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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2022 in all areas

  1. Unfortunately, we can’t shut off the review feature, even though it’s not working properly. I’m pretty sure profile updates aren’t saving properly, either, so you may still be receiving anonymous reviews. I know how frustrating this is, really. Everyone is doing all they can to resolve the situation, but if putting the archive online is only going to result in another attack, it’s not prudent. Once the site is properly hardened against this sort of attack, we can get back to being what we’re supposed to be—a fiction archive with readers and writers interacting happily.
    3 points
  2. The validity or benefit of reviews isn’t really what’s being discussed here. It’s an inquiry into the ability of readers to leave reviews, and it’s very much related to that, rather than the quality or quantity of reviews. There’s a whole other thread for that elsewhere.
    2 points
  3. I got another alert about a review that wasn’t there when I checked the archives. I’ve gone into my profile and disabled anonymous reviews (if that function is working, at least), so at least some people will know that they can’t review my stories right now.
    1 point
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