believe I will move this story anywhere else as of right now. I will keep the idea of a singular webpage in mind, somewhat like BashfulScribe, but I will stay here for now. Just want to give a big thank you to the site team for working hard to get it back up and running and I promise that as soon as it is ready again, I will post everything I have. Hope everyone is well!
    1 point
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