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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2021 in all areas

  1. Guh, because of course you did. I must be the only person who played that game as someone who just hit things with a big hammer.
    3 points
  2. Grind your character high enough in any skill set and it’s nearly a one shot/punch to take out a dragon; two if you’re not quite there yet.
    2 points
  3. @Ditmag You can tell how the interesting conversations go around here, start off with a good question, and now it’s skyrim tactics
    2 points
  4. When you start praying to the Night Mother for a contract on the heavy footed fuck alerting every Falmer in Blackreach that you’re there to loot their shit.
    2 points
  5. Think I spent way too much time playing that game. Preferred the stealth/sniper build myself, and got annoyed at mandatory companions who’d ring every doorbell, set off every trap, and push me over cliffs.
    2 points
  6. They’d treat him worse than the Argonians up in Windhelm!
    2 points
  7. Jar Jar Binks meets Dragon Priest?
    2 points
  8. I’ve commented a few times that multi chapter stories seem to get more hits overall because they get a boost from being pushed back to the front page each time the oneshots don’t get. If you guys mean Skyrim: Plaything as the Skyrim story – that’s had 36 chapters for 12k hits which works out (average only!) 333 hits a chapter from folks clicking on the front page which is still impressive and more than most of mine ever did but possibly not as intimidating a comparison as it looks. ...I gotta do a Skyrim story sometime. I got Morrowind, I got Oblivion… including Jar Jar Binks crossover request bah.
    2 points
  9. Skyrim’s super mainstream, so that would make sense. It could also be the story is just that good. Once I finish my own, I plan to read a lot of the stories here. Especially that one.
    2 points
  10. I’ve got stories posted to three archives, AFF, AO3, & FFN. Only FFN with my main potter fanfic seems to be getting hit by bots. AO3 & AFF both seem to be bot-free. 11k in 100 days might be bot driven, however, some fandoms are more active than others.
    2 points
  11. It is easy to find stories that have got between 100 and 200 totally after being online for a year so bots in general is not a significant problem for dragon hits. Possibly there could be some tailor-made bot that is specially looking for the word Skyrim or something similar, but that is life. As a funny notice I used to frequent a now gone story site where the email was visible with the story but you could not see the equivalent of dragon prints. This meant that I received spam proportional to the number of hits from readers with malware on their computers. Good chapters got lots of more spam than the bad ones…. a very different time.
    2 points
  12. Wouldn’t bots be scrubbing the site systematically though, so that every story sees a certain number of dragon prints? I’ve kinda been hoping my story is doing moderately well because it’s gets more daily dragon prints than most other stories that are regularly updated. For example, I’ve got 1288 in 25 days, whereas another story in the games archive has only 650 in 29 days. Of course, there’s a Skyrim story with 11k in 100 days, which is doing better than both of us.
    2 points
  13. Beh, it’s still just more fun to go full Pelinal on them. Charge at them screaming and batter them all into a fine red paste while zapping them with your cybernetic arm cannon er, magic. Or Shout them into next week. I was never one who played it on any of the actually difficult difficulties anyway, so there was never that much pressure to cheese things like you guys.
    1 point
  14. Laaaame. I never had the patience for stealth-archery, either I played as a big guy Nord smashing everyone’s heads in, or an Altmer battle-mage, zap people with lightning and then stab them in the face. Much more fun.
    1 point
  15. My first playthrough was the same big-axe good-guy Orc I try to create for all of them – responding to dark brotherhood recruitment attempt by twatting Astrid and so on – but i played the stealth archer build everyone was on about later for sure!
    1 point
  16. FIRST time somebody asks via comments if I’ll write a particular crossover between fandoms, I’m a tad annoyed, but I’ll politely decline. SECOND time means they feel entitled if they can’t be bothered to read my reply to the first one – DELETE. (BTW, it’s on AO3, so that button’s available to me.)
    1 point
  17. 12K words left and my wordsmithing is nearing its end
    1 point
  18. I liberally lather up the minor1 tags, so it’s more likely my smut that does it. You’re welcome!
    1 point
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