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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/2021 in all areas

  1. from @GeorgeGlass Thank ye! The mouse wasn’t Ravyn’s familiar, just a presence in her home kinda meant to show her isolation and her connection with nature. Plus I thought it was cute hence the turning over and over. So glad you liked! And that ending… I struggled with how I wanted to end it for weeks. It was originally gunna be far darker, and had plans for all kinds of follow on chapters, but I decided I had too many WIPs and this might be better as a fun little poly ending. Thank you!
    1 point
  2. From GeorgeGlass on October 26, 2021 Re: "Clucking Doom" by InvidiaRed John Madden once said, "Don't do anything great if you can't handle the congratulations." Looks like Berta earned herself the last job she'd ever want. Berta definitely got the short end of the lollipop. Quite the imaginative world you have here: science and magic in what would appear to be a postapocalyptic setting, made all the more amusingly bizarre by Wudy the Wabbit. Thank you. I’ll go more in depth on my own review thread. Rudy kinda just popped into my head one day. A wholly benevolent theme-park mascot animatronic with a lovingly developed company AI. Much Closer to Delta than say murder ‘nonfunctional inducing’ happy Gestalt Close, but not post-apocalyptic. You know how cutthroat and thieving global corps can be and even subsidiary companies aren’t 100% transparent with the main one when it comes to R&D top-secret prototypes and tech.
    1 point
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