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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/2022 in all areas

  1. I’ve got another zinger from hubs to share! A few minutes ago, I was chatting with Cold about my plants in the window and I said, “I mean, those two need repotting already. They must really like this southern exposure!” This guy. This absolute smartass. He looked at me with a completely innocent face and said, “yeah, but I don’t know how they can stand the accent.” …y’all. Cold has a southern accent. Yes, I choked on my spit. That mouth of his makes me so stinking proud sometimes.
    2 points
  2. Desiderius Price


    Definitely *NOT* 100+ main characters in a single story – that’d be INSANE! Group is hundreds, but I’m not detailing them all. You’ll have the main characters, and lesser characters with names. Backstories allow me focus on some lesser characters, turning them into main characters for their backstory, and delve into the social regime they’re fleeing. That’s my underlying point, I think you’re on a path to totally confuse the reader. (It’s your story, of course.)
    1 point
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