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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2022 in all areas

  1. Manta did all the work. I just kept her company!
    2 points
  2. Patching is done, we are out of read only mode. Backups have been made.
    2 points
  3. InvidiaRed

    Alternate Endings?

    No, the dream thing is the fastest way to lose trust of the audience. People want an experience, not want all of it shucked into the mire of lies last second rendering it all moot. The prevalence of subversion others mistake for wit has been a disaster for the medium.
    2 points
  4. InvidiaRed

    Alternate Endings?

    Personally I think it would have been a little too soonish for people to handle. Considering 11th was still fresh in the mind of everyone.
    2 points
  5. InvidiaRed

    Alternate Endings?

    I’m sure his prequel soundly thrashing that rings of power abomination is a consolation prize.
    2 points
  6. I *really* wanted to see the Scouring of the Shire… but alas, they didn’t include that. TBH, it could’ve used six (or more) movies, and that still wouldn’t have covered all of it.
    2 points
  7. BronxWench

    Alternate Endings?

    As long as it doesn’t wind up the way the HBO version of Game of Thrones did, with an ending that not even the author liked.
    2 points
  8. Read only mode is still in effect, yes. We think we found the source of how the injections happened, and Manta is working on that now.
    2 points
  9. We had a serious set of injection attacks on the archives Tuesday, September 13. This affected story titles and disclaimers being turned into site redirects. To maintain security and protection of our users, the archives are in read-only mode till we figure out how it was done and patch it. If you posted a story or an update on Sept 13th, it has been lost due to data restoration (backup from Sept 13, 1am). We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this, but have deemed the read-only mode necessary for the time being. Update : We are slowly rolling out of Read-Only Mode. Originally we were going to jut patch it, but it was decided it would benefit members more to roll out Fiction Portal 3.0 which as planned for our 20th anniversary in November. Anywhere you see the new layout, it means that area is no longer in read-only mode. Fiction Portal 3.0 has some much requested features, changes, and some perks for those who have donated to the site. Changes: Improved Navigation Mobile Compliant Persistent Logins Fixed password reset bug Fixed Registration activation bug Upgraded visual text editor Features: Inline profile editing Story Manager shows up when logged in to the right of archives in side menu (green icon) Members directory now features top 50 Recommended Authors. (Recommending Authors now has an impact.) Members directory & profiles will show Donors. (A thank you for supporting the site all these years) Stories now show recommendations and currently reading counts Archives will feature Top Recommended Stories and Top Currently Reading One button to add and remove a story from recommended or currently reading lists. Donor perks: Featured in the members directory and profiles Extended upgraded visual text editor for chapters and reviews. (Extra formatting options!)
    1 point
  10. In a comedy, a dream within a dream within a dream for ending after ending could be absolute gold, depending on how well it’s written. Though in more serious dramas, less so. (As an aside, I will use smaller dream blocks within the story to help explore a character’s unspoken fears, aspirations, etc.) My potter story has something akin to the same dilemma, more in a couple people split off (think B-group), incommunicado (& presumed dead) until the climax. If I stuck to “A” POV, it’d get darker and darker, with a last second Deus Ex (not great). When I get back to that section, I intend to simply alternate between the two sides, muddle my way through it, somehow. However, on alternate endings, I’m thinking of having it be a sim/game with Harry & Ron played by two gamers in immersive VR… it’d be fitting to their characters. Now, in your story, you could turn it into a two parter. You’d cover up to ending with main character feeling good about it (prelude with a few hints to the smarter character may do something), and second story would be that other character acting on the advantage and pressing forward for more chapters.
    1 point
  11. Deadman

    Alternate Endings?

    @Desiderius Price Yeah, I’m not thinking about it being a dream. I did that with another story. Basically, the situation is that the main character of the fandom is very smart. The story involves another character managing to find them in a compromising position and finding ways to use that to their advantage. The two endings involve the very smart character finding a way out by turning the tables and taking advantage themselves. It’s pretty consistent with the main character. I was thinking that I would switch POVs going forward to the main character. The story so far is told from the character who has the advantage, not the main character. But the other ending is that the main character doesn’t turn the tables. They just kinda accept the circumstances they’ve found themselves in.
    1 point
  12. Dammit. Back to the drawing board we go
    1 point
  13. You are magnificent, Manta2g. Thank you for all of your hard work keeping us up and running. And you too DG. You are amazing. 🙇‍♂️
    1 point
  14. Can you do both? Maybe with different character POVs? One thinks “all is great” while the other has some dreadful feeling? Or… there’s the classic “first take was a dream”.
    1 point
  15. DemonGoddess

    Site bug

    We suffered an sql injection attack, which included a multitude of redirects. When Manta fixed it the first time, it happened again. We THINK we figured out the where/how of this, and she is working on that right now.
    1 point
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