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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2022 in all areas

  1. Lemme guess… slowly roasting a hacker over an open fire?
    1 point
  2. BronxWench

    Halloween 2022

    I’m working on something, that will hopefully coalesce before Samhain.
    1 point
  3. Unfortunately, we got a series of SQL injection attacks a couple days ago again, so we are both doing a deep dive. Manta into code, and me into general data. In the meantime, you can still read, forum posts still work, and we will try and get this sorted as quick as we can.
    1 point
  4. I wonder if we could combine it with roman sentiments?
    1 point
  5. The Wicker Man is way more fun anyway….
    1 point
  6. You are spot on; and even *that* is simply on the matter of the content here being the *arguments* of the people who write here in the first place- and yes, that does make the attacker a criminal to begin with, due to what they’re doing breaking USA Federal Law, not to mention the USA Constitution- which this site has been set up under. The content here is shady in its nature; but the question is *why* do we write what we do? I don’t know about anyone else, but *I* write to pose sound arguments on what the natural fruits of actions chosen are, and why we must choose the moral actions- by showing how the immoral actions harm those who employ them. Plus, there’s really nothing to be gained by these attacks, so motive appears to be nonexistent… and he does appear to be competent, as well as persistence does indicate it appears quite personal… I’d say he is someone who lost out on something regarding this site some time ago therefore. Think of it: if you’re out for money, you’ll attack not a website such as this, but a major bank, like a Federal Credit Union with some form of a spam attack- not some site that doesn’t have much funds behind it at all. No, this seems more petty than thought out or out to commit some act of internet piracy- which’d be redundant at best. Think about it critically, folks: the data here is already backed up elsewhere, which means that who or whatever is up to these attacks is really being more mean than economically competent, as well as backing up the details that he will inevitably wind up in prison, even if he’s got some form of immunity: then he is *guaranteed* to be imprisoned. No, I’d say he’s petty, rich, and bored, due to the investment he must’ve made, plus he’s got some serious immaturity to work through, as well as is really downright pathetic.
    1 point
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