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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2022 in all areas

  1. InvidiaRed

    Halloween 2022

    The taste of autumn has begun to tint the air. The cycle of seasons ebbs and flows where it goes nobody knows! Come one, come all to this festival of fall! Celebrate the changing of the leaves the beckoning of the well tended harvest. Welcome to my house, Come freely, Go safely: And leave something of the happiness you bring! One Shots Under 45K Include all appropriate tags at the beginning of the story Horror/ Halloween theme Original Fiction The harvest moon cometh full and round Illuminating what once was hidden Hospitality freely given, come rest a spell! Celebration is the cure for weary bones Close your eyes and do as you are bitten bidden The wolves are just beyond the tender hills as we prepare our solemn feast. The herd is safe under the shepherd’s crook, the lambs are fat and ready for shearing. “Listen to them- The children of the night. What music they make!”- D I do so solemnly declare that Halloween 2022 is open!
    1 point
  2. Hi Mr Dead, sorry to hear you're bored with the current story, but I understand that it's not going to be for everyone. This story definitely has a slower pace and more of a gradual buildup than my previous ones. Regarding your own story, I wish you all the best and look forward to reading it when it's done.
    1 point
  3. I’d never thought of having a review response thread as a form of advertising. Nice.
    1 point
  4. InvidiaRed

    Halloween 2022

    Two gifts I have for you, Something Old, and Something New! Sequel to Vampire Gynoids From The Future! Am proud to present Precise Shot An impossible shot from a doomed dying future, They say the right person in the right place can make all the difference in the world but can a desperate shot millennia hence too late alter the fate of the world? Nandis’s facility is invaded. (Violence, NoSex,) Paradise While the world was looking out towards the vastness of the blackness of infinity. They forgot that space was in parallel looking and in response in that dark gulf that holds the stars and all. Preparations begin and Something is being made ready.
    1 point
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