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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/2022 in all areas

  1. Unfortunately, we got a series of SQL injection attacks a couple days ago again, so we are both doing a deep dive. Manta into code, and me into general data. In the meantime, you can still read, forum posts still work, and we will try and get this sorted as quick as we can.
    2 points
  2. Welp, Episode eight managed to somehow find the subbasement to rock bottom. Dear god where do I start? It is a banal anathemic sacrilege and outright vitriolic and visceral sustained blasphemic abortion to Tolkien’s works. Not only is tone deaf in a way that only a soulless and hellbound corporation could manage. It goes out of its way to be Anti-Tolkien even at its basest level. Corporate Anti-fiction as its final shuddering evolution on par with the erecting of the tower of babel itself. Not only does it absolutely and resolutely undermine LOTR in its entirety it precludes the conceptual possibility of LOTR altogether. it has to be AU at best. The least of its crimes against nature and sin is it refutes the concept of goodness itself. Morgoth won the war is the best way to describe it. Eru Ilúvatar could never have created something this vacuous and empty. Galadriel-Sue is the brand new face of a blackhole mary sue. Reality is her bitch and even the plot gives way to her mercurial wants. Non-negotiable Ray Palpatine doesn’t even come close to this new found level of mary sue. This utterly insulting caricature. She is the left hand and right hand of Morgoth at the same time. Fk it Galadriel is what a successful Morgoth would look like. Not only is she the instigator of everything in RoP. She’s The Dark Lord of the entire franchise by proxy who not only is forgiven but gets to escape karma entirely and go to the Undying Lands. Sauron himself is her victim. Let that sink in. I joked in an earlier post that sauron was the only one that could topple her. Nope, she took an erupting volcano to the face. Her plot armor is so heavily reinforced and thick I don’t even think the Death Star could touch her. Sauron is exactly who you think it is and he is the doomed hero of the series. This finale is what the death of fiction looks like. If a corporation and or hollywood so much as even looks in your direction. Rings of Power is the absolute and resolute lasting example of what they’ll do to your beloved works if given even half a chance. Have a lawyer on hand and a box of pampers cause there’d be no possibility of even a bathroom break for the author on set who’d actively have to have a fricking loaded gun on the desk in front of everyone in the writing room at all times. Rings of Power -10/10 Actively avoid at all costs with the acknowledgment that anyone praising it is actively trying to gaslight you.
    1 point
  3. Actually working on finding the what, the why, and how right now, the both of us. Manta is taking a break while I do my part of the deep dive.
    1 point
  4. By lucky coincidence, a genetic mutation makes them impervious to garlic-infused holy water, it’s now a health tonic. They also use silver bolts for toothpicks, after all, dental hygiene is important for those perfect pearly whites! Anyways, make sure to get *ALL* their hearts to thwart the regeneration process. Yeah, mostly harmless, like the earth.
    1 point
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